charismatic player

Chapter 98 Assassination Skills

Chapter 98 Assassination Skills

Qin Guan read the battle record this time very slowly, and read it three times.

Because I really can't understand everything after reading it once...

This boss also assassinated all the way, and all the mobs were wiped out, and finally killed the entire fortress until only the commander was left.

Qin Guan felt that this boss was fully capable of sneaking in and killing the commander directly, but that would definitely not achieve full completion.

Using the assassination method to deal with all the mobs like this can not only ensure that they will not be besieged even if they are discovered in the later stage (the guards are almost killed), but also ensure that as many assassination methods as possible are used, which should It would also be a way to improve completion.

There are also objective advantages, that is, the big brother showed almost all the assassination skills, which opened Qin Guan's eyes.

Qin Guan only knew one kind of assassination before, that is, he touched the enemy's back, covered his mouth with his left hand, stabbed with his right hand, and then dragged the corpse away.

But in the historical record, this is the most basic, simplest and least commonly used technique.

After all, this is the developer's difficulty. Every guard is highly alert. In most cases, players have no chance to touch the enemy's back, and can only do it from the side or even the front.

Even in many cases, two or three people have to be assassinated at the same time.

How to assassinate three people at the same time?Of course, through special methods.

Qin Guan's painful lesson before made him think that as long as he attracted three guards at the same time, he would definitely be GG, because at most two guards would be killed, and the third guard would definitely run away and report the letter.

But in the historical records, the boss often deliberately attracted three enemies at once in order to speed up the progress.

As for how to solve the problem of escape?It's very simple, just kill three people at the same time.

Through a feint attack, the three enemies gathered around him, and then one cut his throat and the other bounced back to execute. When the third enemy was about to escape, he threw a dagger directly through his throat so that he could not make any sound.

This is equivalent to using the mechanism of the trial itself. When the enemy is in a numerical advantage, they will not call people and light the brazier immediately, so as long as you kill fast enough, you will not be exposed.

In addition to this, there are various other assassination techniques, which not only make good use of the surrounding environment, but also use different moves.

For example, frontal assassination: crouching in the grass on the ground, or hiding behind obstacles and debris, holding a knife in the left hand.When the enemy came over, he rushed out suddenly, and when the enemy was facing himself, he quickly pulled his right arm with his right hand to make him turn sideways, then quickly covered his mouth with his right hand, and stabbed the knife with his left hand.

Of course, changing to a right-handed knife is also a similar operation.

In short, if the enemy does not turn his back on him, he must first find a way to make him turn his back on him, and then how to assassinate or how to assassinate.

Or it's not so troublesome at all, just cut the throat with a knife, anyway, as long as the enemy can't make a sound, you can kill it anyway.

In addition, you can climb to a high place, and at the moment of falling, the dagger is directly pierced from the back of the neck, which is also a one-hit kill.

Assassination actions alone include sliding shovel assassination, lung stabbing, kidney stabbing, neck stabbing, throat slitting, shoulder throwing, spinning assassination, kicking down assassination, wall assassination, consecutive kills, double jump kills, etc. In the records, almost all the guards were killed by different assassination methods.

Moreover, various obstacles and buildings in the fortress can also hide the player's body, as long as they avoid the guard's vision, they can use their imagination to their fullest.

Hanging on the wall to jump and kill?

Hiding in the dark and waiting for the patrolling enemy to push him into the trap and then make up the knife?

Hands and feet on the brazier?
Or simply throw stones on purpose to attract nearby soldiers?

These are all allowed, but different behaviors have to bear different risks, and often the greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

"It's really an eye-opener, can you still play like this?"

Qin Guan said silently, Sure enough, dishes limit my imagination.

The so-called assassination requires a wild imagination. As long as you can save yourself and kill all the enemies, then all methods are possible, not just sneaking into the enemy's back and stabbing them in the back.

Although the positions of the guards in the historical records are different from those encountered by Qin Guan, the important thing is not the backboard, but to master these various assassination techniques, and at the same time learn how to adapt to different situations and not stick to inertial thinking.

"It feels... so difficult."

At the beginning, Qin Guan thought that this dungeon would not be as difficult as holding on to a man for 5 seconds for the first time. After all, he had gone through three basic trials and was very proficient in controlling his body. It's not too difficult to start showing.

But after reading the historical records of the boss, I realized that it was an illusion that I thought the difficulty was low at the beginning... Later, there will be many special enemies, such as multiple groups or a large sensing range, and I don’t know some specific assassinations. Technique can't solve it at all.

In this trial, "unable to solve" means that the assassination failed, which means that a large group of guards will come around and hack you to death in a few minutes.

"It would be nice if props could be used."

Qin Guan remembered that he still had a fading talisman, if he used that, he should be able to touch the final boss directly, right?
But unfortunately, props cannot be used in the dungeon.

And Qin Guan thought about it, even if it could be used, it shouldn't be used.

It's not that I'm reluctant or afraid of wasting it, it's mainly that it's not worth it.This kind of key consumable item cannot be used in the trial copy for skipping class.

Because these trials are equivalent to attending lectures and practicing, skipping classes for a while to get a graduation certificate is cool, but if you encounter enemies in the future, you still have to pay make-up tuition.

And such supplementary courses are often very expensive.

Qin Guan practiced the rebounding for so long, although it was very hard and tiring, but he finally reaped the results. If he had skipped class at that time, he might have died in the hands of the soul snatcher.

So, don't skip class.These trials are the most precious wealth. You must use the highest standards to strictly spur yourself and hone your skills. Only when you encounter some desperate situations in the future can you fight for the chance of survival.

"Okay, then I'll practice these assassination moves first, to ensure that every movement is clear to the chest and form a subconscious muscle reaction, and it will be much easier to think about clearing the copy later."

Qin Guan felt that he had found a new goal and began to try again and again.

Although he kept failing, every failure made Qin Guan's assassination actions more pure and his judgment of the situation more accurate.

He has a vague feeling that the tempering in this new trial copy will also help improve his fighting skills. After he clears this trial copy, the golden box that cuts fruit and is a man for 5 seconds should be It was waving to him.

(End of this chapter)

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