charismatic player

Chapter 81 Are You Stupid, Brother Has Medicine (5 More Recommendations)

Chapter 81 Are You Stupid, Brother Has Medicine (Please recommend at the fifth watch)
Countless black air burst out from the sword, and the power of disaster on the great sword swept across like a tsunami, hitting Meng Junhao.

It's hard not to hit because it's an area of ​​effect skill.

At the same time, Dao Gang also hit Qin Guan's lower abdomen, passing through his body!
Although no wounds can be seen on the surface, Qin Guan clearly felt that his internal organs were being crushed by a sharp blade. Since he got the body of a super player, he has only felt such pain once, that is, pulling out the catastrophe. That time with E Dajian.

Qin Guan watched helplessly as his blood dropped from over 40% to below 10%!
However, in the next second, countless black air returned to the calamity sword, bringing back the plundered life points.

These health points instantly nourished Qinguan's body, alleviated his injuries, and raised his health points back to more than 30%.

It's a pity that there is only Meng Junhao as the target, otherwise the [Disaster Explosion] skill can completely plunder more health points to heal Qin Guan.

But fortunately, Meng Junhao's attributes are much higher than Qin Guan's, so the blood recovery is still considerable.

Meng Junhao was shocked to find that part of his vitality had been taken away again, and his eyes had turned black, which meant that his life was in jeopardy!
Not only that, the countless black lights just now made him feel the wailing of countless wraiths in his ears, and his whole body was tingling, making it difficult to move.

Without the slightest pause, Qin Guan sprinted forward, and the big sword spanned a distance of more than one meter in an instant, directly stabbing Meng Junhao's body!
In desperation, Meng Junhao forcibly swung his saber again, which was the last amount of power he had left.

At the moment when Meng Junhao was hit by the calamity sword, Qin Guan was also sent flying straight away by this blade, and his chest bones made a crisp sound!

Meng Junhao's right hand trembled, and the long knife fell to the ground.

He felt that this sword took away the last trace of his life, and he was already doomed.

Desperation, pain, annoyance... All kinds of emotions came to my heart, but Meng Junhao looked at Qin Guan and laughed: "Idiot, you have so many trump cards, and the future is limitless, but you died early just to kill me, and we all die together! Irony is not irony ?”

Meng Junhao knew that in terms of Qin Guan's strength, the last blow of the sword was enough to kill him. Now Qin Guan is still alive, but like himself, he is not far from death.

Qin Guan barely stood up with the calamity sword in both hands. He had broken several ribs in his entire chest, and his face was pale. It was obvious that his vitality was also rapidly passing away.

However, Qin Guan smiled at Meng Junhao, and took out a magic talisman with his right hand.

"Stupid? Brother has medicine."

The Dragon Blood Talisman burned out instantly, and a burst of vitality poured into Qin Guan's body, forcibly bringing back 60% of the dying bloodline.

Qin Guan's complexion was still not very good, but he moved his hands and feet, and there was no serious problem.

Meng Junhao looked at Qin Guan in shock, unwilling to believe the scene in front of him until his death.

With a "plop", the corpse fell on its back, but its eyes were still wide open.

Seeing Meng Junhao who was dying, Qin Guan didn't go up to seize the spirit immediately, but waited and watched for a while, fearing that this guy was cheating his death, he held his breath and pulled himself on the back.

When the spirits on Meng Junhao's body began to disappear, Qin Guan stepped forward cautiously and began to seize the spirits.

Looking at Meng Junhao's expression again, it's okay to say that he was pissed off.

Qin Guan sighed, he originally wanted to help Meng Junhao close his eyes, after all, a dead man was staring at him, and it was a bit intrusive at night.

But after thinking about it, forget it, just turn the body over and face down...

The spirits that Qin Guan had snatched from him were close to full, that is, enough to raise him to level 2, but he lost more than half of them in the battle just now.

Obviously, in this state of fighting, once injured, the seized spirits will be lost in large quantities, that is to say, even if a lot of spirits are taken, they will be vomited out once beaten before they are fully digested.

However, Qin Guan didn't care too much. Anyway, the lost spirits can be replenished directly from Meng Junhao, and it's not a loss at all.

After a while, the spirit on Meng Junhao's body was gone, and a crystal of an extraordinary person appeared on top of his corpse.

This crystal was obviously much larger than the previous one. Qin Guan also put away this crystal and put it in the conscious world, and then looked at the item description.

The basic explanation about the Transcendent Crystal is the same as before, the difference is the skill description and the number of uses.

【Glacier Rush: Unleash a glacier condensed by spirits on enemies in a rectangular area in front, causing huge damage and freezing effect. 】

[Props needed to be consumed: a charging talisman. 】

【Use times: 7】

"Yes, very good value!"

Qin Guan expressed his satisfaction with this item. This is definitely a big move, and there is no requirement for any spiritual value at all when using it. The only consumption is a charging talisman.

As long as you find some more aura, you can collect 7 charged talismans and put them on your body. This condition is almost negligible.

Of course, the charging talisman is only an "introduction", just like the material for casting the spell. In fact, it is the crystal that provides the energy for this spiritual spell.

Qin Guan retracted both the crystallization and the calamity sword into the space of consciousness, and hurried away.

The action tonight was still very thrilling. Qin Guan didn't expect it to be so difficult, and he almost died.

However, Qin Guan had already counted his trump cards. It was because of such things as the Dragon Blood Charm that he dared to take the risk.

However, the harvest this time is indeed very rich. These two superhuman crystals gave him the ability to protect himself and even fight back against stronger enemies. Don't have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Qin Guan turned into an extraordinary player's body and ran far away, deliberately avoiding the scattered surveillance video, and then took a taxi home.

Qin Guan had paid special attention before that there was no surveillance video at the entrance of the park, so no one would know that he had been there.

As for running farther when leaving, it's just to be more secure.

Although Qin Guan Chaofan's body was secretly injured, as long as he changed back to a normal body, it would be fine, and it would not arouse the driver's suspicion at all.


More than three hours after Qin Guan left, and until midnight, the investigators from the Spiritual Research Society arrived late.

Although Meng Junhao has been beaten and maimed, he is still an extremely dangerous person, so these investigators were prepared to die when they searched.

As soon as they entered the park, the investigators felt something was wrong.

"There is a strong wave of spiritual energy, although it is gradually dissipating, but there must have been a battle here!"

"Be careful, don't scatter, search!"

Several investigators searched around, and finally found Meng Junhao's body deep in the country park.

His face was down, his eyes were wide open, and he gnawed a mouthful of soil.

However, after seeing Meng Junhao's expression, several investigators looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

With such a ferocious expression, what kind of stimulation did he receive before he died?
(End of this chapter)

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