charismatic player

Chapter 281 Unboxing!

Chapter 281 Unboxing!
Galava rubbed his hands excitedly, his eyes swept over the pile of boxes in front of him.

These boxes are all the same in appearance, and the lids of the boxes are all tightly fastened, and even with spiritual vision, they can't see what's inside.

No way, it seems to be pure luck.

Galava looked left and right, and finally picked out a box from the innermost corner: "That's it!"

After getting the box, Galava couldn't wait to open it.

The other Asan players also gathered around one after another, looking forward to seeing what Galava can open.

The box was fastened tightly, and Galava finally opened the box with great effort. A flash of light flashed across the box, causing Galava to squint his eyes.

After the light dissipated, Galawa took a closer look, and found a box full of various props!
There are a lot of white lights in the box, all of which look like dropped objects. I can’t tell what they are, but Galava picked them up one by one, and the expression on his face became more and more joyful.

"Stone Ghost Tail Axe!"

"Frost Tomahawk!"

"Light Art!"

"Light skin!"

There are also a lot of other materials, such as poison flying knives, antidote, green flowers, seven-color stones, etc., and the number of these other materials is relatively large, the most being arrows, with more than 100 pieces.

Hunters do not need physical arrows for normal archery, but if they use physical arrows, the damage can be increased. The arrows can also be smeared with poison, and special spiritual spells can be attached to them, so although these arrows are of low value, But also useful.

Galava got the reward softly, and the expression on his face became more and more excited. Other players asked, "Quick, what rewards are there?"

Galava said excitedly: "There are Stone Ghost Tail Ax and Frost Battle Axe, Light Art, and various materials! If you calculate it... the total value is close to 1500 spirits!!!"

The bulk of the rewards are two weapons and spirit spells. The light spell is a sky-high price of 550 spirits, and the two weapons together cost about 600, plus other miscellaneous props. Although the unit prices of other props are not high, the key is There are a lot of them. I picked up dozens of seven-color stones and a dozen antidotes at once. Although I know that these things will not be of great use, they are all necessities and cannot be said to be useless.

There are so many rewards in one box, which is far beyond Galava's expectation.

A third player said excitedly: "I still lack the light technique! Captain, can you give this to me?"

Galava rolled his eyes and coughed twice: "Don't worry! I'll make a rule first!"

I have to say that Galawa still has some leadership skills, and he quickly came up with a set of rhetoric.

"From now on, all the spirits you submit can be exchanged for points from me. In the future, you can exchange things from me with the points. It's a 495% discount from the merchant! You want the light spell, right? Okay, the [-]% discount is [-] spirits. You deducted it, take it."

Galava directly handed the light technique to the previous player, and the player was overjoyed.

When the other players heard what Galava said, they were all rejoiced. They can buy things at a [-]% discount in the future, which is a good deal!

Galava said again: "Hey, but, but, I have something to remind everyone first. Because the things here are definitely not as complete as those of the merchants. Many good products are often out of stock, so you can buy them immediately if you don't see them. If there is a stock out, please wait patiently."

Ah San's players were immersed in a joyful mood, and they didn't think about the meaning of Galawa's words.

Qin Guan listened silently, and instantly understood Galava's wishful thinking.

On the surface, Galava's behavior is a blood loss. The merchant sold the original price, but he converted it into a [-]% discount. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to make a profit.

But Galava considers:

First, opening the box is equivalent to a kind of discount activity, which is cheaper than buying these products directly, so everyone gives him the soul, he comes to buy the box, and then returns all kinds of props to everyone, even if it is [-]% off. If you don't see it, you will lose money, and you may even make a small profit.

Second, the points in the hands of other players may not be able to be exchanged for real objects. For example, many people have saved 500 points and want to buy the Light Art, but Galava does not have them for the time being. cashed.Galava has obtained the spirit in advance, so he can use it however he wants.

Probably equivalent to another form of illegal fundraising...

And other players basically won't be too entangled in this matter. After all, they can buy products with a [-]% discount, which is already a discount.

If someone really wants to buy a special product, and they have waited too long, Galava simply buys one for him himself, and he won't lose much.

The key is to gather all the spirits and commodities in your own hands in advance, so that you will have more room to play later.

Qin Guan said, yes, young man, you are so talented.

I will be the middleman from Chuanhuo Sacrifice, and then you will be the middleman under me?
Of course, Qin Guan didn't expose it either, because it wasn't bad for him.

After all, is it easier to fool one person, or to fool a group of people?
Of course it was fooling someone.

If Jialawa wants to be the middleman, he will have to fight Qin Guan with wits and courage...

Jialawa is rich and powerful, and surrounded by other Asan players, he said to Qin Guan: "Brother mocking, please replace all the spirits with boxes for me!"

The Brahma Guild handed in more than 5000 spirits, and only five boxes were exchanged in total.But for Galava, it is already worth it. After all, if you spend 5000 spirits normally, you can only buy ten light spells.

Moreover, the speed of collecting spirits in the other world is much faster than in the previous dungeon of the spirit world and the fire-passing sacrificial field. Before, it was more difficult to save a light spell than to eat shit, but now it is much easier.

Ah San, carrying the remaining four boxes, happily ran to the other side of the altar hall to unpack them secretly, probably to be wary of members of Uehara Fumi and Takamahara Guild.It's just that they didn't go too far, and every time they opened the box, they would make a sound of surprise, ecstasy, or regret.

Uehara Fumi looked at the group of Asan players speechlessly. She could clearly feel that the eyes of the neon players behind her were frenzied, staring at those boxes, like a vicious dog seeing fat... …

A neon player whispered to Fumi Uehara, "Why don't we change the boxes too, the souls we handed in are much more than those Ah San players, and we can change a lot of boxes!"

Fumi Uehara pondered, too.

They handed in a total of more than 2 spirits, the bulk of which was the 12000 spirits that defeated the stray demons. If they were replaced by boxes, they could be exchanged for 20 spirits.

20 boxes, so why not make those thirds envious?

Fumi Uehara suddenly had a mentality of comparison, and she couldn't let those Asan players compare to her!
But before that, she still decided to buy a box to see the situation, after all, she was very unconfident about her character.

"Brother mocking, here is a box." Fumi Uehara said to Qin Guan.

Qin Guan chuckled in his heart, don't worry, I guarantee that you will not be able to stop once you open this box once you open it!
(End of this chapter)

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