charismatic player

Chapter 258 This is not the Light Art, this is the key to the treasure house!

Chapter 258 This is not the Light Art, this is the key to the treasure house!
The first reaction of the players on the forum was disbelief. I have never heard of such a thing as a dungeon in the spirit world and a lower level!

But the landlord said it swearingly, emphasizing that after beating the snake man mage, the wall on its left hand side can be broken by using heavy weapons or spiritual spells with relatively high damage, and then you can see the underground floor of the entrance.

So far, there are not many players who have cleared this dungeon, and they are all skeptical about it. Even those who have cleared the level are a little unbelievable. How can there be such a wonderful setting?

But looking at what the poster said so swearingly, many players feel that they can try it, what if it is true?

Many people are asking this landlord again, can you talk about the situation on the basement floor in detail?Is it difficult?How does it compare to the rewards on the ground floor?

The landlord said that after trying it, he was defeated in the first wave of mobs. I don’t know what difficulty it will be, but it must be much more difficult than the ground.

Players expressed their disbelief, but those players who actually hit the Snake Mage, such as Joshua, still remembered this matter, and planned to check if it was true the next time they brushed.


On the second day, Joshua felt that the queuing time had become significantly longer, probably because many people were waiting to enter the Fire Passing Sacrificial Ground to try out the new spirit world dungeon.

Without hesitation, Joshua bought two tickets for the New Spirit World dungeon, and started swiping.

The second time he entered, Joshua already knew the attributes and abilities of various monsters very well, such as the fork in the road between the black knight and the five dogs, he would definitely not touch that black knight again...

Joshua was furious when he saw this black knight. He felt that this black knight should be given the title "Spirit Harvester". Not coming back.

However, no matter how careful Joshua is, he will still die. After all, he took a lot of drugs when he passed the first time, but he can't take so many drugs every time. Isn't that going to go bankrupt?Sometimes Joshua thinks about being frugal and frugal, but when frugality comes and goes, things go wrong...

In short, after dying several times, Joshua finally killed the Snakeman mage for the second time and got the third treasure chest.

It was quite sad at first, but this time the random spirit technique produced a spirit technique that he could use, which made Joshua happy again in an instant.

The next step is to see if there is a so-called basement floor.

Joshua found the wall mentioned in the post. It looked no different from the surrounding area, and he didn't know how the host found out that this was a hidden entrance.

Probably because it was cut crookedly when fighting the boss with a heavy weapon, so it was discovered?
Joshua raised the ghost tail ax and smashed it hard!
He only heard a loud "boom", and the wall really smashed a big hole for him!
Joshua was shocked. He looked into the cave and found that there were steps going down inside. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything clearly.

He walked in, panicking for a while, he couldn't see anything clearly!

He has spiritual vision, but the warrior's spiritual vision attribute is relatively low, and it seems that some spiritual vision will be blocked here, so the range Joshua can see is only less than half a meter in front of him, basically nothing like a blind man difference.

There are monsters looming in the darkness, but the terrible thing is that they still can't see clearly because they don't have enough spiritual vision!

Joshua took two steps forward. Suddenly, a large vicious dog jumped out from behind him and bit his left leg fiercely!
The dog had apparently been lurking in the dark, waiting for Joshua to go deeper before attacking.Joshua quickly changed into a more flexible Frost Tomahawk and slashed at the vicious dog, but the vicious dog jumped back immediately after taking a bite, and hid in the darkness again.

"I can't fight, I can't fight!" Joshua gave up instantly. He finally passed the Snake Mage and got the reward. Although he lost a lot of souls, he also gained something.If you die here again, it will be completely over...

But there was still a vicious dog lurking around in the darkness, so Joshua had no choice but to put on a large black iron shield, holding the shield and slowly retreating, exiting the basement floor.

Reappearing in the light, Joshua breathed a sigh of relief.


Fear of the dark is an instinct, but as an extraordinary player, it has been a long time since I have experienced this kind of fear after obtaining spiritual vision.

Ordinary darkness can be seen clearly with spiritual vision, but the bottom of the copy of the spirit world is covered with various occulting charms pasted by Qin Guan to block the players' spiritual vision, so most players will become blind after entering...

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are a small number of strange creatures with extraordinary talents and high spiritual vision, but whether such people can hit here is another matter...

Joshua backed out of the cave, but he was unwilling to leave just like that, after all, there were only two times a day.

He pondered, shouldn't this situation be unsolvable?Fighting in such a completely restricted field of vision is simply asking for death.

Look around carefully, it seems that there are no organs or the like.

"Could it be that... you should light it yourself? Uh, I seem to know the most common spiritual fire, so I should be able to light it up a little bit, right?"

"But... I hold a spiritual fire in my right hand to illuminate, so how can I fight monsters... No, no, no."

"Wait a minute, use spirit spells to illuminate... light spells!"

Joshua suddenly remembered, it seems that the old man in Chuanhuo Sacrifice sells the light technique, and everyone has discussed it on the forum, thinking that the price is too expensive.

Routine, all are routine!
No wonder such a simple level 1 spirit technique like Light Art is so expensive, obviously because this spirit technique has specific usage conditions!To challenge the underground level of this dungeon of the spirit world, the light technique is simply a must-have skill, and it is basically impossible to play without it.

Those people who ridicule the npc's wild asking price on the Internet are second-hand goods. This is not a crazy asking price, but a well-founded asking price...

Joshua decided not to give up, so be it, stay sane.

Going to the basement floor before getting the light spell is death. I have already lost a lot, and if I lose more, I will really vomit blood.

But at this time, a new question came up, that is, is the light technique worthwhile?
In terms of price alone, this thing sells for 550 spirits, which is basically the same price as a level 3 spirit technique.But it is like a key that can open a treasure house. If there is no such key, there may be so many good things in the treasure house, and you will miss them all.

"...It was a difficult decision."

Joshua was very desperate. If this thing was bought with a blank magic talisman, then a rich player like him must have bought it without negotiating, but if he bought it with a spirit, it would be very distressing...

"Forget it, let's brush it! Buy the light spell and challenge stronger enemies!"

(End of this chapter)

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