charismatic player

Chapter 375 A Large Number of Cracks

Chapter 375 A Large Number of Cracks

The sky is getting darker, this feeling is very similar to what Qin Guan encountered in the previous spirit world!
At that time, the sky was also rapidly darkening, and the monsters fell into madness, their strength also increased greatly, and the entire spirit world became dangerous.

But the situation now is different from that time. The sky is not so dark that you can't see your fingers, but it has become much darker. If you use spiritual vision, your field of vision can still be maintained at more than ten meters, so it is not restricted. The ground is particularly serious.

However, this dangerous feeling is the same as in the spirit world. Qin Guan can feel that the dark energy has rapidly expanded in the entire alien world, and I am afraid that it will inevitably cause many monsters to move!
Qin Guan was a little flustered, seeing that the flight was about the same, he threw Arturo down.

Poor Arturo's body fell directly from the dragon, fell into a free fall, and fell into a sewer in the city below with a "snap".

Ignoring Arturo, before Qin Guan could speak, the dragon had already turned around and flew back.

"Brother, you are such a big one, so afraid of death??"

Qin Guan was speechless, this dragon is too cowardly, isn't it?I still can't figure out the situation. Although it is a bit dangerous, there is no need to run directly. Fly forward to see the situation!

At this moment, Qin Guan's spiritual vision swept across, and suddenly he found a flood of monsters constantly emerging!

Below is a magnificent city, which originally gave people the feeling that it was full of dangers, but now it is no longer full of dangers, and naked crises emerge. Various monsters rush out from some unknown places and merge into the group of these monsters.

Some monsters even saw Qin Guan in the sky and roared angrily. An ape-like monster angrily grabbed a boulder next to it and threw it upwards with all its strength!
Qin Guan: "... Excuse me, please leave."

The strength of these monsters is not too strong, but the number is really scary.Qin Guan is not worried about the dragon falling down for the time being, but there is no need to fight at all.What's more, the situation in the distance is probably the same, not much better.

Qin Guan directly used the back door key to return to the altar hall.

He is not worried about the giant dragon. This guy has very tenacious vitality, and he will not have any major problems moving around the altar hall.

If it doesn't work, go back to the altar hall. I dare not say anything else. In the altar hall, Qin Guan will definitely be able to protect the dragon.

What needs to be worried now is this group of players!

In the altar hall, all the players ran out, looking nervously at the distance of the four rope bridges.

Uncle Ke's face was serious, and he felt that the situation was very bad.

His spiritual vision spread into the distance. Under the suppression of darkness, he could only see more than a hundred meters away, but he could still feel that a large number of monsters were approaching quickly from further away.

But at this moment, the chat channel of the Spiritual Research Association was also in chaos.

Zhao Wumian: "All the members of the Lingyan Society in the other world, return immediately! There are a lot of monsters appearing in the crack!"

Uncle Ke was startled and asked quickly: "What's going on? I'm right next to the portal in the altar hall, and there are no monsters passing through the portal!"

Zhao Wumian replied: "It's not the portal, it's some other cracks!"

Uncle Ke understood, it was the cracks where monsters appeared before!
Rift incidents have been appearing all the time, and the investigators and elite classes of the Spiritual Research Association are trying their best to block them, but they still emerge one after another.When Noronos appeared before, it was accompanied by a huge crack, and it took a lot of effort to finally seal it.

"Count the number of people, withdraw!"

With Uncle Ke's order, people from the Spiritual Research Society stepped through the portal one after another and returned to the real world.

There are some players who performed missions in another world, but they basically withdrew after seeing the darkness fall.

Players from other guilds also stepped through the portal to return to the real world, and soon left completely.

Ouya couldn't laugh or cry: "This..."

Qian Yan was very angry: "These people are too unreliable! When they are in danger, they all slip away, what shall we do!"

"They don't have the responsibility to help, don't panic, I'm trying to find a way."

Qian Yan looked back and saw that Qin Guan had arrived at the altar hall without knowing when.

The players ran away completely, but the altar hall couldn't run. Ouya and the others could fight, but it felt too unrealistic to expect them to fight such a group of monsters.

Holding the spiral sword in his hand, Qin Guan poured the energy of the king weapon into the hall of the altar continuously, and the flames on the altar suddenly rose!

At the same time, a powerful energy barrier appeared around the altar hall, completely covering the isolated island where the altar hall was located!

Qinguan could also choose to demolish all the bridges, but that would be a bit of a loss. After all, it took a lot of effort to rebuild them.

Moreover, it's not that they will never go out again. After the monsters in reality are dealt with, the exploration of other worlds will definitely continue, so it is only a temporary barrier that cannot block all passages.

Of course, the main attack on the entire barrier still came from the four bridges.

Ouya frowned, she could feel that such an energy barrier must consume a lot of spirits.

"Isn't this too risky? Maintaining the barrier all the time consumes too much..."

Ouya doesn't know the specific consumption, but the spirits are saved by everyone's hard work, and it still hurts a little.

"It's okay, the spirit can still earn more, this barrier should be able to handle it for a while."

Qin Guan is not worried about the altar hall. According to Kieves, a small amount of monster impact is not enough to destroy the barrier. After all, it is built with the energy of the king.

But the premise is that there must be enough spirits.

The spirits that Qin Guan has hoarded now are enough for a long time, but he has to think about what to do next.

Of course, the most urgent thing is to go back and see the situation in reality.

When Qin Guan returned to the real world, it was already a mess!
The entire base has been mobilized, and various instructions are constantly being issued in the chat channels of the Spiritual Research Association and the Elite Class.

Qin Guan received several messages from Huajianji one after another.

"The situation is urgent, hurry up, go to this place and find Xiao Qiang, he will drive."

The information sent by Huajianji marked a location, but didn't say anything specific.

"Where should I go to find Xiao Qiang..." Qin Guan was speechless. He looked out the window and happened to see a car downstairs. Xiao Qiang rolled down the window and was waving to him.

Qin Guan turned over and jumped directly from the window downstairs, seeing that the entire base was in chaos.

Such a situation must be completely unexpected. This base was originally built next to the huge crack, just to resist the monsters coming from the crack, but unexpectedly, there are no monsters in this place!

The biggest crack is the one that connects to the portal of the altar hall, but there are no monsters here, but there are many small cracks, and monsters are flooding!

So much so that the base where the most elites gathered did not encounter any enemies, so they could only urgently transfer people to other places.

Watching the troop trucks drive away, there were still a few familiar faces inside.

Xiao Qiang drove a commercial vehicle, Qin Guan got in the car and found that Su Xiaoyu, Shen Mengli and others were also there.

"Can you drive?" Qin Guan asked the first sentence when he got into the car.

Xiao Qiang: "Are you kidding me? I just passed the driver's license test seriously! But I haven't driven a lot since I finished the driver's license test..."

Qin Guan Fu forehead.

Su Xiaoyu said: "Let's go quickly, you are the only one among us who can drive."

Qin Guan pointed to the troop truck outside: "Can't we go there?"

Su Xiaoyu shook her head: "The arrangements are already full."

Qin Guan was very speechless, come on, the few of us became free activities together.

(End of this chapter)

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