charismatic player

Chapter 67 Auction House (addition)

Chapter 67 Auction House (addition)

Qin Guan thought for a while: "Actually...they can use free attribute points to add spiritual vision?"

Su Xiaoyu told the truth in one sentence: "Do you think that other people are trying the treasure chests like you to get soft hands... They are progressing very slowly, they can't get so many boxes, and they can't collect enough spirits. Multiple free attribute points..."

Qin Guan thought about it, it seems that this is really the case...

The reward of free attribute points is very precious. Basically, it is only found in boxes with desperate difficulty and crazy difficulty. There are also gold boxes with difficult difficulty.

For the vast majority of people, they don't even know that free attribute points can be opened in the box, and they probably can't do it if they know.

Upgrading is a relatively safe way. In the early stage, you can upgrade to a level just by refining the spirit for four days, and you can get 1 point of free attribute.

But for these athletes who start the game, their natural strength attribute is high, but their spiritual vision attribute is too low. They can't see the spirit that useless people can see, and they feel that they have lost a lot.

That's why some people change the starting point when they get angry. There are so many useless people on the ranking list, which seems to be hinting at something...

For these people, Qin Guan could only silently wish them well.

After eating, Qin Guan washed the dishes, and just about to continue to complete the trial, he saw another system prompt appearing in the lower left of his field of vision.

[Trading module has been opened]

[The copy of the magic talisman has been opened]

[Only available to official extraordinary players]

Qin Guan was just about to lay his body on the sofa, but when he saw these two messages, he immediately regained his energy.

"What the hell is the trading module, it looks more and more like a game, hey!"

Only available to official players means that these functions can be used only after completing the three basic trials and officially activating the super player status, which wiped out 99% of the people in the world.

When the new function is opened, you must check it out. Qin Guan found that these two new modules are already in his field of vision ui. The trading module is a separate entrance, and the copy of the talisman is the same as the previous three trial copies. Entrance.

Qin Guan opened the trading module first.

The imaginary scene of coming to a crowded market and many people setting up stalls did not appear, but a new page appeared in the center of the field of vision, which was about the same size as a forum, but the layout was completely different.


Qin Guan looked at it, and it was really an auction house, but it was displayed with the interface ui.

The column on the left is a quick filter column, divided into various categories, such as weapons, clothing, armor, accessories, spiritual seals, spiritual arts fragments, complete spiritual arts, etc. There is also a column for special props.

Qin Guan clicked on the column of special props and took a look. It was empty, nothing.But Qin Guan thought about it, and the only ones that didn't belong to the previous categories were the lottery tickets given in the crazy difficulty box. If anyone wanted to sell them, they should be placed in this category.

It's just that I don't know which [-]-year-old boy will sell such a precious thing, and I don't know how high the price will be if it is really sold.

Having said that, Qin Guanlian doesn't know what currency this auction house uses to buy things. After thinking about it, it should not be the real currency, otherwise different countries have to calculate the exchange rate, which is very troublesome.

Moreover, the system is so awesome, do you want to see paper money like the US dollar? No matter what, you have to collect some hard currency.

Qin Guan looked at other categories again, he really wanted to buy clothes for his useless person.

Obviously, the items sold in the system auction house must be related to extraordinary players. Even if you want to sell real clothes, it is impossible, and they cannot be put into the conscious world at all.

Qin Guan opened the [Clothing] category with a fluke mentality, thinking what if some buddy won clothes with a lottery ticket and didn't like to wear them?
I'm not asking too much, just give me an ordinary T-shirt and shorts to change my shabby pants.

As a result, when I opened it, there were no auction items.

Then open the columns of weapons, armor, and spirit seals, and they are all empty.

Someone really put up the spiritual fragments, but Qin Guan looked at the price, well, the starting price is 200 blank charms, and the price is 500 blank charms.

"It's not going to be sold at all..."

This price is obviously inflated. The simple and difficult boxes of spiritual art fragments are given. Everyone has a few of them, so they are not too precious.

Instead, it is a blank magic talisman, which can be filled with spirits, and the current output is limited. Many people only have a dozen or so in their hands. How could someone spend 200 blank magic charms to buy a piece of spirit art? Isn't that stupid...

Qin Guan has so many in his hand, but he certainly can't use them to buy spirit fragments.

Obviously, these people dared to throw anything up just because the auction house had just opened, and the prices were inflated. Anyway, no one knew the real value of these things in the early stage, and they could cheat one by one.

"Wait, the currency of this auction house is a blank talisman?!"

Qin Guan suddenly realized this problem, as if all the prices in this forum were marked by blank talismans!
In other words, is the blank talisman the general equivalent here? Is it the currency here?
"Doesn't that mean that the system has been giving me money?!"

Qin Guan was very happy at the time. From the opening of the forum's name change function to now, he has obtained more than 300 blank charms. Thinking about it this way, he is simply a rich man!
Qin Guan suddenly had an urge to shop, but after shopping for a long time, he found that there was really nothing to buy.

If there are weapons, clothing, armor, etc., Qin Guan will consider buying them. After all, the more such things, the better, and they can be kept for different situations.

But obviously, he didn't, and the others didn't. Now the auction houses are all rubbish that he doesn't like.

The only item I saw that I wanted was a charging talisman full of spirits.Blank talismans are currency, and they can be used to upgrade after being filled with talismans, so they are regarded as props by the system and can be traded.

The price of this charging charm is 10 blank charms. Qin Guan just wanted to buy it, but it was snatched by others.

Qin Guan waited for a while, and there was no second person selling this charging talisman.

Qin Guan didn't bother with this matter, anyway, experience is useful to him, but one or two magic talismans can only improve half a level, or one level of experience, it doesn't matter if you have it or not.

In the future, if I saw someone selling experience like this, I would buy it if it was a good deal. Anyway, his current blank talisman is basically equivalent to no money.

There was nothing to do in the auction house, so Qin Guan opened the [Spirit Talisman Dungeon] again.

After entering, a system prompt pops up first.

[This dungeon has a limit on the number of times, it can be completed 10 times a day, and the first 5 times will triple the income.The count is reset at 0:[-] every day. (Based on the time of East Eighth District)】

"Is there still a limit on the number of times?"

Qin Guan was a little surprised, because the previous basic trial dungeons were completely unlimited, and they could be swiped unlimitedly every day.

"That is to say, this dungeon should produce output as long as it is challenged, and it is continuous output, so it is necessary to limit the number of daily challenges."

"Could it be that this dungeon produced a blank talisman?"

 The book friends over at QQ Bookstore, please give Qin Guan and Serent a heartfelt comparison, although I don’t know what the specific use is... In addition, everyone, it’s not that I deliberately slow down, how many words are recommended for the new book, how many words are on the shelves, etc. There is a saying, even if you write a lot in the early stage, you will save it up and wait for it to be released on the shelves. Few books will be stupidly popular in the new book period, and even deliberately lose your recommended position. I try to add as often as possible. More, but if you expect a big update, you must wait for it to be on the shelves. As for when it will be on the shelves, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s either mid-September or October 9.


(End of this chapter)

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