charismatic player

Chapter 378 A lot of spirits?

Chapter 378 A lot of spirits?

Seeing the animal giant knight rushing towards this side, Qin Guan was not in a hurry to run away.

The key is that running is not very easy, others can retreat, but the Beast Giant Knight is here to stare at Qin Guan...

"Cover quickly!"

Zhang Gaoyang yelled, and all kinds of spiritual arts, bows and arrows, and hot weapons began to lean towards the animal giant knight crazily!

However, it didn't help much!
The animal giant knight was wearing heavy armor, and bows, arrows, and bullets could not cause effective damage at all. Spiritual spells might have some effect, but basically it was no different from tickling.

Can't fight!
Everyone was a little panicked. Such a big monster was crushed like a tank. I'm afraid it would be difficult to run, let alone fight, because the speed of this monster is faster than the player!

The animal giant knight clenched his fists and slammed towards Qin Guan!
With a "boom", the beast giant knight's heavy fist hit the ground fiercely, making a big hole!
Qin Guan dodged sideways, and just the power fluctuations from the giant's fists made him feel a little bit of pain in the face.

However, Qin Guan didn't intend to withdraw. If he let the monster go, it would be very difficult to deal with it.

No one else has seen the calamity sword, but the big dragon tooth can be used casually.

The Beast Giant Knight wanted to rush over again, but suddenly, it saw a warhammer in the distance.

The animal giant knight directly threw Qin Guan aside, and rushed towards Zhang Gaoyang!
Obviously, this monster still has a stronger obsession with the Warhammer. Although it has a grudge against Qin Guan, after all, get the Warhammer back before it can do anything.Otherwise, it would be a bit outrageous to always hit with fists.

Qin Guan immediately shouted at Xiao Qiang: "Take his hammer away quickly! The farther you run, the better!"

Xiao Qiang was stunned for a moment, picked up the hammer and ran away!

The beast giant knight was stunned.

To chase, or not to chase?

Just when it was in a daze, Qin Guan took out the big dragon tooth and hit it on the ass!

The big dragon tooth smashed hard on the armor of the animal giant knight, and a piece of the armor was instantly dented. At the same time, the knight let out a roar!
Qin Guan saw that the blood bar on the head of the animal giant knight had dropped off, nearly one-tenth of it!

"Yes, it looks fierce, but it's actually not very strong."

The lycanthropic giant knight was outraged, this despicable human being attacked unexpectedly!
The key is that these two people are still organized and disciplined. One grabs the weapon, the other runs away with the weapon, and finally gets out of the crack. Before the fight starts, the weapon is gone!

This is a group of bandits!

The beast giant knight was going crazy, he wanted to ignore Qin Guan, but Qin Guan was holding the big dragon tooth, the damage couldn't be ignored!

The giant beast knight's eyes were bloodshot, and he began to rush towards Qin Guan crazily, but it was useless at all, his movements were basically the same as in slow motion, Qin Guan could dodge just by turning sideways slightly.

The big dragon tooth waved, one hammer after another!
Finally, the last hammer fell on the giant knight, and the behemoth fell to the ground.

Zhang Gaoyang and the others looked stupid, is that okay? ?
It's not that they don't want to help, they really can't get in, this beast giant knight's movements are too big, and the armor is very strong, conventional attack methods are useless at all.

Ranged attacks are like scratching an itch, as for melee attacks?I dare not go there at all!
In the end, I saw Qin Guan dodging around the beast-like giant knight alone. Several times, Zhang Gaoyang's heart was in his throat, but Qin Guan was safe and sound, and even beat the giant monster to death. !

Qin Guan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the blood bar of this big guy was cleared to zero. Looking at the other side of the crack, it seemed that there was no movement for a while.

He tried to stretch his hand into the crack, but found that he couldn't reach it. His hand just passed through the crack, but he still didn't enter another world.

After waiting for a while, it seemed that no other monsters came over.

Qin Guan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and found that the beast-turned-giant knight was not dead yet, and seemed to still be breathing.

Zhang Gaoyang and the others also cautiously surrounded him, looking at Qin Guan with admiration in their eyes.

Play it safe, this one!
The first thing Zhang Gaoyang did was to look at the crack, and after finding that there were no more monsters coming, he also let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Spiritual Research Association sent reinforcements, otherwise, this animal giant knight would not be able to cope at all, and he would definitely suffer heavy losses!

Even the people here will suffer casualties.

This is the real world, not another world. If you die, you will die forever, and there will be no chance of resurrection.

Just as Qin Guan was about to kill this monster, he suddenly found that in his helmet, the blood-colored pupils had faded away for some reason, and it was just pitch black.

"Despicable outsider, using such a bad method..."

The giant knight actually spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, full of deep-seated hatred.

Qin Guan said hehe: "Why, you still have to play chivalry at this juncture? Have you regained your sobriety, or have you always been sober? No, you were obviously in a state of madness at first..."

The giant knight was on all fours before, but now he is lying on the ground, as if he has regained his humanity.

