charismatic player

Chapter 363 Slapped on the ground!

Chapter 363 Slapped on the ground!
The cold light of the dagger flashed past, and across Patrice's chest, there was a bloody mouth in an instant!
Patrice's reaction was quick. When the big dragon tooth in Qin Guan's hand disappeared in an instant, he felt something was wrong. He subconsciously dodged to the side, but the dagger pierced through the mail armor and injured his chest.

Although every warrior player has armor, Qin Guan is now wearing a dragon blood ring, which is very powerful!The result of this is that there will be some damage to the dagger, but the pure lethality will also increase.

Qin Guan didn't care about any damage. Anyway, this dagger was brought with him. Even if it was worn out, it would be restored quickly by throwing it in the conscious world.

Patrice immediately raised his spirits, and he found that he still underestimated Qin Guan's strength, which is very dangerous!
The reason why Moore lost was because he misjudged Qin Guan's strength, and Patrice did the same. This is a very bad signal.

Patrice immediately put away the two-handed giant sword. It was not easy to use the two-handed giant sword when Qin Guan was close to him, so he replaced it with a bright silver curved sword and a small round shield.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of changing weapons, Qin Guan suddenly took a step back, pulled out the big dragon tooth again, and smashed it down!
Patrice subconsciously wanted to block it with a shield, but immediately realized that it was not working, and retreated again, finally successfully dodging.

But this time the big dragon tooth hit the ground heavily, even shaking Patrice a little dizzy!

The destructive power of the big dragon tooth was astonishing. This attack directly smashed a big hole in the road, and the aftermath of this attack also had some impact on Patrice. Although he was not injured at all, he was still shocked.

Now several people were huddled together on the road, and the cars driving behind panicked and stopped far away, not daring to approach at all.

It depends on this posture, whoever dares to go over, the past will definitely be affected!
Just as Patrice wanted to take this opportunity to fight back, he saw Qin Guan put away the big dragon tooth suddenly, turned around suddenly to dodge the incoming arrows, and then rushed straight towards the hunter who had been shooting arrows in the distance !
Shen Mengyao and another investigator had already fought the assassin a little bit hard. Seeing Qin Guan abandoning Patrice and rushing to the other side, they were so anxious that they didn't know what to say.

To die!
You can't win even one, and you still mess with so many people!
Of course, Shen Mengyao also knew that the archer woman had to be killed first, otherwise she would keep shooting arrows beside her, even if Qin Guan and Shen Mengyao avoided the arrows, they would be taken advantage of by Patrice or the assassin because of their deformed movements, but The truth is such a truth, but how difficult it is to do it!

Now Qin Guan is equivalent to facing three people at the same time. The thin middle-aged man and the archery hunter are in front, and Patrice is still chasing behind him. Isn't this the enemy?

If the huntress is left alone, there is still hope to rush over and kill her directly, but now the skinny middle-aged man can immediately support her, and if she delays for a while, she will be besieged by three people!
Shen Mengyao gritted her teeth anxiously: "Get out of here!"

The bright silver curved sword in her hand instantly ignited a blazing spiritual fire, and her figure became extremely vigorous. She directly and quickly avoided the assassin with a few swords, and rushed towards the huntress.

Flipping her left hand, she took out a special talisman from her body, and flicked it towards where the huntress was!
"Then give it a try. Whether you can succeed or not depends on this!"

This is a good thing Shen Mengyao got from Feng Shui Department.

Although this talisman paper looked very thin, it passed through like a hard card, and landed precisely at the feet of the huntress!

The talisman paper was inserted deeply into the ground, the lines on it flashed, and several powerful spirits instantly bound the huntress' legs!
Shen Mengyao knew that Qin Guan wanted to kill this troublesome long-distance occupation first. Although it was very risky, Qin Guan had already rushed out, and Shen Mengyao could only support as much as possible.

All I can say is, I hope this talisman can help.

At the same time, Qin Guan sideways quickly dodged a few arrows, but before he could touch the huntress, the thin middle-aged man had already stepped in front of him!

Qin Guan was carrying the big dragon tooth at this time, it looked very uncoordinated, but it was indeed scary!
The skinny middle-aged man knew how terrifying the big dragon tooth's lethality was, so of course he didn't dare to take it hard, but he couldn't hide, otherwise the huntress would suffer.

As soon as the middle-aged man raised his hand, the dragon slayer's large shield reappeared, deeply inserted into the ground, trying to block the attack of the big dragon tooth!
Qin Guan became angry when he saw the shield.

What I made, you use it against me? ? ?

Qin Guan's strength was instantly stimulated to the limit, and he held the big dragon tooth with both hands and smashed down the large arc-shaped shield in front of him like a door panel!


The two lumps of metal slammed into each other. The middle-aged man was already trying his best to support the big shield, but he still felt an irresistible force pressing up like Mount Tai!

The big dragon tooth hit the shield directly. The lower end of the shield was originally inserted into the ground, but at this time it still fell unstoppably towards the middle-aged man, and the hard road surface was dug open!



The middle-aged man seemed to hear the crisp sound of bones breaking from his body, and at the same time his body had already bent down in a very strange posture, but before he could distinguish it, it was already dark.

The big shield was hit by Qin Guan's big dragon tooth, and it was directly slapped on the ground, pressing the middle-aged man inside!

The shield is curved, and the edges on both sides have been completely inserted into the ground. The highest point of the arc is almost flush with the ground. There is a deep groove on the shield, which is naturally the dent caused by the big dragon tooth!
As for the middle-aged man under the shield, I don't know if he is still alive.But even if you are lucky enough to survive, the situation will definitely not be optimistic...

The female archer was instantly stunned. It was one thing to know that the big dragon tooth was a terrifying weapon, but it was another thing to see it in person!
The female archer with a ferocious face drew her bow and set her arrows hastily, but she shot crookedly into the sky.

Qin Guan, who was holding the big dragon's teeth high, was like a steamroller in front of her. He couldn't raise any fighting spirit at all!

She wanted to run, but the talisman paper was still tightly binding her feet. Although it wouldn't last long, it was enough to kill her!
Patrice was furious and said, "How dare you ignore me! You want to die!"

Although Qin Guan ran this way one step earlier, Patrice had already caught up with the middle-aged man after hitting him.

I saw Patrice raised his hand, and an irregular crystal appeared on his hand, and then the ground under Qin Guan's feet twisted instantly, as if a crack had grown, trying to entangle Qin Guan's feet!
(End of this chapter)

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