charismatic player

Chapter 52 I'm So Helpful

Chapter 52 I'm So Helpful

"What do you mean this is?! I can also change to other difficulties?"

Qin Guan quickly clicked the left arrow again, and the layout of the miniature version changed again, and the title on it became [Desperate Difficulty, Difficulty Index 70].

Qin Guan looked at all the levels and found that this is really the case, all 7 difficulties are here.


Moreover, it seems that this difficulty has been adjusted once before, because Qin Guan once pulled out a random supplementary module, which increased the difficulty of jumping and cutting fruit to medium and below.

"Well... I think everyone's mobility training is too weak now. After all, if you can't fight, you have to run, and if you can't run, you have to die. From this point of view, it is very important to train everyone's mobility."

"But the difficulty of this jump is too low, it can't play the role of exercise at all. The easy difficulty is fine, look at the difficult difficulty and the desperate difficulty, do you think you are worthy of your name, huh?"

"You guys are talking about it, what is your difficulty, what is your impasse?"

"There's also the difficulty of insanity, you haven't made people crazy at all."

"If someone clears the difficulty of the desperate situation and is helpless when encountering a real desperate situation in the future, isn't this a lie? Isn't it a mistake?"

"I think you should match your own names, um, let me see how to adjust."

Qin cared about his selfless mentality, and began to work tirelessly to adjust the difficulty of the trials for all extraordinary players.

"The more rigorous the training, the better it is for you. There is a saying? The more you sweat in training, the less blood you bleed in battle."

"Why is this platform so big? I don't think it's a problem to shrink it by three circles."

"The distance between the two platforms is too close. Make the distance farther, and then reduce the friction of its surface by another 10%."

"Wow, the movement rules of this platform are too easy to grasp, right? You should move in a wavy line for one third of the distance, go straight for one third, and flip around for one third. Well, which three points is it? One of them is random every time you enter the trial."

"Huh? The difficulty index is a bit too high. Well, then I changed the last few platforms to be very easy. Look, the overall difficulty index has dropped..."

Qin Guan began to modify it with a big brain.

The developer difficulty is originally a difficulty factor of 100, which is full of all kinds of difficult and difficult challenges that cannot be imagined. After Qin Guan cleared the developer difficulty, he is already familiar with all kinds of tricky levels.

Oh, I accidentally said bald, it's not a level to cheat people, how can this be called cheating people, this is called high difficulty, it is to fully stimulate the potential of extraordinary players.

Qin Guan adjusted the level and found that he was not omnipotent, but had certain limitations.

In addition to the previous restriction of "cannot exceed the limit of useless people", there is another restriction that the difficulty index of each difficulty cannot fluctuate by more than 5 points.

That is to say, the original difficulty index of entry difficulty is 10, the lowest difficulty index is 5, and the highest is 15. If it exceeds this range, the change will not take effect.

Obviously, this is the bottom-level rule. Although Qin Guan has developer permissions, the bottom-level rule cannot be changed.

Otherwise, he changed all the difficulties to the highest difficulty of 100, which is not bad, and the whole system will not be able to play...

However, this small setback did not bother the little smart ghost Qin Guan, because he discovered that the difficulty index is a comprehensive value, which is determined according to the difficulty of each platform.

Of course, it is not simply added together, but there is a complex algorithm, which makes the first platform extremely difficult and almost impossible to pass, and the latter is very simple. The overall difficulty is still very high.

However, if the difficulty of each platform is slightly increased, and then dropped significantly later, the difficulty index can be suppressed...

So Qin Guan fully increased the difficulty of the first half of the platform, and then lowered the difficulty of the second half of the platform as a whole, and finally ensured that each difficulty was 5 points higher than the original difficulty index.

On the whole, it is 5 points higher. In fact, the difficulty of the first half of the platform is estimated to be about 10 points higher...

After a lot of effort, Qin Guan finally adjusted it. He took a look at the results of his hard work and expressed his satisfaction.

This change is not only the difficulty, but also the original layout is completely different.

"The more you sweat in training, the less blood you bleed in battle! Hey, I have worked hard with good intentions. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts."

"I don't expect you to thank me, just keep my kindness in your heart."

Qin Guan was very satisfied and turned off the jump, and continued to brush the other two trials.


In the Morning Star Club, Li Junwei has just completed today's spirit refinement and is preparing for the trial.

As a former professional player, Li Junwei has always been very confident in his game talent. He also knows that becoming an extraordinary player may be an excellent opportunity to change his life, so he rarely relaxes.

Most of these professional players have passed the medium difficulty of being a man and persisting for 5 seconds. They have fully activated the abilities of extraordinary players. Now they are only playing trials to challenge higher difficulty and get rewards.

"There are still people complaining on the forum that the difficulty of the first two trials has increased. It's really stupid."

"Weak people will always only complain about the unfairness of the rules, while strong people like me are always willing to meet new challenges!"

"What's wrong with the increase in difficulty? Isn't the increase in difficulty just to make us stronger? If we can't even conquer the trials, how can we conquer more powerful opponents..."

Li Junwei couldn't help but think of the young man who came to the club some time ago. He was obviously a useless person to start the game, but he was able to beat himself with a dagger so that he was powerless to fight back!
Li Junwei was very happy when he heard that the young man had joined the Morning Star Club. He couldn't wait to become stronger and compete with that young man for the second time!
He is very clear that there are many hidden masters like this young man, and in order to defeat them, he must accept more severe trials.

"Come on, the higher the difficulty, the better, I don't think it's difficult enough!"

Li Junwei entered the hard and difficult trial of jumping with enthusiasm.

As a result, as soon as I entered, I found out that the second platform seemed to be different from before?
The previous platform was a rectangle with a width of about one meter, but now it has become a circle with a diameter of only about 70 cm??
Li Junwei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "The difficulty has increased again? It's really wishful!"

"I just thought it would be better to increase the difficulty, and the system automatically increased the difficulty. Could it be that I am the legendary Chosen One?"

"Ahahaha, forget it, keep a low profile."

"Very good, this level of difficulty is the trial I need!"

Li Junwei felt that his heart was burning with raging fighting spirit, he ran quickly, and then jumped!
After sixteen consecutive failures, Li Junwei sat on the first platform and began to think about life.

It feels like, what's wrong?
 50 and 51 are additional changes, and I apologize again, because the deletion and modification of the plot caused trouble to everyone.But... I still ask for referral votes!

(End of this chapter)

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