charismatic player

Chapter 31 Renamed: Cutting Fruit

Chapter 31 Renamed: Cutting Fruit

In junior high school, high school, and university, the extraordinary players here belong to school students. The practice of the Spiritual Research Association is to set up a special organization in the school for unified management, and at the same time open up a new path for them to enter higher education.

It probably means the same as sports specialty students and art specialty students.

That is to say, some extraordinary players with excellent talents in junior high school and high school can enter some key domestic universities in this way, without having to worry about the results of cultural courses.

As for social people, such as company employees and the like, they are mainly digested through the subordinate organizations of the Spiritual Research Association, and are generally not included in the Spiritual Research Association.

Moreover, all extraordinary players will go through a complicated review, even middle school students are no exception.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand the reason for this: to prevent risks.

The thinking of the students is relatively simple. Although the number of extraordinary players is not many, it is by no means small. The Spiritual Research Association is a relatively streamlined organization. There is no need to look for it in the society.

After all, the social backgrounds of people who have already joined the work are relatively complicated, and the screening is also very troublesome. If there are criminals mixed in, it may cause some serious consequences.

Although he didn't know the reason, Qin Guan could feel that the Lingyan Society was very cautious about recruiting new members, and it could even be said to be cautious.

The high school students are too young, and the social background is complicated, so the main target of the spiritual seminar is still concentrated on the college students.

Just like its original role in the education system, the university still plays a connecting role, helping the Lingyan Society to select outstanding talents, and then send them to the Spiritual Research Society and its affiliated institutions.

As for the subordinate organization of the Spiritual Research Association, Qin Guan was also surprised - the club.

Including sports clubs and e-sports clubs.

According to Du Wei, originally the Lingyan Association had an irreconcilable relationship with these clubs. One was in charge of supernatural events, and the other was playing football or recruiting Internet-addicted teenagers to play games.

As a result, after the appearance of the portable intelligent system, the two organizations were inexplicably connected.

Judging from the current situation, the higher the game talent, the easier it is to pass the test and obtain the status of an extraordinary player.

It can even be said that these trials themselves are very special immersive games. Athletes, martial arts school students, and especially professional game players have natural advantages in this regard.

Where are the most talented people in the game?
In the e-sports club...

And during this period of time, with the emergence of extraordinary players, these sports and e-sports clubs are also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Those Internet-addicted teenagers who were originally focused on playing professional games suddenly discovered that they were particularly talented in this area, and they all went to the liver test and became extraordinary players.

As a result, the management of the club is completely messed up, the players have no intention of training, and this professional league can't be played anymore...

Moreover, the extraordinary players who appeared in these concentrations belonged to a group of people with good talents, and the Spiritual Research Association must also take over.

So logically, the Lingyan Society directly and forcefully took over these clubs, making them their own subordinate organizations, and the extraordinary players in the clubs continued to stay in their original units, shining brightly...

Of course, there must be a lot of games involved, but judging from the results, the energy of the Spiritual Research Association is indeed great, and these clubs seem to have no room for resistance...

After listening to Du Wei's explanation, Qin Guan only said "Awesome".

At first hearing such nonsense, it turned out to be mysterious and reasonable, and I don't know what went wrong in this world...

In this way, the major clubs have become an important help for the Lingyan Association to attract extraordinary players from the society, so the Lingyan Association has logically completed the control of domestic extraordinary players.

In this regard, Qin Guan said that this operation is simply 666, and he cannot accept it.

According to Du Wei, after the students in their formal class complete the basic training, they can be transferred to major clubs to perform tasks, and some outstanding students may even be directly transferred to the Spiritual Research Association.

Qin Guan also asked a lot: "What task are you going to perform? Ghost hunting?"

Du Wei ignored him...

Qin Guan felt that this was fortunately asked in the chat group. If he asked in person, Du Wei might have already done it...

However, Qin Guan was really puzzled. The Lingyan Association said that it was an organization that conducts spiritual research and solves supernatural events. What is its main job?
If it really focuses on ghost hunting, it would really ruin the three views, I can't accept it...

There must be some more important tasks.


Qin Guan's face was ferocious, and his right hand was shaking rapidly.

The light of the fruit knife cut across the pomegranate in front of him like streaks of cold light, and the juice splashed everywhere, giving a strong sense of shock.

Qin Guan felt that the speed of his right hand had reached the limit, and it even turned into a blurred afterimage.

He couldn't count how many times he had stabbed himself. He only knew that if it was in reality, the pomegranate would most likely be uneatable.

It's almost straight out of juice.

Finally, rays of light emitted from the center of the pomegranate pierced through the knife marks, and the whole pomegranate exploded in the air.

A score appeared in the center of the ground: 3007.


Qin Guan almost knelt on the ground, it was not easy!
God knows what I've been through these days...

Qin Guan felt that if he continued to toss about like this, he would be dazed. When he saw fruit in the real world, he couldn't help but want to cut it...

From the initial score of 59, to a few hundred points later, to more than 1000 points, and finally just over the passing line in the early [-]s, Qin Guan felt that he was about to squeeze himself to the limit.

How this boss managed to achieve a perfect score of 5000... is simply an unsolved mystery.

However, in this process, Qin Guan really felt that he had benefited a lot.

Slashing at this level of difficulty is not just a matter of moving your hands. If you want to get a high score, you must have extremely high requirements in terms of reaction, pace, slashing action, way of using the knife, and accuracy.

Qin Guan even felt that if he hadn't deliberately imitated the actions of the boss in the battle recorder, he might not even be able to reach 1000 points now.

And this action not only improves the speed and accuracy of the knife, but also improves other attack methods.

Qin Guan was able to hit Du Wei in the face with such a big difference in levels before, because he benefited from this kind of training.

The completion rate finally reached 60%, and Qin Guan happily opened the reward interface.

Most of the rewards can only be claimed after being reminded, which is expected, just wait for the unlocking, and the others have not unlocked anyway.

The reward is here, you can get it sooner or later.

A weapon was rewarded in the medium-difficulty copper box, which was the fruit knife that Qin Guan had been using all the time.

Moreover, now Qin Guan can switch the bodies of useless people at will in the real world, and then summon this fruit knife.

The renaming function of Trial Dungeon 2 is also unlocked, this time the default name is "Cut Fruit".

"Okay, it's still an entertaining and concise name, so let's change it to Cut Fruit."

Qin Guan clicked OK, and found that all the "trial copy 2" on the interface had changed to "cut fruit".

It's the same on the extraordinary player forum, the two names "Jumping" and "Cutting Fruit" form an interesting contrast...

Those who didn't know thought that the way to open it was wrong, and entered a forum for a small casual game...

Qin Guan's consciousness returned to the real world, turning into a useless person, holding a fruit knife in his hand.

Qin Guan took an apple from the refrigerator, and while peeling it, he said to himself, "I think it's better, I don't need to bring a special fruit knife to peel it when I go camping..."

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Thank you dads!

(End of this chapter)

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