charismatic player

Chapter 50 I Still Choose Money

Chapter 50 I Still Choose Money

Li Junwei was stunned for two seconds before he came to his senses, and couldn't help but smiled contemptuously: "Are you also an admirer of the big guy at the top of the ranking? Are you also playing the opening of useless people + daggers? Let me tell you, this week I A total of seven or eight useless people have been killed..."

Qin Guan thought for a while: "Then... I hope I don't become the ninth one?"

Li Junwei was overjoyed, and waved the wooden sword: "Okay, if you are willing to hit like this, then I have no problem, watch it, even though this is a wooden sword, it will hurt if you cut it!"

Li Junwei rushed over directly waving the wooden sword.

These wooden swords are all specially made, relatively strong, and the strength of the extraordinary players is relatively strong. If they are really swung and hit on the body, even the extraordinary players who have a weak sense of pain can feel the pain.

Li Junwei was still thinking, I have to control my strength a little bit, don't rush this kid, it seems that our Morning Star Club is not friendly to newcomers...

As a result, before his wooden sword fell, he felt that his eyes were blurred and he was gone.

Afterwards, I felt a foreign object slid across my throat. The force was not strong, but I could feel that it was forceful.

If you use a sharp instrument, it may be very deep.

Li Junwei's wooden sword was cut empty, he touched his neck with some doubts, and found that there were still a few wooden sword burrs on it.

Qing Guan looked at Team Leader Liu and said, "Do we still need to play for 5 more minutes?"

Leader Liu was also startled, and didn't react for a while.

What's the situation, the official team members are second...

Although Leader Liu was just an ordinary person, he also saw that Li Junwei's sword was cut empty, and Qin Guan raised his right hand while dodging, and the broken sword slashed across Li Junwei's throat.

It’s not clear whether it was scratched or not, since the movement was very fast, but judging from the confused expression on Li Junwei’s face as he touched his neck, it must have been marked.

Leader Liu hurriedly said: "No, no, you come with me. Xiao Li, you can continue training."

Qin Guan threw the broken sword to Li Junwei casually, and followed Leader Liu.

Li Junwei looked at the broken sword in his hand, and tried to wipe it on his neck.

Well, that's the right feeling...

But what happened just now...


The two came to the lounge, and the next step was to finalize the salary.

Team leader Liu explained: "The salary is still as stated before. It's not that we don't want to open more, but there is a unified regulation at the Lingyan Association. All clubs are at this price, so there is no way."

"But compared to other clubs, you have also seen the advantages of our club. On the one hand, the environment is better, and on the other hand, you are not forced to train, so it is relatively relaxed."

"You people are free to come and go in the club. You don't have to come to work every day. You will help you assign the team later. If you have a task assigned to you, go to perform the task."

"That's great." Qin Guan was happy when he heard that he didn't have to come to work every day. It would be a waste of life for him to fight with those people with wooden swords every day...

Qin Guan thought for a while: "Then I'd better go back and think about it."

Leader Liu nodded: "No problem, but please reply as soon as possible."

Although he was quite satisfied in all aspects, Qin Guan still wanted to confirm this matter with Du Wei again.

Team Leader Liu also sent Qin Guan out of the building with a rather sincere attitude.

When he got to the door, Qin Guan took a look at the doorman. Uncle Ke was still inside. It seemed that he was shouldering the two important tasks of distributing leaflets and guarding the door at the same time...

I have to say that Uncle Ke has a good work attitude, but after all, he is old and his health is not good. Sitting on a chair, his saliva is almost drooling...

As a result, Qin Guan was still hesitating whether to ask Uncle Ke to open the door for him. He saw Uncle Ke reaching out and pressing the button while sleeping, and then continued to sleep again.

Qin Guan walked out of the gate silently, thinking that he was indeed the number one scholar, and he did not forget his work when he fell asleep...


After returning home, Qin Guan also specifically asked Du Wei if all clubs had a uniform salary.

Du Wei's first reaction was: "Why have I told you so much and you still want to go to the club!! What's wrong with the Lingyan Society!!"

The second reaction was: "It is indeed unified, this is the regulation of the Spiritual Research Association."

Qing Guan confirmed the contract issue with Du Wei. According to the requirements of the Spiritual Research Association, extraordinary players sign short-term contracts with the club, not long-term contracts that last for five or six years. If something is discovered midway, If you are not satisfied, you can leave at any time.

It can be seen that the Lingyan Association actually regards all extraordinary players as its own backup force, so the club is not allowed to offer high prices to poach people, and the club is not allowed to restrict the freedom of extraordinary players by means of contracts.

Moreover, Du Wei also assured Qin Guan that as long as he wanted to come to the Spiritual Research Conference, he could come anytime, and he would definitely be able to help with this.

Qin Guan thought about it for a while, and if that's the case, let's stay in the Morning Star Club for a while and have a look.

Qin Guan called Team Leader Liu to confirm the matter, thinking that he would go there tomorrow to sign the contract, and the matter was settled like this.

In the next few days, besides attending classes, Qin Guan would usually spend time practicing and improving his experience, so the time was quite tight.

Qin Guan inquired from Su Xiaoyu, and the first batch of extraordinary players who completed the three trials in the school basically found their own places.

Those who are more outstanding still join the Spiritual Research Association the most, but the number of places required by the Spiritual Research Association is limited, and the competition is still relatively fierce, so those who can't make it also join the club.

Of course, there are also those clubs that don't want it, but the number is very small. After all, those who can pass the three basic trials are not considered ordinary people.

Although Su Xiaoyu has joined the Spiritual Research Association, she has not been assigned to perform any tasks during this period, but occasionally organizes them, the preparatory members of the Spiritual Research Association, to practice with each other, and reminds them to remember to practice spirits and practice trials every day.

But what is more reliable than the club is that Lingyan will arrange instructors for these reserve members, all investigators like Du Wei, who will give them regular guidance, including swordsmanship, body skills, etc., mainly to consolidate the foundation .

Su Xiaoyu asked Qin Guan if he should think about it again, after all, there is a special person from the Lingyan Research Association to guide him.

Qin Guan said, I still choose money... What can Du Wei teach me at this level...

Perhaps for other people, the Spiritual Research Society is indeed particularly attractive in this regard, after all, there are investigators who can guide them in some combat matters.

But to Qin Guan, this is nothing... Is it worth 4000/month for Du Wei to teach him fighting skills...

Even if you join the Spiritual Research Association for this kind of thing, it will only be worthwhile waiting for a strong enough boss to appear.

In a secret place in the imperial capital, Du Wei was reporting to work when he sneezed suddenly.

"Strange, who is speaking ill of me? I haven't offended anyone recently..." Du Wei wondered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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