charismatic player

Chapter 384 The Mysterious Pope (Happy New Year everyone!)

Chapter 384 The Mysterious Pope (Happy New Year everyone!)

Qin Guan continued to follow the two knights, but the two knights stopped talking and continued to patrol.

Qin Guan followed them around twice, and found that the huge royal city was still a little empty. Although there were some knights standing guard at intervals, other than that, there seemed to be no residents.

Or, the people in the royal city are all concentrated in a certain area?
After following for a while, Qin Guan felt that he could not find any useful information, so he turned around and turned into a narrow alley.

The spiritual vision spread and began to check the surrounding situation, and then continued to explore the depths of the royal city.

Suddenly, Qin Guan felt as if there was a wave of spiritual energy flashing past from a distance, and the direction was probably in front of him to the right.

Just stunned for a moment, it didn't take long before another wave of psionic energy came.

"Huh? There should be something good over there!"

Qin Guan became energetic in an instant. His spiritual vision is now very sensitive. Even the fluctuations of the spirit within a certain range cannot escape his detection. Qin Guan also noticed it.

Immediately change the target and walk in the direction of fluctuation.

As he walked, Qin Guan felt something was wrong, as if there were more and more knights standing guard!
"Looks like I'm on the right track."

Qin Guan continued to move forward, and with the gradual increase of knights, some places could no longer be passed.

There are two golden armored knights at the exit of the alley in front of them, guarding the entrance of the alley. Qin Guan looked at it and found that if he wanted to walk from above, he had to climb the wall, but once he climbed the wall, the stealth state might be detected, which was very troublesome. .

But Qin Guan could vaguely feel that the spiritual energy fluctuations he felt just now were outside the alley.

"It can only be forced."

Qin Guan sneaked over quietly, then took out the dagger, covered the mouth of the golden armored knight with his left hand, and cut his throat directly!
Before the knight on the right could react, the dagger in Qin Guan's hand had already been thrown out, and it was nailed to his throat in an instant, killing him with one blow!
"Huh, luckily I haven't forgotten my previous assassination skills."

Qin Guan heaved a sigh of relief. If a situation like this was not handled properly, it might directly poke a hornet's nest. If a knight shouted, the nearby patrolling knights would definitely be provoked.

Fortunately, the assassination training in the trial dungeon was not forgotten, and an instinctive reaction had already been formed.

However, the problem is that the bodies of the two golden armored knights have not disappeared.

"If you kill it in reality, it will turn into a white light and disappear, but if there is still a corpse in another world, it means... it will be resurrected? Then it will be a bit troublesome."

Qin Guan had nothing to do with the two corpses, so he could only drag them in for a while and remained in the alley, and then took the time to walk in.

Obviously, the rules here are similar to the undead settlements, neither the aborigines nor the monsters can be completely killed, and they will be resurrected after a while.

If he is resurrected, he will definitely find someone invading. Then maybe the whole royal city will be on alert, and it will be difficult to go in.

Qin Guan didn't dare to delay, and continued to move towards the place where the psychic fluctuations erupted just now.

Along the way, he assassinated a few more knights, and finally came to a church-like building, and felt that the previous psychic energy fluctuations should have come from here.

Qin Guan approached cautiously, looked around at everyone, opened a door secretly, and slipped in.

As a result, Qin Guan was startled when he went in and did not take two steps.

In Spirit Vision, there are many monsters!

On the other side just separated by a wall, there seemed to be a large number of outsiders gathering, at least dozens of them!
Moreover, it seems that there are many powerful knights in the hall!

The current Qinguan is separated from the hall by a wall, and it is impossible to determine the exact number of people just by scanning with Spirit Vision, but it is definitely quite a lot.

Qin Guan was a little panicked. With so many people from other worlds, it would be difficult not to be discovered even if he remained in stealth. It would be terrible if he offended anyone.

Glancing around, there seemed to be no place to hide people. Finally, Qin Guan raised his head and found... There seems to be a place on his head!

There are many beams on the ceiling of this hall, which can lead directly to the other end of the hall.

Qin Guan climbed the wall directly from where he came in, climbed up to the beam, and then silently entered a stealth state to hide.

"A lot of this a meeting???"

Qing Guan looked down a little and saw at least a dozen people from other worlds sitting in the hall, all wearing priestly clothes. They were muttering something unknown in their seats.

And at the very front, an extremely tall Pope was looking at a book in front of him with his eyes slightly closed.

Behind the praying bishops, knights in silver armor were stepping forward one by one, before the Pope.

"Conquer the knights, go to expand the territory, go to another world to find new hope..."

The hoarse voice of the Pope echoed in the hall, and the knights in silver armor all knelt down in front of the Pope in a very pious attitude, and took the items given by the Pope with both hands.

Qin Guan didn't dare to look too carefully with his spirit vision, because the Pope's attribute was actually higher than his, reaching level 70!
Of course, if it was really a one-on-one fight, Qin Guan would not have no chance of winning, but there are still a lot of knights here, and so many bishops, so in a real fight, Qin Guan can only run away.

He could only glance at it cautiously, and saw that it seemed to be a ring.

The knight in silver armor took the ring and put it on his hand, and then walked out very piously.

The appearance of these fighting knights reminded Qin Lian of the beastly giant knight who had drilled out of the crack before. The silver armor they wore was very similar, the only difference being their stature.

The knights in the hall still maintained their human appearance, while the previous knight had completely gone berserk and turned into a beast.

And when the pope bestowed the ring on the warrior knight, Qin Guan could feel a very obvious wave of spiritual energy.

"These war knights have accepted the Pope's blessing and are going to attack the other world? The other world...isn't that our world?"

Qin Guan maintained a stealth state on the roof, not daring to expose himself at all, and continued to stare down.It turns out that the biggest bad thing is here!

"But...the Pope has something good in his hands?"

Qin Guan could sense that the Pope seemed to have a lot of rings in his hands. Isn't this ring a good thing?

Although I feel that this ring is a bit evil, it will turn these knights into beasts, but if I bring it back to Nuolu Nuos and Qianyan for research, it should be able to be used as waste, right?

Even if you can't, take these rings away, there will be fewer crazy beast knights, and the pressure there will be relieved a lot.

But the point can I get it?
Qin Guan continued to stare at the Pope, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

 I wish you all a happy new year and all the best!
(End of this chapter)

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