charismatic player

Chapter 314 Surprised?

Chapter 314 Surprised?

Du Wei asked: "Monsters are more dangerous? How dangerous are they specifically?"

Lu Qi groaned twice: "It's hard to say, because at that time Director Ke solved it very smoothly, so I don't know how strong it is..."

Du Wei: "..."

Lu Qi looked at Qin Guan: "You are the captain, you decide."

Now everyone's task is still to explore, and since there are no dead people in the foreign world, it is not particularly dangerous, and it does not make much difference which route to choose.

"Okay, let's go to the tower." Qin Guan made a decision.

Although Shen Mengli felt that this decision was a bit hasty, but since both investigators agreed, it doesn't matter.

Team Nine began to move towards the tower, and encountered some monsters along the way, but not many.

This is still a peripheral area of ​​the undead settlement, and players from other countries often appear, so these monsters have not had time to regenerate after being destroyed, so the number will be smaller.

But going inside is different, the monsters are getting stronger and more numerous.

Fortunately, these people are relatively strong. After all, they are all selected elites. With the cooperation of each other, they did not encounter too much trouble.

"Wait a minute, that monster be careful!" Lu Qi said suddenly.

Everyone looked forward, and saw many new monsters that had never been seen before. They were much taller than ordinary villagers, and they were covered with red rags and chains.

"Those are corpse handlers. They hurt a lot and are very difficult to deal with. We have to find a way to deal with them one by one." Lu Qi looked terrified.

The previous expedition team encountered a lot of trouble when they passed here. If it weren't for Uncle Ke's efforts, they would have suffered heavy losses.

"Look for hunter players to lure them over and kill them one by one, try not to..."

However, before Lu Qi finished speaking, a strange prop fell in front of everyone, and the monster on the other side of the stone bridge suddenly rushed towards us like crazy!

Qin Guan frowned, he clearly saw a figure flashing past not far away!

This person has been hiding behind the bunker in a stealth state, and there are many monsters around, so no one has noticed.As a result, this person threw something here, and then ran away!

Obviously it was the prop thrown by this guy that attracted the monsters, and it attracted a lot!

Lu Qi was shocked and said quickly: "Soldier, push forward and maintain the formation!"

As a result, before he finished speaking, Qin Guan had already run away, chasing after that figure!

Du Wei quickly shouted: "Qinguan, don't chase, deal with these monsters first!"

Qin Guan didn't reply: "I trust you!"

His speed was very fast, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Du Wei couldn't stop him even if he wanted to, not to mention that the monster in front of him was almost on his face, so he could only fight immediately.

Some of these monsters held saws in their hands, and some held huge tanks. Any blow would cause stone chips to fly on the ground. The damage was very high at first sight. Shen Mengli struggled with a corpse handler and could only barely hold on. .

"This team leader is too unreliable! Is he a primary school student!" Shen Mengli was furious.

Du Wei was also sweating: "I feel that Qin Guan is really not suitable to be a leader... Forget it, let him chase him. There should be no need to worry about this kid. We should worry more about ourselves..."


On the other side, Qin Guan followed the figure, chasing after him.

He could tell at a glance that this was a player, definitely not an aborigine in another world.

Because this person is wearing a wristband on his hand, the style is definitely not from another world.It's just that he is wearing a hood and his face cannot be seen clearly, so he doesn't know which country or region he is a player from.

"Wait until I know which guild you belong to, just wait, everyone in your guild must super double your purchases!"

Qin cared and thought about it, but of course he couldn't say anything, he just yelled: "Stop!"

Qin Guan shouted as he ran, but as soon as he said those words, why did he feel like he had done this before?
It seems that when I shouted like this before, I never succeeded in chasing someone...

The person in front is also in pain, what's going on, how did this buddy catch up? ?

This is not the first time this guy has done this kind of thing. The props in his hand can attract monsters to designated locations. As long as he finds a player team and throws one randomly, the players can be surrounded by monsters, and then wait for the two sides to fight. When it's too late, you can take advantage of it and take away a large number of spirits in an instant.

But it's the first time I've seen this kind of Lengtouqing who chased after him alone...

Because the monsters attracted are very difficult to deal with, and it is not easy to deal with the monsters, so how can there be spare energy to chase this person?

And I don't know if there was an ambush after chasing him?How is the opponent's strength?
So ordinary people would not dare to chase after him, but today this person is obviously not an ordinary person...

This is a purebred reckless man!
The teammates just left it there and didn't care if there was an ambush here, just chasing after it? ?
"Stop!" Qin Guan was still yelling, he had given up all hope, but it turned out that this person really stopped? ?
Qin Guan suddenly didn't know what to say. After shouting so many times, it seemed that this was the first one who really stopped.

The person opposite took out two daggers. He was obviously an assassin player, but his face was covered by a hood. It was unclear which country he was from.

"I didn't expect that I actually dared to chase after you. In that case, I'll deal with you first, and then go pick up the souls of your teammates!"

At the same time the assassin turned around, a large group of people appeared behind the surrounding buildings and in the shadows, there were seven or eight people.

These people have different occupations, but most of them are fighters, assassins, and spirit swordsmen.

"Surprised?" The assassin player smiled triumphantly and walked slowly towards Qin Guan.

"I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect there were so many of you." Qin Guan chuckled, took out a self-harming dagger, and stabbed himself twice first.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

The blood rushed out two or three meters, scaring everyone.

The assassin was dumbfounded at the time, and looked at the people behind him: "What do you mean? Unable to be humiliated, he committed suicide on the spot???"

Others were also confused. What is the operation of stabbing yourself first?

After Qin Guan finished stabbing himself, he took out the sawtooth machete, and switched to two-handed state with a flick of his hand.

The sound of "clang" is clear and sweet.

Now the sawtooth machete is the weapon with the highest damage in Qin Guan's hands. Although he can't use the sawtooth machete's damage bonus against monsters against these ordinary people, the basic damage is already considerable.

Before the group of people on the opposite side could react, Qin Guan had already stepped forward, slashing at the assassin with the sawtooth machete in his hand!

The assassin was stunned for a moment and hurriedly backed away, but the knife still landed firmly on his shoulder!
Blood gushed out from the assassin's shoulder. Before he could react, he found that his eyes went dark and he fell down!
Qin Guan smiled: "I asked this time instead, are you surprised?"

(End of this chapter)

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