charismatic player

Chapter 90 The Elite Class

Chapter 90 The Elite Class

Su Xiaoyu suddenly reacted: "Since you are such a useless person, why didn't you tell me earlier! Get angry!"

Su Xiaoyu ran back to her room in anger, leaving Qin Guan scratching the back of his head alone, very speechless.

You see what happened...

Although Qin Guan's original intention was to pretend to be coercive, oh no, he wanted to protect Su Xiaoyu, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he should have told her about these things earlier.

Qin Guan thought for a while, if Su Xiaoyu also had something to hide from him, then if he didn't say anything, he would definitely feel a little sad in his heart. Although he understood, it would still be a little difficult to accept emotionally.

"Then how to make up for it?"

Qin Guan pondered, invite Su Xiaoyu to have a big meal?

How about... buy a bag? ?
As a result, when Qin Guan was still struggling, Su Xiaoyu pushed the door and came out again, with a happy face on his face, completely unable to see the angry look just now.

"Well, the strategy of cutting fruit and being a man and sticking to it for 5 seconds, can you do it? If you can do it, I will forgive you..."

Qin Guan: "..."

After getting the two new strategies, Su Xiaoyu immediately felt "really fragrant", and happily said that he would cook tonight to reward Qin Guan.

Obviously, Qin Guan didn't overestimate the value of these strategies, and it could make players like Su Xiaoyu smile, which shows how helpful this "standard answer" is for clearing the trial.

So Qin Guan still had the previous idea, not to sell Desperate Realm, Crazy Difficulty Raiders, good things like this can only be shown to his sister, there is no need to sell them to others.


That night, Qin Guan's class group received a notice from Du Wei to go to the Morning Star Club the next morning.

Du Wei also revealed a little bit of information, that is, the two clubs have been reorganized, and the Lingyan Association has inserted investigators into the club to form strict management. grouping.

At present, the cultivation mechanism of extraordinary players in China is as follows:
Elementary school and below, including newborns, are basically in a very ignorant state. At present, no elementary school students can pass the test of medium difficulty, so they are still living a normal life.

But starting from junior high school students and high school students, some good seedlings have begun to emerge, and these people will enter some top high schools and universities as special recruits.

The college students began to join the club and accepted the management and training of the Spiritual Research Association with those extraordinary players in the society.

In fact, in a sense, it is very similar to the role of the previous university, which is equivalent to the link between the school and the society.

Although extraordinary players are equivalent to supermen, the Spiritual Research Association still attaches great importance to their education. After all, as an institution that has existed for a long time, most of the strong players in the Spiritual Research Association have already mastered this skill. Special power, but they all know that extraordinary players are also human beings, and to control their own power and do the right thing, this kind of education is still essential.

This reform is mainly aimed at clubs. Except for a small number of talented students who are singled out as "elite classes" and focused on training, other students and members of the community will still be trained according to the previous model, but the original team leader They were all replaced by investigators from the Spiritual Research Society.

Obviously, this elite class that only recruits high-talented students is equivalent to the reserve force of the Spiritual Research Society, which can not only ensure the innocence of background, but also ensure good combat power.

Of course, it doesn't mean that other people have no chance to join the Spiritual Research Association. If they are excellent, they can join, but the background review may be stricter.

As for whether this elite class will be targeted by the Soul Snatchers?

When several bigwigs from the Spiritual Research Association were discussing this issue, they really struggled with this point. In the end, Ke Fenghua's words were approved by Zhao Wumian, and the issue was finally finalized.

"They are all future fighters. Sooner or later they will go to the battlefield. If they don't go through the test of life and death crisis, they will always be just flowers in the greenhouse."

Previously, the Spirit Research Council provided protection to these people because they had no ability to protect themselves, but now this group of people have passed the three major trials, acquired all the abilities of extraordinary players, and have become qualified fighters.

Some people are even stronger than the investigators, so they can take some risks.

As for going to the club tomorrow morning?
In Du Wei's words: "Meet your instructor."


The next morning, Qin Guan and Su Xiaoyu arrived at the Morning Star Club on time.

Uncle Ke was no longer in the concierge. Obviously, this guy no longer served as the concierge after his undercover work was over.But Qin Guan was thinking, maybe our instructor Du Wei mentioned is Uncle Ke...

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the probability is quite high, but I don't know if he will give himself small shoes to wear.

Is it too late to get away now...

After entering the Morning Star Club, Qin Guan found that the staff here had basically changed all over, and some of them looked like ordinary people, but they must have been arranged by the Lingyan Association.

Following the instructions, Qing Guan and Amelia Su came to the venue inside the building. Yes, it was the venue where Qing Guan and Li Junwei fought with wooden swords.

This venue is very large, which is very suitable for gathering all extraordinary players.

There were so many people that the entire venue was almost full, and Qin Guan also saw several familiar faces.

"Long time no see, Uncle..."

When Xiao Qiang saw Qin Guan, he ran up with a wretched face. He originally wanted to call his brother-in-law, but saw Su Xiaoyu following behind Qin Guan. At the critical moment, he reined in and swallowed the last word abruptly.

Su Xiaoyu asked suspiciously, "What uncle?"

Xiao Qiang coughed twice: "Ahem, it's nothing."

Qin Guan looked at the situation in the venue and found that there were indeed quite a few people, but many of them were familiar faces. The top super players from his own school had arrived, and there were many other super players from other schools.

There were also many investigators from the Spiritual Research Society on site to maintain order. They were basically the same as Du Wei. They would be responsible for an entire class in the future. Of course, they would not be called class teachers, but instructors.

Qin Guan also saw Du Wei, and Du Wei stood with the other investigators, showing a bewildered smile at Qin Guan, which probably meant to say: "You see, after resisting for a long time, you still want to be obedient in the end. Join the spiritual seminar."

Qin Guan silently said that if there were not so many investigators present, I would have gone over to beat you, believe it or not.

I looked at my watch, it was almost time.

A middle-aged man who appeared to be in his forties appeared on the stands above the stadium, speaking with a microphone.

It was really a very official speech. He first emphasized that the future of extraordinary players is limitless, and then instilled the chicken soup that with great power comes greater responsibility, and then explained the next arrangements, and at the same time hinted that everyone must grow into independent warriors in the future. , we must strictly demand ourselves now.

(End of this chapter)

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