charismatic player

Chapter 356 The Spirit World Closes

Chapter 356 The Spirit World Closes
The spirit snatchers were all terrified, and they stood there completely dazed.

The scene of Qin Guan holding up the big dragon tooth and beating Moore to death with a hammer was so shocking that many people panicked. The key point is that the leader is already dead. Can we still beat him?
People in other guilds naturally panicked more, and the scene froze for a while, no one dared to be the second to stand out...

Qin Guan was ready to run away, but found that the scene seemed to freeze.

"...Is this the so-called capture the thief first?" Xiao Qiang whispered behind the stone slab.

"I don't know, hurry up and withdraw, what are you waiting for..."

Qin Guan hid behind Xiao Qiang's stone slab and planned to retreat. At this moment, Qin Guan felt that the dragon blood ring he was wearing on his hand seemed to be a little hot, and the big dragon teeth seemed to start to heat up slightly. At the same time, A powerful suction force appeared, like an invisible whirlpool, trying to wrap Qin Guan in!
The same was true for the others. Qin Guan saw the spirit snatchers on the opposite side gradually disappearing in the distorted space one by one, obviously returning to the real world.

"What do you mean? The spirit world is closing??"

Others didn't understand what was going on at all, but in fact, for them, the first two spirit worlds were the same.

Qin Guan guessed, maybe the dragon blood ring activated some attribute of the big dragon tooth, so it became a real king tool?

But these questions couldn't be answered for the time being, Qin Guan felt a strong suction pulling himself continuously, and then the whole person involuntarily entered into the vortex!
When he came to his senses, Qin Guan had already returned to his residence.

Not long after, Xiao Qiang also reappeared.

"Holy shit, brother-in-law, I was scared to death, I almost thought I was going to be besieged by the spirit snatchers and I couldn't get out..."

Xiao Qiang patted his chest with lingering fear, and then said regretfully: "It's a pity, that big stone slab can't be taken out from the spirit world."

"It doesn't matter, people are fine."

Qin Guan didn't care about the stone slab, although it was useful, it was nothing more than a large shield.

Others couldn't bring it out because the stone slabs were not props, but Qin Guan could. He had an incredible golden touch and could transform these things into props.But the spirit world disappeared very suddenly, and he had no chance to use it.

If the spirit world can be opened again, Qin Guan can try to transform this stone slab into a prop and bring it out, but he doesn't know if it will be successful.

Soon, the Lingyan Society began to count the number of people as usual.

Some members of the Spiritual Research Association who entered the spiritual world this time inevitably died, but the number was not many.For these people, as before, the Spiritual Research Association will provide care.

However, they only lost their abilities in reality, and they could continue to live like ordinary people.


At the same time, the Guild of the Last Judge quarreled.

This guild is the guild where the soul snatchers belong, and Rui Jialiang, Moore and others are all members of this guild.

But this time they suffered heavy losses in the spirit world.

North America, a remote town.

"All my powers... are gone."

Moore looked at his hands in disbelief. He was still alive, but the loss of the power of a super player made him feel worse than death.

It's like a healthy young man who suddenly breaks his limbs one day and can only lie on the hospital bed, and the doctor tells you that he will never recover.


A black man looked at him with some distress, but didn't know what to say.

"Damn it! Bastard! I have worked so hard for decades to acquire the power of a transcendent, how could it just be like this..."

Moore frantically pushed the long table in front of him to the ground, smashing everything he could see, but the hand cut by the broken glass also reminded him that he no longer had the body of a transcendent, and now Just a normal person.

Moore suddenly grabbed the black man: "Wagner, kill that kid for me! Be sure to kill that kid for me! You are the strongest killer in the guild. If you make a move, you can do it. I will let that kid die and I will be buried." place!"

Moore was already a little hysterical, and Wagner supported Moore: "Don't worry, Mole, I will avenge you. Even if you don't tell me, the guild will never just let it go."

First, in the foreign world, the soul snatchers who lured monsters to hunt and kill players were seduced by Qin Guan and then wiped out by the Lingyan Society. Ba Song was captured alive by the Spiritual Research Society. The spirit snatcher died at the hands of Qin Guan, the plan to ambush the Great Guild completely failed, and the other party got the most precious treasure chest in the spirit world...

All kinds of behaviors can be said to directly fill up the hatred.

If the Soul Reavers can stand this, it's time to give them a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trophy...

Although this group of people can't confirm Qin Guan's real identity now, they can be sure that he is a member of the Lingyan Society and a Chinese player, and his appearance has been seen by many people.

It is only a matter of time before Qin Guan is tracked down.


Qin Guan is currently confirming the harvest in the altar hall.

There are not many players today, probably because the influence of the previous spirit world was too great, and the players who entered the spirit world are all resting.

Qin Guan is still dressed as a taunting brother, and the other players have already seen it.

"The Great Sword of Disaster."

"Spiral sword."

"Black Horn King Bow."

"Big dragon tooth."

Qin Guan came to the side of several altars in the altar hall, and began to confirm these altars against the royal equipment he had obtained.

Each altar has a unique structure, and the king's artifact can be placed on it just right. Through this, you can confirm whether the big dragon tooth you got is one of the king's artifacts.

Of course, Qin Guan didn't really need to take out the king's equipment, anyway, the appearance of these king's equipment had already been imprinted in his mind, as long as he compared it with the altar, he could see it.

"Sure enough, the big dragon tooth is one of the king weapons."

Qin Guan successfully found the altar where the big dragon tooth was, and there was a wide and deep dent on it, which happened to be the size of the big dragon tooth.

"Since it is a king weapon, you should be able to use the spiral sword to try to reopen the spirit world, right?"

Qin Guan tried to immerse his consciousness world into the spiral sword, and then disappeared in the altar hall in an instant!

Consciousness shuttled through the void, and soon, Qin Guan locked onto this new spiritual world.

The two spirit world Qin Passes of Helix Sword and Black Horn King Bow have been there many times, but this is only the second time.

Soon, Qin Guan came to his senses, he was already in the spirit world.

"I remember the scales on that dragon could be used as a shield? I need to have a good chat with it."

Nothing in the spirit world has changed, but the players have all been kicked out.Qin Guan followed the previous route and walked up the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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