charismatic player

Chapter 63 Upgraded

Chapter 63 Upgraded

When Qin Guan returned home, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Su Xiaoyu changing his shoes and getting ready to go out.

"Hey? Qin Guan, you're back? I said I'd go to the hospital to pick you up!" Su Xiaoyu was very pleasantly surprised.

Qin Guan said while changing his shoes, "Didn't I tell you what to pick up? I have nothing to do, but those two investigators need to rest."

Su Xiaoyu leaned over, squinted his eyes and looked from top to bottom, and found that Qin Guan did not show any signs of injury, so he was relieved.

"Tell me what's going on, why was it ambushed?"

Su Xiaoyu had just changed half of her shoes and was about to take them off again.

Qin Guan gave a rough account of what happened, mainly about being attacked by the spirit snatchers on the way back to the imperial capital.

"That spirit snatcher is still absconding? You won't be in danger, right?" Su Xiaoyu asked with concern.

Qin Guan thought about it for a while: "Probably not. His target is those two investigators. If he wants revenge, he is looking for them. Why are you looking for me? Besides, he is wanted now, and the Lingyan Society is arresting him. He It's how big your heart is, you came here to take revenge on me."

"Besides, he might not be able to beat me..."

Qinguan briefly described the battle process between the two to Su Xiaoyu, and Su Xiaoyu suddenly realized a problem.

"Wait, you mean, you used the Necklace of the Passion to block his mental attack, and then directly tortured him in close combat? When did you clear the hard difficulty level?"

Qin Guan didn't deliberately mention this matter to Su Xiaoyu, so that Su Xiaoyu always thought that Qin Guan had just cleared the normal difficulty not long ago...

Qin Guan chuckled: "It's not just hard difficulty, but also crazy difficulty, okay?"

Su Xiaoyu was shocked: "Really?"

Qin Guan thought for a while: "Why don't we do some rebounding training? You cut me, I'll bounce you with a shield, and if you lose, you'll do the bowling tonight."

As soon as Su Xiaoyu heard the word "dishwashing", she immediately believed it: "You don't need to try! I knew that your game talent is so high, and you will be successful after accumulating hard work!"

Qin Guan refused to let go: "No, let's give it a try, I'm so hungry and thirsty for fried mung beans with oranges!"

Su Xiaoyu ran back to her bedroom at the speed of light: "Okay, I'm going to continue the trial. I will cook ribs for you tonight. Let me tell you, I will fight you hard if you come into the kitchen again!"

"As for what, really, not supporting the work of food inventors at all."

Qin Guan went to take a shower, and was going to take stock of today's gains in the conscious world.

While taking a shower, he noticed that his real body has also changed a lot. The slightly raised belly that used to be caused by eating fried chicken and drinking Coke often disappeared, and even the outline of the abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen.

Even the shoulders seem to be wider than before.

"Will the body of an extraordinary player also affect the body in real life? It feels useless..."

"No, it's obviously very useful! Can't you just eat fried chicken and drink Coke in the future?! Anyway, you don't have to worry about getting fat!"

After realizing this, Qin Guan was overjoyed, even happier than when he just got the body of a useless person...

It can only be said that never underestimate a dead fat house's desire for fried chicken and fat house happy water. For these things, they are willing to give up their souls...

After taking a bath, Qin Guan lay on the bed and immersed himself in the world of consciousness to count his gains.

Although it was a pity to be run away by the soul snatcher in the end, the harvest has already been very rich.

The spirits on the mountain were filled with a total of 43 talismans, especially the big pile of spirits at the end, which collected more than the previous half-hour run.

The few monsters and the giant werewolf that were killed also gained a lot of spirits.

Moreover, Qin Guan discovered that the captured spirits did not need to be laboriously refined by themselves, just like eating a full meal, they would slowly be digested by themselves.

Now Qin Guan understands why those soul snatchers are keen to snatch it directly. This efficiency is indeed much higher than refining the spirit by himself...

A few days ago, Qin Guan had been seriously refining spirits. For three hours a day, he had already risen a little over a level. After digesting all the more than 40 talismans, he was leveled up again. If you digest it slowly, you should be able to upgrade to level 4 by tonight.

Qin Guan silently said that it was indeed better to go out and eat more wild monsters to gain weight. Silently, he kept refining spirits on his own. This efficiency was basically the same as hanging up in an online game. What year and month can he reach full level...

But it seems that wild monsters don't come around very often, so I was lucky enough to come across them today.

Having said that, does this game have a full level? Qin Guan is very skeptical...


Su Xiaoyu went out to buy vegetables, and Qin Guan continued to practice spirit while paying attention to his experience bar.

Now Qin Guan is obtaining the spirit from the two places of the spirit talisman and seizing the spirit at the same time, so the experience bar is slowly approaching the last grid at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

Finally, Qin Guan saw that his attribute panel had changed.

【lv.8, 30】

“Nice! It feels so good to upgrade!”

Qin Guan happily opened the attribute panel, and added all the newly obtained 4 points of attributes to his strength, so that his strength attribute successfully reached as much as 20 points.

"Now you can be called a qualified reckless man."

Qin Guan found a problem, that is, the relationship between attribute points and level is not absolutely related. For example, the spirit snatcher I met today, lv.9, had a total attribute value of 42.

Obviously, it is impossible to increase the attribute by 1 points by upgrading to one level (not to mention that Qin Guan also obtained attribute points from treasure chests, lottery draws, etc.), that is to say, those who knew how to use spirits long before the appearance of the ring, The total value of their attributes is naturally high, probably due to their previous accumulation.

However, the main attributes of this spirit snatcher must be in spirit and spirit vision. Qin Guan felt that if he met him next time, he should be able to directly crush him in terms of strength.

Of course, if that guy continues to use mental attacks, whether he can block it depends on Qin Guan's character. After all, the Suffering Necklace is not 100% immune to mental attacks.

However, Qin Guan has a question. It stands to reason that the spirit snatcher should be targeting the investigators, but why did he beat the two investigators to the ground and then directly towards himself?
Is it because "I want it all"? He doesn't dislike the spirit in me?
Well, that may well be the case.

Qin Guan was not too worried. If this buddy really dared to come to him, then he and Su Xiaoyu would have to play a wave of mixed doubles.

Both he and Su Xiaoyu have a necklace of suffering, as long as the first round of spiritual attack of the soul snatcher doesn't kill them, then they will die...

The most urgent thing now is to hurry to see if the sword can be drawn.

Although the fruit knife is very sharp and very flexible, it is a bit short after all.And according to his crazy strength, a fruit knife is not enough to show his identity as a reckless man.

Moreover, this altar hall looks so cool, the sword stuck inside must be extraordinary, right?
Qin Guan took out the back door key in the conscious world and entered the mysterious altar hall again.

(End of this chapter)

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