charismatic player

Chapter 250 The Old Man's Special Ability (4 more)

Chapter 250 The Old Man's Special Ability (Fourth Update)
Qin Guan said with a dark face, "Are you kidding me? After I have synthesized the spirit art, it is enough to learn it by myself. If you read it again and learn it again, isn't it taking off your pants and farting?"

Ouya explained: "That's probably not the meaning. If he is really the legendary spirit master, maybe he can recall the whole spirit art as long as he sees some remnants of the spirit art. The meaning of some simple spirit art It may not be big, but there are still many incomplete and powerful spiritual arts in this world, if they can be restored to complete spiritual arts, it will still be very valuable."

"That's it, it does sound so. But... how do you prove it?" Qin Guan stared at Nuo Lunuosi.

Nuo Lunuosi stroked his long beard: " about you help me find a broken spiritual book..."

Qin Guan: "...Where can I find it for you! All right, I'll trust you for now, and spare your life. But... Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field doesn't support idlers, so hurry up and think about what else you have. I can only arrange for you to succeed Zhenxiang and sell animal materials."

Nuo Lunuos didn't dislike it at all: "Yes, yes, I can sell materials, but I don't know which hero you are talking about, Zhenxiang. I do his job, what should he do?"

Qin Guan: "Oh, if you do its job, it just needs to bask in the sun every day."

Norunos looked confused: "Young man, you are more forgetful than an old man like me! Didn't you just say that you don't care for idlers?"

Qin Guan nodded: "Yes, Zhenxiang is not an idle person, but an idle dog. It is a dog."

Nuo Lunuosi blew his beard instantly angrily: "You mean to let me take over the job of a dog?! It's really unbearable!"

Qin Guan's face darkened, and he slammed the calamity sword on the ground: "What's the matter, do you have an opinion??"

Noronos: "No opinion, no opinion! But I can still do other jobs! For example...for example..."

The old man groaned for a long time but couldn't figure out what other specialties he had besides spiritual arts, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Qin Guan pulled Ou Ya's hand suspiciously: "Are you sure this guy is the legendary spiritualist? It doesn't look like it to me..."

Ouya was also a little guilty, and asked: "Old man, do you still remember how you came here? I mean, how did you cross that world?"

Noronos frowned, tugging at his white beard: "I... can't remember, I really can't remember..."

Ouya sighed: "I don't know if he was pretending to be stupid or hit his head when he crossed the crack."

"Maybe he really forgot." Qin Guan said.

Qin Guan had seen Norunos' spiritual state before. He had accumulated a large amount of spirits in his body, and his spiritual vision attributes were obviously too high. He was in a state of complete madness at that time.Now his body has been annihilated, and only a spirit body is left on the Great Sword of Disaster, so he can regain consciousness.

In other words, his act of crossing the rift is likely to be carried out in a state of madness, and his mind forgot many things for the first time, which makes sense.

Qin Guan wondered whether he should keep the old man, what if he was really the legendary spiritualist?
However, we still have to find a suitable job for him. The Fire Transferring Sacrificial Site is now in a period of hiring.

Qin Guan thought for a while: "If I give you the spiritual art, can you teach it to others? Or, can you write it on paper?"

Nuo Lunuosi nodded: "Of course! But writing spiritual skills also consumes, and my current ability is limited..."

Qin Guan wondered, it seemed that this old man was still of some use.

At present, the only way for players to learn spirit art is the spirit art fragments rewarded in the system. The spirit art fragments can be combined into a complete spirit art, but once learned, it will be invalid, and there is no way to sell it.

If Nuo Lunuosi can transcribe the complete spiritual art, it means that he has a method to mass-produce the spiritual art, which is basically no different from printing money!
Qin Guan thought for a while: "You wait."

He opened the auction house and directly bought ten pieces of spiritual art to synthesize spiritual art, but he didn't learn it right away.

[Psychic Shield (lv.3)]

[Consume mental power to create a spiritual shield to protect the whole body. When attacked, the energy of the shield will be consumed first. 】

"Oh? I'm a pretty good character, and I even have a third-level spirit technique, but it's a pity that I don't use it very much."

This spirit technique is obviously specially prepared for spirit masters and spirit swordsmen who are relatively weak and have relatively high spiritual attributes, but it is definitely a very good spirit technique.

Qin Guan returned to the altar hall and handed over the spiritual art to Nuo Lunuosi.

Noronos reached out to take it, and looked at the unexplained words on the spirit scroll with great interest.

Obviously, the way this old man learns spiritual arts is different from that of players. Players learn it automatically after using the props directly, but Noronos reads the runes on them.

"Oh, oh, I remembered, it's a very low-level and simple spiritual technique." Noronos said, and with a wave of his hand, a faint spiritual shield immediately appeared around his body.

"Can you write it down?" Qin Guan asked.

Norunos said: "I need a blank talisman, do you have one?"

Qinguan: "...blank talismans? There are plenty of them."

Qin Guan said that the most important thing he lacked now was blank talismans, so he took out a stack and gave it to Nuo Lunuosi.

Norunos pretended to be holding a blank talisman, with a faint spirit hanging on the tip of his right index finger writing and drawing on it, and then pouring his own spirit into the blank talisman. The whole process only took 2 minutes.

After finishing the work, he handed the transcribed version of the spiritual art to Qin Guan in a chic manner, stroked his long beard, and looked confident.

Qin Guan took it with his hand and used it.

[Congratulations, you have learned the spiritual technique: Psychic Shield (lv.3)]

It really works!

Qin Guan now somewhat believes that this old man is a legendary spiritualist. Even if he is not, then he must be a famous spiritualist, right?

That being the case, then Nuo Lunuosi should give himself a glow, and it should be able to play a big role.

Qin Guan patted Nuo Lunuosi on the shoulder: "Very well, I have already figured out what job I will arrange for you."

Nuo Lunuosi said with some embarrassment: "In this case, can the old man make a small request? I hope that I can be by this beautiful little girl..."

He looked at Ouya, his eyes were still squinting.

Ouya's face turned black at that time, and she kicked her face directly: "You beat me to death, you old pervert!!"

Qin Guan silently supported his forehead, this old man is really courageous, he has no choice but to give in... It can only be said that his desire to survive is so inferior compared to Qian Yan...

However, Nuo Lunuosi is really a surprise for Qin Guan. With this new NPC, the speed of collecting the energy of the king tool should be accelerated again.

(End of this chapter)

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