charismatic player

Chapter 354 Monsters Will Open Boxes? !

Chapter 354 Monsters Will Open Boxes? !
The bone armored dragon carried Qin Guan to the vicinity of the beacon tower, threw Qin Guan down, and then ran away.

Qing Guan had not yet decided where to get off the car, but he was thrown off by the Bone Armored Dragon!
"Day! Your special car is too unqualified, I gave you a bad review, let me tell you!"

Qin Guan was very upset, but there was no need to chase this bone armored dragon to settle accounts with it now, it was almost at the Beacon Tower.

There are some monsters nearby, but no players. Probably the players have all ran to the beacon tower, and those who didn't run up have probably returned to the resurrection point.

Qin Guan estimated that it would be daybreak soon. If he jumped on the beacon tower in his current form, he would definitely be besieged by the Skull and Bones Society and the Soul Reavers. It was not that he was afraid, but the key was that there was no need to cause trouble for himself.

But it is still necessary to go.

Qin Guan had an idea, and remembered the Dragon Scale Orb from before.

I have used it once before, but now that the cooling time has been reversed, I can use it again.

Use it as you say, Qin Guan took out the dragon scale orb and used it!

His body swelled rapidly again, turning into a dragon.It has a physical body, and its steps, movements, etc. are similar to other dragons in the spirit world, and there is no difference at all.However, Qin Guan noticed that becoming a dragon for the second time seemed to be different from the first time.

Although they are both dragons, they are obviously larger in size, and when I touch the top of their head, they actually have two more sharp horns, which makes them look very difficult to mess with.

"Yes, it looks even more majestic than before."

Qin Guan ran forward for a certain distance, then jumped onto the beacon tower!
On the beacon tower, a large group of players were surrounding the treasure box, looking at each other warily, but none of them dared to enter the three-meter range around the treasure box.

In fact, according to the original plan, Moore wanted to wait for the Skull and Bones Society, the Spiritual Research Society, Gao Tianyuan, etc. to fight to the death for the treasure chest first, and then make a sudden attack to reap the benefits, but the cheater They were disturbed by Qin Guan!

The pervert with the light bulb on his head attracted so many dragons from nowhere and formed a dragon nest. The group of soul snatchers couldn't hide anymore, so they could only be driven to the beacon tower. The buried spell didn't have much effect, and the two sides were so deadlocked!
And what's even more bizarre is that the tide of dragons comes and goes quickly. After the giant dragon suspected of suffering from mad dragon disease flew away, the little dragons also left, so only players and regular monsters were left on the Beacon Tower. .

As the night gradually passed, the number of these monsters began to gradually decrease, and the final battle focused on the player and the player.

The current situation is that no one is willing to give up this box, but no one dares to touch it!
As long as anyone dared to get close to the three-meter range around the box, everyone else would immediately set fire to it, which was very dangerous.

Moore wanted to go, but even though his strength was considered top-notch in the entire spirit world, he was still worried about what to do if something happened. After all, being killed by other players in the spirit world was basically the same as death.

This treasure chest that exudes dazzling light has the last inscription left to open, and everyone is ready to make a move.

But at this moment, many players subconsciously looked at Beacon Tower's foot.

I saw a giant dragon suddenly jumped onto the beacon tower without warning!

There were few players in that direction, but the players around were startled the first time they saw this dragon, and they all avoided it. There was an empty space on the Beacon Tower in an instant!
Maul was also startled, and he looked carefully at the dragon.

He is so big!

Although it is not as good as the fire-breathing dragon, it is several times larger than the average bone-armored dragon. Its body is covered with black scales, its wings are large, its claws are powerful, and the most terrifying thing is that there are two more on its head. The thick sharp horns look very vicious!

I saw this dragon lowering his body, staring at everyone present with a fierce look in his eyes.

Qin Guan didn't dare to call because he didn't know if it was the sound of a dragon after he called out. If it didn't sound like it, wouldn't it reveal the truth?So I can only put up a show, hoping to scare these people.

The players around were all frightened, and all of them stared at Qin Guan with a little panic.

Many people have doubts in their hearts.

Where did this dragon come from? ?
It looks very fierce, why is it motionless?

Who is this going to eat?
None of the players present dared to act rashly, because the scene is now in a weird state of balance!
These guilds are all eyeing the box, but none of them dare to say that they are safe, so they are just testing each other.If a certain force provoked this dragon and started a fight, wouldn't it be taken advantage of by the other party?

Everyone doesn’t know if this dragon is powerful or not, but it looks like it’s untouchable!
Of course, the Soul Taker wants this dragon to attack the players of the Great Guild, and vice versa, so everyone is waiting, thinking that this dragon will take the initiative to attack sooner or later, right?

It turned out not to be, the vicious dragon just looked here and there ferociously, and then walked forward with a gloomy face!
As soon as the dragon's front paw moved, the people nearby retreated back, and everyone was so cowardly that they didn't dare to provoke it.

"No one cares about me? Then I'm welcome..."

Qin Guan was so happy, the situation on the scene was very weird, but the play had to continue, Qin Guan stared at a player on the opposite side, and walked over slowly!

The place he was facing was where the Brahma Guild was standing. The Asan player he was staring at was almost scared to the point of peeing. He suddenly dodged to the left and got into the crowd.

But if he ran away, there would be others. How could there be so many people running away, and the others couldn't help but step back...

Maul was extremely happy when he saw this. He wished that this dragon would start a fight with the Asan players, so that the Soul Reavers could take advantage of the chaos and get this treasure chest!
The peripheral players continued to kill monsters, and the last inscription around the treasure chest was also lit up!

Qin Guan just walked around the treasure chest, turned his head, turned his tail towards the players of the Spiritual Research Society, and then stopped.

Everyone was stunned, what do you mean?
Aren't you targeting the Asan players? Why did you stop? ?
At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, and the day was coming!
The surrounding brightness began to increase rapidly. Originally, it was necessary to hold the light technique to see the surroundings clearly, but now it is no longer necessary, so many people no longer use the light technique, and subconsciously look around, wanting to see what is going on in the distance.

When everyone was distracted because the day was coming, Qin Guan's paws caught the treasure box and opened it directly, taking the white light inside!

Everyone was stunned.

Fuck? !Longevity, all the monsters can open boxes! !

(End of this chapter)

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