charismatic player

Chapter 371 Caught a Big Fish

Chapter 371 Caught a Big Fish

"This giant dragon is too huge. Just transferring it out cost me a lot of King Artifact energy. What a blood loss!"

Qin Guan reckoned the energy of the king weapon he had already consumed, and his flesh ached.

In order to restore the strength of this giant dragon, a lot of the energy of the king's weapon has been used up. Now feeding the large group of dragons and bringing the dragon to another world, these almost consume the energy of the king's weapon collected before. Most of it.

The dragon stood on the barren hill, looking around.

This is the first time it has come to another world, and it is a completely unfamiliar environment, but in terms of its strength, this place can be called a vast sea and sky, flying freely.

"Go for food by yourself, try not to be exposed to the players' vision for a long time, but don't run too far." Qin Guan said to the dragon.

The giant dragon glared at him with two huge eyes, flapped its wings, stirred up a gust of wind, and flew away.

Qin Guan really couldn't afford to keep this giant dragon in captivity.

Just restoring its strength to about [-]% can make Qin Guan poor. Even if this giant dragon keeps lying on its stomach, it consumes a lot every day.

So, simply put it in another world to forage freely and be self-sufficient.

Of course, if you release it, you have to take risks. If it escapes, it is almost impossible to catch it back.But the green-headed dragon is still here in Qinguan. The giant dragon communicated with the green-headed dragon for a while before leaving. It seems that it has figured it out and it should not run away.


A week will soon pass, and the competition between the various guilds is coming to an end.

Obviously, all the guilds are holding back their energy, waiting to finally reach the first place.

There is one last hour left.

Uehara Fumi came to Qianyan and directly handed in 30 spirits at a time!
Not long after, Joshua also came and handed in 50!
In the last hour, young leaders of various guilds appeared one after another, and their handwriting was getting bigger and bigger!

Qin Guan is still waiting.

In the past, these guilds only asked some small miscellaneous fish to hand in souls, and the number was not large, only a few thousand at most.

Because, let the little miscellaneous fish bring too much spirit, don't worry!
Hundreds of thousands of spirits can buy a lot of good things. These are the resources of the guild. If they abscond with the money, it will cause trouble.

What's more, who can guarantee that there are no traitors in the guild?
Therefore, at the final stage, in order to compete for the rankings, the leaders of these guilds had to come here in person.


At the last moment, Qin Guan finally found the target he had been waiting for.

Soul Reaper!
People like Joshua and Uehara Fumi are old acquaintances with Qin Guan, and they know each other well.

Although the purpose of this competition was to cheat some of their spirits by the way, in the final analysis, the goal was not with them, but with the spirit snatchers.

This time, the person who came to communicate with the spirit was a stooped old man, his whole body was wrapped tightly in a black suit, his original appearance could not be seen, and his age could only be judged from his figure.

Moreover, Qin Guan scanned through the attribute panel and found that this person was also a bunch of question marks!
【Arturo, lv.??,??】

Moreover, when Qin Guan looked at him, Arturo actually looked at Qin Guan, the eyes hidden behind the hood, naturally revealed a killing intent!
Qin Guan remained calm, mocking Brother, he must not show timidity.

However, Qin Guan instantly confirmed that this person is probably one of the big names among the spirit snatchers, and he is on a higher level than Ba ​​Song, Moore and others!
It seems that this Arturo is a strong man who has mastered the spirit a long time ago, and the feeling of oppression is similar to that of Uncle Ke, and even stronger!
Arturo handed in 50 spirits, directly pushing the ranking of the spirit snatcher to the first place, and then turned around and left without staying too long.

Obviously, with such a large amount of spirits, the senior officials of the Judges Guild were worried about handing them over to ordinary spirit snatchers, so Arturo sent them specially.

"Will it be the president of the spirit snatchers?"

"Probably not, but at least he is a very important elder-level figure among the Soul Reavers."

Qin Guan's current combat strength is between the deputy director and the director.

Of course, the directors of the Spiritual Research Association have different strengths. For example, Uncle Ke is also considered to be director-level, but his actual combat power should be much higher than that of Huajianji.

Characters like the Director of the Overseas Department and the Captain of the Law Enforcement Team, who fight life and death every day, are naturally stronger than ordinary Directors.

In other words, Qinguan basically has no chance of winning against this Arturo, and the gap in attributes is difficult to make up!

If it was this Arturo who came to assassinate Qin Guan at that time, he must have been completely chilled.

However, the spirit snatchers couldn't predict the future, how could they easily release such a heavyweight old monster.

Just like if the Spiritual Research Society wanted to assassinate the younger masters of the Skull and Bones Society, they would never let Uncle Ke do it. Killing a chicken with a bull's-eye is too risky, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"Finally caught a big fish."

Qin Guan engaged in such a troublesome activity just to catch the big fish among the spirit snatchers.

If the soul snatcher is really determined to let all kinds of small miscellaneous fish come to exchange spirits, then Qin Guan really has nothing to do, and he can't just use the giant dragon as his trump card in order to assassinate a few trash.

Qin Guan watched Arturo leave the altar hall and head east.

In the hall of the altar, people are still handing in spirits one after another, and the numbers on the leaderboard are still changing under the influence of spirit puppets. The hall is full of players from various guilds, waiting for the final result.

From the current point of view, the Last Judge Guild has successfully surpassed and won the No.1 position!

However, other guilds can continue to exert their efforts, but the results are hard to say.

Qin Guan left the hall, he didn't follow Arturo directly, that would be too deadly.

First, I found a place where no one was around, and changed my clothes.

Then, take out the spiral sword and release a large number of spirits towards the sky!
It is a bit wasteful to use the spiral sword directly as a signal flare, but there is no better way.

A moment later, a dark cloud floated from afar!
The dragon flapped its wings and came to Qin Guan.

The dragon had been looking for food nearby, and didn't fly too far. Qin Guan jumped up and climbed up along its scales.

"You assassinate me once, and I will assassinate you once. I'm sorry, I'm just so narrow-minded!"

Qin Guan sat on the back of the giant dragon and soared into the sky!

The giant dragon flapped its wings at an extremely fast speed, and the sound of wind whistled past Qin Guan's ears. In the blink of an eye, the hilltop where it had previously settled was thrown away and disappeared.

In Qin Guan's impression, Arturo was heading east. He didn't follow him, and he didn't know the exact direction. However, the speed of the giant dragon was much faster than that of the players. Even if Arturo ran desperately, he couldn't be faster. Beat the dragon that flies in the sky.

Of course, if Arturo slipped through the portal, or sneaked so that Qin Guan could not see him, that would be a different matter.But Arturo is not God, even if he can guard against being attacked by players, how can he guard against being attacked by a dragon?

(End of this chapter)

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