charismatic player

Chapter 350 The Shit Stirrer Comes Again!

Chapter 350 The Shit Stirrer Comes Again!

A large number of players and monsters poured in like crazy, making the already crowded beacon tower impossible to see. Many players couldn't even get out even if they wanted to. There were too many people!
With Moore's order, several spirit masters among the spirit snatchers immediately detonated the spells previously hidden on the beacon tower, and several Asan players who couldn't dodge were blown away at that time. Although they didn't die, they also The injury is serious!

The goal of the soul snatchers is very simple, that is, to target other players on the Beacon Tower. Anyway, as long as they are not from their own guild, they will kill them painfully, even killing people and monsters together!

The Skull and Bones players are still working hard to maintain the line of defense, and they still want to insist on taking the contents of the box before leaving, but it is obviously very difficult, because the dragon tide is coming soon, and when the spirit takers follow them The monsters rushed over, and they probably couldn't stand it at all, not to mention the players of the Fentian Guild had already planned to run away!

Qin Guan glanced at the situation around him, and silently prepared to run away.

Now the surroundings of the beacon tower are in chaos. Spells are exploding one after another on the beacon tower. The soul snatchers are mixed with the monsters. They all want to take advantage of the chaos to rush to the beacon tower, kill people, steal souls and grab boxes. Behind Qin Guan is a vast There were so many dragons, and all their hatred was directed at him, the big lightbulb. Although the soul snatchers around him mainly wanted to kill him on the beacon tower, they would never mind giving Qin Guan a break.

Under such circumstances, Qin Guan has less and less room to play. Once he is under heavy siege, no matter how good Qin Guan is, it will be useless.

So Qing Guan began to wonder how he could take the opportunity to escape and meet up with Amelia Su and the others...


At this moment, a dragon's roar suddenly came from the sky, shaking everyone dizzy!

Qin Guan recovered relatively quickly. When he looked up, he saw a huge black shadow flying over the beacon tower without knowing when, and there was a faint light of fire emerging from the huge mouth.

"That flying dragon!"

Qin Guan was shocked, you are really a shit-stirring stick, why do you always have you at critical moments? !

If Qin Guan was still in the dragon's nest and still kept the shape of a dragon, he would have to lie on the ground immediately and beg for dragon saliva, but it is different now. Qin Guan is in the shape of a human, with a big light bulb on his head. In the eyes of this giant dragon, there is a fire!

The other little monsters were all twisted by the dragon's roar, and a few weaker skeleton soldiers fell apart on the spot, and were replaced by the players next to them.

"That damn dragon is here again! Run!"

"How to run, where is this going!"

"Ah, ah, don't block me!"

The players huddled in the crowd are going crazy, seeing that the dragon is about to breathe fire and wipe out everyone, but the key is that they can't do anything now!Want to jump off the city wall?Then you have to ask the players and monsters crowded in front of you whether they agree or not?

Qin Guan swept his eyes and felt that the target of this giant dragon was the players on the Beacon Tower. Although Su Xiaoyu and the others were far away, they might still be affected!
With an idea, Qin Guan jumped up and stomped hard on the head of a chasing dragon. After jumping up, the hook claw of his left hand shot out instantly!

Qin Guan didn't forget to turn off the light on his head after shooting the hook and claw meeting, so as not to become the brightest star in the night and be shot down by the spirit snatchers.

Fortunately, the Soul Reavers were also fighting fiercely with other players and monsters, so they had no time to care about Qing Guan. Even if a few people saw it, they would only think that Qing Guan was seeking death.

"He, he is going to fly to that dragon's tail?!"

The few players who saw this scene were stunned. This buddy thought he didn't die fast enough!
Although you will most likely be sprayed to death by the dragon flame on the beacon tower, there is still a certain probability of surviving. What kind of fairy trick are you flying on the dragon's tail? !
Qin Guan didn't have time to bear the worship of the crowd, the hook quickly retracted, and Qin Guan successfully flew to the dragon's body again, but this time it was not the claws, but the tail!

Qin Guan didn't hastily pull out the calamity sword to output this time, but learned the lesson from last time, and started to grab the dragon's scales with both hands, and began to climb up along the tail!

The giant dragon obviously didn't notice it, because Qin Guan's size was like a mosquito on a human body to the giant dragon. If you say you don't feel it, but a little bit, if you say you have a feeling, you may mistake it for an illusion.The last time the dragon could sense it, it was because Qin Guan took out 5% of its health with a single poke with the calamity sword, but this time Qin Guan didn't make a move, so the dragon temporarily felt no danger.

The giant dragon flapped its wings in the air, and the gust of wind made everyone on the city wall feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, the giant dragon opened its mouth wide, and a blazing breath surged from its throat!

"It's over, it's going to breathe fire!"

"Burn this place! Hurry up and send me back to my resurrection point!"

"Get out of the way! Bastard, don't get in the way!!"

Players have different reactions. Some Ah San players are really afraid of being killed by the soul snatcher, but hope that they will die under the breath of the dragon, so that they can return to resurrection; The Skull and Bones players in the box, and Moore, whose mind is full of killing and soul killing.

The Huaxia players of the Spiritual Research Association were not in the center of the battle, but they were also under the threat of the dragon's breath at this time. Xiao Qiang hurriedly lifted up the big stone slab left by Qin Guan: "Quick, everyone, pay attention to avoiding, look for Good dead corner of the city wall!"

Although this fire will inevitably cause casualties, but after all, with this big stone slab, it is much more comfortable than other guilds.

In the end, Su Xiaoyu took a closer look with the light of the light technique: "No, the direction of the dragon's head seems to be facing us! It can't be stopped!"

Xiao Qiang also hurriedly looked up, sure enough, from the direction of the dragon's head, the fire was probably going to burn to their side!
"It's over, it's cold, let's see you at resurrection..." Xiao Qiang also knew that even if this shield could block himself and a few people, most people couldn't hide.


At the same time, Qin Guan was quickly climbing on the back of the giant dragon.

With the help of the hook rope, Qin Guan climbed very fast, and the dragon was basically suspended in the air, and did not make much movement. Qin Guan climbed up the back of the dragon along its tail, and climbed to the back of the dragon's neck. , holding the scales with both hands.

The position of the back of the neck of all animals is the most awkward position, just like when animals pick their own cubs, they mouth from this position.The back of the neck is a position that most animals can neither lick nor grasp, and dragons are no exception.

Qin Guan had premeditated this time, and wanted to attack this place to kill this dragon!

The main thing is that this giant dragon is really annoying. It has been making troubles since it passed the Feilong Bridge, and then it has not stopped when it comes to the city wall and the dragon's nest. At that time, he would be sprayed to death by this dragon's fire.

However, just as Qin Guan took out the calamity sword, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Looking at the position of the dragon head, it seems that this fire will be sprayed on the players of the Spiritual Research Club!
How can this work!

Qin Guan took out the great sword of calamity, and hit the neck on the right side of the dragon!
As soon as the dragon's mouthful of fire reached his throat, he suddenly felt that his right side of the neck was touched by something strange, a bit like being bitten by a bug, but a lot of life points were instantly robbed!
For the giant dragon, it was like being hit by a large siege ballista. The giant dragon subconsciously tilted its neck to the left.

With a sound of "Huh", the dragon's breath from the mouth of the giant dragon spewed out, burning a large area of ​​the spirit snatchers who were climbing up the beacon tower to death!

(End of this chapter)

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