charismatic player

Chapter 323 Fishing Dragon

Chapter 323 Fishing Dragon
"Man, thank you for your kindness, no need."

As expected, the two Caucasian players looked at each other and refused. Strangers are not trusted in the spirit world, especially people from other countries.

Qin Guan didn't say anything, and walked slowly behind the two, keeping a distance from each other.

It wasn't that Qin Guan wanted to follow these two people on purpose, the main road was just this one, and there was no other way to go if he didn't follow them. Could it be that he just climbed the wall and went in front of them?

The two players in front looked very nervous. They walked carefully for a certain distance, but after walking for a while, they realized that there seemed to be no danger...

That is to say, some dragon corpses occasionally appear on the roadside, but they are just hard corpses and there is no danger.

Some of the corpses were already rotting and emitting a slight odor. It was not known how long they had been dead.

After walking for a further distance, the two players suddenly found the corpse of a dragon in front of them again. The difference is that there are three white lights in front of this corpse, which are dropped props!
The two players were excited when they saw it, there was something to pick up!
I looked around and saw no one else.

Far behind, Qing Guan was still following, but the two men stared at Qing Guan for a while and found that he had no intention of rushing up to grab anything.

The two players made a prompt decision and rushed directly to the dragon's body, trying to pick up the props on the ground!
They were also worried that Qin Guan would change his mind, what if he came to grab the reward after seeing it on the ground?
"It's over, these two buddies are cool."

Just when Qin Guan was about to speak, these two people had already rushed in front of the dragon corpse, and their hands were already stretched out towards the white light!
But at this moment, the dragon corpse suddenly started to move, its closed eyes suddenly opened, its wings with rotting membranes waved, and they slapped the two people to the ground!

The two people were stunned instantly. What is going on?How is this dragon alive? ?
As a result, before the two of them could react, the dragon's bloody mouth had already opened, and a blazing dragon's breath spurted out. The flames swept through and burned the two of them to ashes!

The two charred corpses "plopped" to the ground and slowly disappeared.

Qinguan could see clearly from behind that this corpse was different from the previous corpses. It had an attribute panel and a health bar!
But these two players don't know it at all. Moreover, this dragon is obviously alive, but it has begun to rot. It is lying motionless like the corpses on the roadside. There is no difference at all, and it is completely impossible to tell!

These two players are also unlucky. Although they will be resurrected after being killed by monsters in the spirit world, they will still drop a lot of spirits, and I don’t know where to resurrect them. The resurrection points of different spirit worlds seem to be different. Same.

The spirits that fell from the two gathered on the giant dragon. The giant dragon exhaled some smoke beautifully from its nostrils, and then returned to the state of pretending to be dead, lying motionless on the ground.

The three white lights were still in front of it, and continued to lure the next innocent victim.

Qin Guan came to the front of the dragon and kept a certain distance to look at it curiously.

It seems that the dragon's spirit vision is not good, Qin Guan followed the two white players before, but the dragon probably didn't know his existence at all, and didn't know that his disguise had been broken long ago. Still waiting for Qin Guan to take the bait.

Qin Guan tentatively took two steps forward.

The dragon's front paw fingers moved indiscernibly, and he was about to claw out in the next second, but Qin Guan retreated again.

Long was speechless and continued to wait.

Qin Guan took another two tentative steps forward, then backed away.

This time the dragon's nostrils twitched.

It has already decided that next time it goes forward, even if the distance is not enough, it must use its claws to slap this useless human on the ground!
As a result, Qin Guan did not move forward, but took two steps back.


The distance is not enough now, and this human seems to be very vigilant, so he can't take the initiative and can only continue to wait patiently.

It seems that this dragon is at odds with Qin Guan, and it doesn't believe that Qin Guan can resist the temptation of the props on the ground!

Qin Guan really couldn't resist, so he stood far away and flicked the hook in his hand, entangled a bunch of white light, and pulled it back directly in front of him.


Qinguan's move was too fast, and Longdu had not yet reacted. With this hesitation, Qinguan's props were taken away.

Qin Guan took a look, hey, good stuff.

[Acquired props: red and white round shield]

[A small round shield with a red and white pattern on the shield.Compared with ordinary leather bucklers, it has better resistance to lightning attributes. 】

This shield looks like an advanced version of the player's default shield, the buckler. The only difference is that it has higher lightning resistance.Qin Guan tried it casually and found that the shield was still a little worse than the wooden pot lid when it bounced back, but it was still lightweight.

"It's really a good thing. It can be regarded as an advanced version of the default small buckler. It's not bad. I accept it."

Qin Guan took it in his hand and played with it twice before putting it in the conscious world.

The dragon lying on the ground was very angry.

Why doesn't this human being play his cards according to the routine?

Accidentally let Qin Guan steal the good things he used for fishing, and even made gestures in front of him, can this be tolerated?
can bear...

The main thing is that I can't bear it anymore. The thing has been lost, and this human must be killed now. If he is allowed to escape again, it will be too much of a loss.

The dragon continued to endure.

When it comes to fishing, the most important thing is to have patience.

This human has already tested it once and confirmed that there is no danger. Should he just come up and pick it up this time?

As a result, Qin Guan waved his hand and the hook hooked back another prop...

Long was so angry that his hind legs almost cramped, and he couldn't take it anymore, he jumped up and slapped Qin Guan!

"Hey, I finally couldn't bear it anymore. You're so patient."

Qinguan had been on guard for a long time. When he saw the dragon rushing toward him, he rolled sideways to avoid its attack.

This dragon is not very big and cannot be called a "giant dragon". It is less than two meters tall and looks about the same as a small car.But the power of this dragon cannot be underestimated, and it breathes a lot of fire!

The dragon was very angry, opened his mouth wide, and sprayed a fiery dragon's breath towards Qin Guan!

The hook in Qin Guan's left hand shot out of the high place that built the cliff, and after dodging, he swung the long sword with his right hand, and slashed at the dragon's head!
This sword is the second item that Qin Guan has just obtained. It is a curved sword with a slight curvature on its body, but it is not a knife. It is double-sided.

Long was even more angry. You just stole my things and you still used my things to hack me. ?
 I recommend a book, "The Strongest Man in the World"!You’ve seen a lot of people who have traveled through time and become eunuchs. Have you ever watched yourself being cut?Seven Fleas' new book "The Strongest Man in the World" will take you to experience Governor Chu's journey to find "chicken". It is said that there are [-] updates a day, so you can eat a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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