"Your resistance is futile, darkness is about to fall, disaster and madness will eventually come to your world... there is no hope..."

Qin Guan stepped on the giant's face: "There are so many words. Take it away and slice it for research."

The giant had already been severely injured, and basically he was still hanging on his breath, so he didn't worry about any accidents on the road.Zhang Gaoyang arranged for three people and a truck to transport the giant away and send it to the base of the Spirit Research Society for research.

As for Qin Guan, he will continue to stay here for a while, on the one hand to ensure that no new monsters will appear in the crack, and on the other hand to search around for those who escaped before.

"Stay here and watch the crack, if any monsters come out, call me quickly. Su Xiaoyu and I will clean up other monsters." Qin Guan said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang said with a dark face: "Why, why didn't I go!"

Qin Guan chuckled: "Because you are a grandma!"

Xiao Qiang: "..."

Qin Guan and Su Xiaoyu quickly shuttled around the village. They were able to roughly determine the location of Shen Mengli and Zhou Lin. Under the suppression of the four people, the scattered monsters were also quickly wiped out.

"These monsters are obviously stronger than ordinary monsters in the other world. Is it because the monsters in the other world have mutated?"

Both Qin Guan and Su Xiaoyu felt something strange, these monsters seemed to have become more difficult to deal with, probably related to the sudden darkness in the other world.

Su Xiaoyu suddenly thought of a question: "Qin Guan, why do I feel that these monsters seem to be fleeing?"

Qin Guan was stunned for a moment, and thought about it carefully: " seems to have this feeling."

Although the level of these monsters is not low, they are not very aggressive, but are just fleeing desperately.Moreover, if it is an invasion, then it should be an organized army, at least the monsters should come in groups.

But now, although there are a lot of these monsters, they don't respond to each other at all.

All signs make people feel that these monsters are fleeing through the cracks, rather than invading the real world.

"Okay, it should be almost cleaned up."

Qin Guan hacked to death the last silver knight with a knife, and felt that the situation in the vicinity had stabilized for the time being.

Moreover, the rift that had some signs of being torn apart by the lycanthropic giant knight before seemed to be shrinking, and the number of monsters coming over was also greatly reduced.

"The condition of the crack is also very doubtful."

Qin Guan was a little puzzled. The gap would continue to expand before, but after the animal giant knight passed through the gap, it began to shrink continuously and then remained stable.

I'm afraid the Spiritual Research Council can't figure out this matter, so I'd better go back and ask Nuo Lunuosi, maybe this old man is well-informed and can know the reason for this.


The situation here has stabilized. After Su Xiaoyu reported to Huajianji, Huajianji's order was to rush to the next location immediately.

Obviously, there are still many small cracks like this, which cannot be solved by investigators alone, not to mention that some monsters cannot be solved by ordinary investigators and soldiers stationed there.

The strength of Qin Guan's team is already considered top in the country, so they naturally have to take on the task of firefighters.

Everyone got in the car, and Xiao Qiang continued to drive to the next location.

Looking at the sunken part of the front of the car, Xiao Qiang felt a little bit pained: "Is this car I'm driving an accident car? No traffic police will come to investigate..."

Fortunately, the car can still be driven, and there is no time to repair it at this juncture, so I can only make do with it.

No one answered, because Qin Guan had already closed his eyes on the co-pilot and immersed himself in the world of consciousness.

The giant knight's sledgehammer from before was stuffed directly into the trunk, but Qin Guan didn't throw it away. He was waiting to use some golden hands to transform it, and then took it for himself.

Although there is a big dragon tooth, this weapon may not be used, but it is good to collect it.

Back in the altar hall, Qin Guan was taken aback for a moment.

Not only is it a little deserted, but also, it seems that everyone has nothing to do?

Ou Ya and Qian Yan were all sitting on the ground bored, while Nuo Lu Nuo Si was squatting in the corner, mumbling something.

Looking at the power of the royal weapon in his hand, it hurts a bit.

Opening this barrier is really costly!

But Qin Guan took a look, and the effect of this barrier was obvious.Now the barrier only covers the entire isolated island, especially at the positions of several cable bridges, which strengthens the density of spirits. All those monsters are crowded on the cable bridges, but once they try to pass through the barrier, they will be severely burned and cannot pass.

These monsters gathered on the cable bridge, blocking the cable bridge tightly, and it was a bit difficult to get out again.

Qin Guan grabbed Nuo Lunuosi from the corner: "What's going on? Do you know, old man?"

Nuo Lunuosi was pulled by the white beard: "You don't seem to have an attitude towards the elderly..."

"Hurry up, chattering, it's disrespectful to be old." Qin Guan had a big opinion on him.

Nuo Lunuosi stroked his beard: "This is the night, and everything in this world will go crazy..."

Qin Guan interrupted directly: "To make a long story short, let's talk about what to do."

Nuo Lunuosi was so choked that he rolled his eyes: "To get more royal weapons, at least, a lot of spirits are needed..."

(End of this chapter)

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