Chapter 336

Qin Guan continued to walk along the city wall, passing beacon towers one by one.

Qin Guan has been studying the layout of the entire city wall since just now. If an inappropriate analogy is used, the Great Wall is like a passage winding on a mountain, spiraling up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

A very important function of the ancient Great Wall was transportation. Soldiers could move quickly from one area to another directly through the Great Wall, without having to worry about the mountains. The city walls here also have a similar function, allowing players to move freely among the numerous monsters. .

The number of monsters below is not too many, and their strength is not too strong, but that is based on Qin Guan's own standards. For others, every time they leave the city wall and enter the monster pile, they are risking their lives!

Therefore, the city wall is a bit like an officially determined passage. Walking along the city wall, although you will be attacked by many monsters at the Beacon Tower, at least the number is much less, and there are treasure chests on the Beacon Tower. It was very rewarding to come down.

Passed by two more beacon towers, the first beacon tower had three players waiting for an iron box, the second beacon tower had two players waiting for a wooden box, they were very nervous when they saw Qin Guan coming, but Qin Guan Guan didn't intend to rob them, but went straight over.

Obviously, these people are waiting for the box to be refreshed, because it is not a very good box, and the props inside must be mediocre, so no one grabs it.

Going forward again, this time Qin Guan's spirit vision swept over and found five or six people gathered on the beacon tower in front of him!

The strength of these people is not weak, all gathered here, there must be something good!

Sure enough, Qin Guan came to the beacon tower and saw that the six people surrounded a golden box, and two-thirds of the inscription on the box was lit up!
This group of people also saw Qin Guan, and each of them had a very happy expression on their faces.

"It just so happens that no monster has come here for so long. If we kill this guy, we should be able to light up a few inscriptions!"

Several people gathered around while talking, looking at Qin Guan's expression as if seeing a piece of braised pork.

Qin Guan was speechless: "Excuse me, I don't want to rob you of this box."

The leading soldier laughed: "Don't want to grab this box? Brother, you are very humorous!"

It looks like they are going to fight, Qin Guan pondered, these people seem to have good strength, I don't know if the energy after death is enough to open this box...

As a result, at this moment, someone suddenly yelled, "Run! That dragon is coming again!!!"

These few people looked into the air in horror for a moment, and saw a huge flying dragon flapping its wings and appearing above the city wall at some time, the shadow shrouded the city wall, covering the sky and the sun!
Qin Guan was also stunned for a moment, damn, isn't this the flying dragon on the Feilong Bridge?How did you come here?

Are you here for a visit? ?
The others obviously recognized it too. Just now they were staring at Qin Guan fiercely, but now they all jumped under the city wall, for fear that they would be too late!

But it was too late, the giant dragon flapped its wings and floated in the air, its huge mouth opened, and a blazing dragon's breath wrapped in terrifying flames, swept down!

These few players waiting for the treasure chest were all crying for their father and mother, and two of them who were running slowly were burnt to ashes in a second in the blazing dragon's breath!The other four people relied on their own abilities, two of them jumped off the city wall, one held up a shield at a dead corner of the city wall, and one jumped into the air.

The one who jumped into the air thought he had avoided the dragon's breath, but the giant dragon just opened its mouth and took it away!

The dragon flapped its wings and flew away contentedly, and flew to the next beacon tower.

Qin Guan put away the dragon slayer's spear and shield suit, and looked at his clothes, which were already torn to pieces by the dragon's breath, and several wounds were blackened.

"...there should be no seams when designing the door panels."

Qin Guan's position at that time was really bad, so he found a blind spot and wanted to use a large shield to block it, but unexpectedly, the observation hole left on it leaked fire crazily, burning Qin Guan quite badly...

But fortunately, the blood volume dropped a lot, but it was not life-threatening.

Three of the six people guarding the treasure chest were still alive, and turned back to the city wall: "Damn, this damn dragon is here again! Huh? This kid is still alive? Kill him quickly, the treasure chest will be opened soon! "

Qin Guan's current state looks really miserable, his clothes have been burned a lot, and his blood volume is indeed low, but the point is, the lack of blood is a kind of buff for him...

Qin Guan silently took out the sawtooth machete.

The leading soldier was stunned for a moment. He originally took out his bright silver curved sword and wanted to fight Qing Guan, but when he saw the weapon in Qing Guan's hand, he panicked and said, "No, run!"

There was no time to explain, the soldier turned around and ran away, directly throwing the other two players down. The other two players hadn't figured out what happened before they were chopped down by Qin Guan one by one!

"You even know me...meaning you are all from the same guild?"

Qin Guan hesitated, shot the hook directly, and chased after the soldier!

The warrior player panicked, and jumped out of the city wall to run away, but Qin Guan had already caught up with him in an instant, and slashed him on the back with a knife!
The warrior player screamed and wanted to resist, but Qin Guan's damage in the low blood volume state was completely crushed, and he chopped off his arm with a single knife, and then shot the hook again to wrap him tightly.

"Are you also a spirit snatcher? If it's true, I might consider letting you go." Qin Guan stomped the warrior player on the ground.

The warrior player put his face on the ground and shouted loudly: "I won't say a word unless..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, Qin Guan had already hacked to death.

"...It's over, I cut it fast, I didn't hear what was said later. Why do you say you have to make a turn..."

Qin Guan was speechless, so he had no choice but to throw his body aside, and then seized the spirit.

Looking at the treasure chest again, with so many people dead, the inscription on the treasure chest has only increased a little, and it is still far from opening.

Qin Guan looked under the city wall, and there were not many monsters nearby, probably because they had killed a lot of them before.

It's a little embarrassing, Qin Guan really wants to see what's in this golden box, he can guess with his feet that there must be something good in it!

Qin Guan took out the Black Horn King's Bow and lured all the scattered mobs around to kill them, but it was still not enough.

I had to wait beside the box, but I waited left and right. Not to mention the strangeness, even the player didn't wait.

This city wall is not a one-way street, and it is rather intricate. There are many different routes, and the city wall is very long, so players really don't necessarily pass by here.

"What should I do, all the time is wasted waiting for this thing."

Qin Guan began to study this box, it would be great if he could take it away!
(End of this chapter)

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