Chapter 360
Finally, after collecting in the entire spirit world for a long time, Qin Guan felt that he should have collected all the black energy in his hands.

This "darkness" gave Qin Guan the feeling of a kind of light, black light.

Just like a ball of light, it is also a kind of energy itself, and it can also be gathered into a black ball, and it will also be consumed slowly.

The darkness before existed in the entire spiritual world, but now Qin Guan has collected them all, just like collecting a black sun.These dark energies are in a state of constant attenuation, but the interesting thing is that as long as the royal weapon energy is injected into this black ball of light, the royal weapon energy will automatically be converted into black energy.

"Having this thing is equivalent to letting the animals in the farm learn photosynthesis!"

Qin Guan thought happily, although in fact it was not the case at all, but the result was similar.

As long as there is this kind of black light, all the monsters in the farm can enter a hibernation state, so that their daily consumption can be reduced to a minimum, so as to save their souls to the greatest extent.

Isn't this equivalent to letting the monsters learn photosynthesis?
As for how this dark energy is generated and what the principle is, Qin Guan currently has no idea.He only knows that these black lights can be used as a medium to generate more black lights by infusing the energy of the king weapon. These black lights can suppress the activity of regular monsters (dragons, other creatures) in the spirit world, allowing them to be in a state similar to hibernation. and if these black lights shine on the undead and other monsters, it may induce mutations and make them more ferocious.

Then, as before, dig out the dragon's lair from the great spirit world, reserve a place for all the giant dragons, and use the power of the king weapon and the black light to look after these dragons.

After all, these dragons should all be useful in the future.

The giant dragon is still weak, but with enough spirits, its strength can slowly recover, but this process will be very slow, after all, the size of this dragon is too large.

After working for several hours, I finally settled this new spirit world, or... the new breeding farm.

Qin Guan withdrew from the world of consciousness and found a message from Huajianji.

"Come here. You seem to be on the reward list of the spirit snatchers, and you are at the top of all the younger masters."

Qin Guan found Hua Jianji in the base, and was arranged to get into a car.

Qin Guan looked at the driver, who seemed to be a member of the Spiritual Research Association, and then looked at the Huajianji outside the car: "...Aren't you going to get in the car? Where are you going to take me?"

"Why didn't I get in the car? Don't you ask knowingly?" Hua Jianji glanced at him, "Go to the headquarters of the Spiritual Research Association, Director Zhao wants to see you."


Qin Guan didn't expect that he would actually come to the headquarters of the Spiritual Research Association one day.

Before, Qin Guan had always had a mysterious impression of the Spiritual Research Society. People like Uncle Ke, Hua Jianji, and Du Wei were all members of the Spiritual Research Society.

For a long time, Qin Guan has only two impressions of the Spiritual Research Association. One is that the people here are very strong, and it can be said that they gather the strongest group of people in the country; the other is...they are a bit funny.

It is very different from the people in the system in Qin Guan's impression.

As for Director Zhao Wumian, Qin Guan had heard of it a long time ago, but had never seen him.It's just that I don't know why Director Zhao called him here this time.

The Lingyan Society is located underground in the downtown area of ​​the imperial capital, and Qin Guan is not sure about the exact location, because the investigator who drove the car directly entered from an unremarkable underground garage, passed through several complicated underground tunnels, and then got off. car.

There are many checkpoints along the way, and there are various special magic charms to cover up. Qin Guan feels that even if he has been here once, he may not be able to find his way if he comes a second time.

After all, Lingyan has a department like Feng Shui Department, and there are many professionals in this area.

The Feng Shui Department investigator, Hua Jianji's subordinate, led the way all the way to Zhao Wumian's office.

Qin Guan gently knocked on the door, and after hearing Zhao Wumian say "come in", he pushed the door open and entered.

What surprised Qin Guan was that Zhao Wumian was much younger than he imagined, but the two dark circles under his eyes were really eye-catching.

In addition, there was a large pile of documents on the table, and Qin Guan was really worried that all those documents would fall to the ground.

Zhao Wumian looked Qin Guan up and down, he had heard about Qin Guan from Du Wei and Ke Fenghua a long time ago, and had been following his files, but he had no chance to see him face to face.

Zhao Wumian had attached great importance to Qin Guan before, but only regarded him as a genius of the younger generation of the Lingyan Society, but now Zhao Wumian suddenly realized that this Qin Guan might be even stronger than he imagined!
The report of the new spirit world has been handed over to Zhao Wumian. Qin Guan chatted happily with the giant dragon in the spirit world, and even directly beat the leader of the spirit snatcher to death with a big dragon tooth. If these things were not verified by multiple parties, Zhao Wumian couldn't believe it at all.

What's more, the soul snatchers listed Qin Guan as the number one assassination target, which highlighted how much these people hated him.

"According to reliable sources, you are already the biggest target of hatred among the Spirit Feeders. Bassoon, Rui Jialiang, Moore, and many Spirit Feeders from the 'Last Judge' guild have all fallen on your hands, no wonder They were so pissed off."

Zhao Wumian has a serious expression: "So, the idea of ​​the Spiritual Research Society is that you stay at the headquarters of the Spiritual Research Society as much as possible. Although it can be resurrected, it is not safe, and it may be captured alive by the corpse guard, just like we captured Basong before."

Qin Guan was a little surprised: "What's the use of blindly hiding in the Spiritual Research Association? I can't stay here for the rest of my life. What's more, all the people on the list may be assassinated by the spirit snatchers. Some young people who perform well It may also become a target, your attitude has always been that you can't give up because of choking, right?"

Zhao Wumian shook his head and said: "Your situation is quite special. Others are just 'possible' to be targeted by the spirit robbers, but you are different. You are already the target that the spirit robbers want to get rid of quickly, and you may even be targeted by the spirit robbers." Send some extremely powerful experts to deal with you. In terms of probability, you may be assassinated at any time, and Lingyan will not want to take this risk."

"You know, although the Overseas Division of the Spiritual Research Association has been investigating these information, and the domestic control of the Spiritual Research Association is not weak, there are always ways for some powerful transcendents to enter. It may be illegal entry from the border, or If it is through some other means, the soul snatchers in the country will also respond, and there may even be some extremely powerful soul snatchers hidden in the country... It is too difficult to protect you, the enemy is dark and we are clear."

(End of this chapter)

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