charismatic player

Chapter 299 The Players Who Believe

Chapter 299 The Players Who Believe
In desperation, Sam's whole body erupted with a blazing spirit, his inner potential was fully stimulated, he resolutely risked being caught, and shot the hook again!

This time, the position of the hook was not bad, and Sam directly sent a light spell to Father Gascoigne!
Father Gascoigne was a little dazed by the sudden light. In this momentary gap, the hook in Sam's left hand quickly retracted, pulling him towards the roof!

Father Gascoigne, who had turned into a werewolf, was furious. He leaped high and slapped Sam in the air!

The hook was fully retracted, and the priest fell over the roof and onto the ground outside the cemetery.


The fall was solid, but the main injury was the paw that was scratched in the air.

Sam gritted his teeth and looked at his left leg, which was already bloody and bloody. The paw of Father Gascoigne was deeply bone-deep.

Fortunately, however, he escaped.

"It's not a bad buy for this light technique."

Sam hurriedly took out a dragon's blood talisman and recovered the blood for himself.

At this time, outside the cemetery, the corpses that Joshua and the few surviving players desperately rescued were revived one after another.

Then many people hugged each other and wept bitterly...

So desperate!
The feeling of being guarded by a dead body is so hopeless!

Some people touch their faces, why do they feel a little pain in the face?I didn't get slapped in the face just now.

After a long time, the emotions of these people gradually calmed down, and it was up to Joshua and Sam to discuss the next step.

"Go back to Father Stuttgart! Since he is as good a hunter as Father Gascoigne, he will certainly help! Besides, we could not have rescued the man if it hadn't been for the music box he gave us. Obviously he This is the key npc to defeat Father Gascoigne this time!"

This was Joshua's idea, and Sam didn't raise any objections.

He didn't believe it before, but seeing the mysterious effect of the music box, he had to admit that what the Stuttgart priest said was very likely to be true.

"Then, the next question is..." Joshua looked at the crowd, "How many spirits do you have? Give them all."

The first expedition team of Skull and Bones had a total of 26 people, and the rescue team brought by Joshua also had 22 people. In the end, everyone together made up 5000 people.

At first glance, 5000 spirits is a lot, but it is not so unacceptable if it is spread evenly on everyone's head...

Of course, there are also some people who have lost their spirits, or have been hacked to death by the priest several times, so Joshua and Sam also played the role of pioneers and models, and there are some more.

After saving 5000 spirits, the members of Skull and Bones returned to Father Gascoigne's residence again.

The lights were still on, obviously Father Stuttgart was still there.

Joshua did not dare to neglect, came to the window and respectfully handed out 5000 spirits and a music box: "Father, 5000 spirits will help you heal your injuries, and there is also the music box you lent us before. I hope you can help us!"

"Yes." Father Stuttgart took the spirit and the music box, "Wait a moment."

After that, there was no movement in the room. Everyone guessed that Father Stuttgart was healing his wounds, and they didn't dare to disturb him, standing respectfully outside the window.

After a while, there was a "squeak" and the door opened.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked over in unison!
Joshua had been in Yanan for so long, and it was the first time he saw the closed door open.

Sam still looked suspiciously at the opened door, wanting to see the true face of this Stuttgart priest.

Although the music box dispelled Sam's suspicion to a certain extent, he did not completely trust this unknown Stuttgart priest.

But after seeing the true face of the priest in Stuttgart, Sam believed it.

One look at this dress, it must be real!
The suit worn by Father Stuttgart is very similar to that of Father Gascoigne, but there are some slight differences. He holds a hunter musket in his left hand and a sawtooth machete in his right hand. It is a standard Yanan hunter fan.

Sam's suspicion was completely dispelled, because he knew that weapons such as sawtooth machetes and muskets were exclusive to Yanan, and now players had no way to obtain them at all!This Stuttgart priest has a special residence in Yanan, with a sawtooth machete, a hunter musket, and a special prop music box related to Father Gascoigne. All signs indicate that this is the key npc of this incident!
If you think about it this way, 5000 spirits is not so difficult to accept.

This is roughly equivalent to... the investment necessary for the mission?

Pay 5000 spirits, make friends with Father Stuttgart, and then take him to challenge Father Gascoigne. It's a good deal to have an extra gold medalist!
Joshua tentatively asked, "Then, Father, shall we go?"

Father Stuttgart nodded: "Let's go, it's time to let my brother, Father Gascoigne, rest in peace."


Sam, Joshua and a group of Skull and Bones players came to the cemetery again.

But this time again, the mentality is different from the previous few times.This time, the team is stronger than ever, and it also brought key npcs!

It can be said that this time is simply the most promising one.

Joshua was very nervous. Whether he could complete this mission was related to his future development in Skull and Bones. If he completed it well, it would be smooth sailing. If he messed up, he would have to take the blame with Sam.

"Go." Father Stuttgart motioned to Joshua.

Joshua: "???"

What do you mean, shall we go first?
More than 40 people are counting on you!
But Joshua couldn't say anything, so he could only bite the bullet and direct everyone: "Soldiers follow me, and the others still follow the previous positions, go!"

The players immediately rushed towards Father Gascoigne, screaming!

Father Gascoigne had gone berserk and turned into a werewolf before, and it seemed that he would never recover again.Joshua also knows that it is very difficult to fight the priest in the werewolf state, but now he doesn't care so much. It doesn't matter if he is dead, he will be resurrected anyway, as long as he creates a good output environment for the priest of Stuttgart!

A warrior player screamed and charged towards Father Gascoigne with his shield held high!

Father Gascoigne raised his front paws, slapped the shield, and slapped the man again!
The warrior player hadn't realized what happened, and was shot to death by Father Gascoigne...

The hot atmosphere just now was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water...

Father Stuttgart said: "Don't use shields, shields are meaningless against such fast-moving large monsters! Use your reaction to dodge!"

The long-distance professions are fine, they are all desperately outputting, draining their last bit of mental power.After all, none of them knew when they would be killed, and there was no point in saving skills. All kinds of spiritual spells were desperately thrown at Father Gascoigne.

The melee profession is more miserable. Warriors, assassins, and spirit swordsmen... were all chased and beaten by Father Gascoigne, and the scene was once extremely chaotic...

Qin Guan sighed silently, these players really can't count on them.

It seems that it’s not enough to paddle by yourself, and you have to show off your high-end operations.Moreover, Qin Guan also wanted to try whether the sawtooth machete was so effective against such monsters?
(End of this chapter)

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