charismatic player

Chapter 75 Special Tasks of the Club

Chapter 75 Special Tasks of the Club
Seeing that his strategies were sold one by one, Qin Guan felt very happy.

Although the number of talismans is just a number to him now, because there is nothing particularly worth buying on the auction house, but the feeling of this squirrel storing food for the winter is still very good.

In the other two trials, you only need to persist for 5 seconds for cutting fruit and being a man. Some players also posted some strategies, but they didn't sell well.

Because the randomness of these two trials is very strong, it is impossible to copy after getting the strategy, and the improvement will not be obvious, so the players' desire to buy is not strong.

Qin Guan is too lazy to do the strategies for these two trials for the time being, mainly because he has not yet activated the developer permissions for these two trials...

As for the other difficulties of jumping and jumping, there is nothing to do at the moment. The trials of beginners and simple difficulties are relatively simple. Most people can pass with a little effort, and there are many people doing strategies, so the market is not good.

As for the higher difficulty and desperate difficulty, there are very few players who have this demand, and their bidding power is not necessarily strong. Qin Guan feels a bit at a loss for selling high-difficulty strategies now.

More importantly, these people may be potential competitors of Qin Guan, so what is the difference between selling strategies to them and being an enemy...

Monopolizing the medium-difficulty strategy of jumping and jumping is equivalent to having the biggest piece of fat, and the rest can be ignored for now.

Just as Qin Guan wanted to continue his liver test in the conscious world, he received a message from Team Leader Liu of the Morning Star Club, asking him to come to the club at night, saying that he had an urgent mission.

"Urgent task? What urgent task does the club have to go through at night. All right, for the sake of salary, let's go."

Qin Guan told Su Xiaoyu that he was going out at night and might come back later, and then he ate dinner early and took the subway to the club.

On the subway, Qin Guan noticed that there are fewer and fewer people who bow their heads on mobile phones. Almost half of the people in the car are closing their eyes, and they don't know whether they are practicing spirits or liver trials.

However, the vast majority of people here must have not even completed a jump of medium difficulty, and they can't even switch the bodies of extraordinary players, but this will not affect their enthusiasm.

The changes brought by extraordinary players to the entire world are still expanding imperceptibly, but Qing Guan's feelings about this are becoming less and less keen, probably because he has gradually found himself in the center of the whirlpool.

Arrived at the Morning Star Club on time, the gate was closed, Qin Guan glanced at the concierge, sure enough Uncle Ke was still dozing off inside, but when Qin Guan glanced at him, Uncle Ke seemed to feel Qin Guan's gaze, reached out and pressed the switch .

Qin Guan: "..."

Looking at the door slowly opened, Qin Guan suddenly felt that something was wrong. Isn't Uncle Ke's supernatural power a little too amazing?
It's like clairvoyance...

Could it be that……

As Qin Guan walked in, he concentrated on looking at Uncle Ke who was dozing off in the gatehouse, and was instantly stunned.


Qin Guan was startled at the time, what happened?!
He almost thought he was wrong, the level and combat power were all displayed as question marks, is that okay?
What does this mean, have you touched a blind spot of knowledge?
The person with the highest level I have seen before is Professor Li, but I can still see that it is lv.15, but now that Qin Guan's level has been raised, I actually see a bunch of question marks?
Is it because the level difference is too big, or is my spiritual vision attribute not enough?
Come to think of it, it might be a bit of both.Although Qin Guan still doesn't know the reason why he sees the specific values ​​of other characters' panels, but this ability must be related to the level difference between the two parties and his own spirit vision attribute.

So, Uncle Ke, the gatekeeper of this club, is actually a hidden boss??
Qin Guan pretended nothing happened and continued to walk in, but he kept thinking about the previous things in his heart.

In fact, if he had gone to see Uncle Ke's panel earlier, he should have discovered that there was a problem with this product, but there are so many people coming and going every day, how could Qin Guan have nothing to do to see the attributes of an old man who handed out leaflets to himself? panel...

This operation is exhausting, isn't it?

Thinking back to Uncle Ke's previous off-line words and deeds, Qin Guan felt that his whole body was not good. Can such an unreliable old man be a master? This is not reasonable at all!
There must be something wrong with this world!
In the concierge, Uncle Ke sneezed, a little confused, not knowing who was speaking ill of him.

Qin Guan continued to walk in and found Team Leader Liu.

Although Uncle Ke's matter is quite unreasonable, Qin Guan thinks that this guy is not a bad guy, is it a hidden master of the Lingyan Society?Just like a sweeping monk?
Qin Guan took a look. There were quite a few people here today, about 20 people, but there seemed to be no familiar faces.

The team members that Li Junwei and Qin Guan knew didn't see it, as if they didn't come.

After a few minutes, Team Leader Liu saw that it was almost time for people to come, so he clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. I have a special task to call you here tonight. What is the specific task? Let me keep it a secret, because this matter will be told by the owner of our club, that is, Mr. Meng. !"

"Okay, everyone line up, consciously maintain order, and follow me to the conference room."

After a brief explanation, Team Leader Liu led these people to the club's largest meeting room.

Qin Guan was walking at the rear of the center of the team, and felt that this matter seemed a little weird. What task could not be said in person, and it was so mysterious that the club owner had to say it in person?
Qin Guan, the owner of the Morning Star Club, knows that although he has never met, he has seen information and photos on the Internet.

Meng Junhao, also known as Boss Meng mentioned by Team Leader Liu, is a wealthy businessman with a successful career. He is less than 40 years old this year, and he is in the prime of life.

Moreover, Mr. Meng likes to play and things for young people, otherwise he would not invest money in this club.

Leader Liu led the crowd to the conference room and arranged for everyone to sit down.

"Everyone wait a moment, Mr. Meng will be here soon."

Leader Liu left after finishing speaking. The meeting room was brightly lit, but these people didn't know each other, and except for a few people whispering, no one else spoke.

After all, Boss Meng may be here soon, so it seems not so polite to speak now.

Qin Guan felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird, and subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a big meeting room with two doors, front and back, which made Qin care a little bit more comfortable. Even if something unexpected happened, he shouldn't be caught by the urn.

After waiting for about 2 minutes, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes pushed the door in. It was Meng Junhao, the owner of the Morning Star Club.

The venue immediately fell silent, and a few people in the front row stood up to say hello, "Mr. Meng!"

Although all the players here are super players and they are all pretentious, but the relationship between the two parties is an employment relationship, and it is always right to be polite.

Meng Junhao walked by without caring at all, without even nodding in response. This made the extraordinary players in the front row who stood up to say hello a little embarrassed to get off the stage, and the scene was a little embarrassing.

Soon, however, the embarrassment will cease.

Meng Junhao came to the stage and scanned the audience without saying a word.

Qin Guan subconsciously checked his attribute panel and couldn't help being surprised.

[lv. 18, 73]!
The owner of the Morning Star Club is also an extraordinary player, and his level is not low!
Qin Guan felt that this matter was getting more and more wrong, but before he had time to do anything, he felt a powerful spiritual force coming through the wall from the corridor outside, sweeping the audience instantly!
The people who came in with him hardly had any chance to resist. Although they automatically changed into the bodies of useless people at the moment of suffering the mental attack, they still couldn't bear the attack and all passed out.

Only Qin Guan and the two people in the front row were still awake, but another crucifixion necklace hanging around their necks was broken!
(End of this chapter)

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