charismatic player

Chapter 224 The income of this spirit world seems to be pretty good!

Chapter 224 The income of this spirit world seems to be pretty good!
Of course, you can also not follow the planned route, but in that case the difficulty will increase instead.

Because in the layout of Qinguan, all monsters have a certain range of warning. If the player insists on climbing the wall, he may be exposed to the attack range of multiple monsters at the same time, which will attract some unnecessary enemies.

"It's really an independent spirit world? No one enters with me, which means I can monopolize all the rewards in this spirit world!"

Uehara Fumi didn't expect that what the spiritual puppet said was true!

She looked at the monsters here, and in front of her eyes were two black knights standing still watching the gate, and in the distance there was a villager with a pitchfork patrolling with a dog.

These are all monsters that Uehara Fumi had seen in the spirit world, so she drew out the supreme black knife and rushed towards the two black knights in front of her!

Through skillful rebounding skills and backstab attacks, Uehara Fumi quickly managed to get rid of the two black knights.

She noticed that the spirits of these black knights were absorbed by herself, but instead of directly turning into experience as before, she recorded a number: 1.

This number increases as she continues to kill monsters in the spirit world, but the exact increase is unclear because this number does not display digits after the decimal point.

Sometimes killing three or four ordinary mobs doesn't increase the price at all, but killing a relatively powerful black knight can directly increase a little.

Uehara Fumi is proficient in assassination and rebounding. She was originally a young master trained by Gao Tianyuan Guild, so she can be said to be at home in this spiritual world without feeling too much difficulty.

But that was just the beginning.

The further back Fumi Uehara explores, the stronger the monsters she encounters.Later, the various attributes of many black knights have been fully enhanced, and their combat power is by no means comparable to those who just met the little scumbags at the beginning.

And there are also some very malicious combinations of monsters, for example, the combination of three little jackal dragons and two snake man mages.

Although the attack speed of the little fierce jackal dragons is not fast and the damage is not high, they will always surround the player, waiting for opportunities and cooperating with each other. The player's counterattack is very difficult to be effective.

The snake man mage continued to release long-range skills in the distance, and the player might be beaten to death if he didn't pay attention.

Uehara Fumi was accidentally beaten to death once, and she found that she had lost a lot of spirits, and all of them ended up on the snake mage who killed her!
Fortunately, Uehara Fumi was more careful the second time, and finally succeeded in killing the snake mage and getting back her spirit.

Moreover, those little fierce jackal dragons would actually drop the same materials as in the previous spirit world, such as light skin, teeth of little fierce jackal dragons, etc., which made Fumi Uehara feel a little surprised!

At the end of the spirit world, there are three vicious dogs that have been strengthened. These vicious dogs are completely different from the dogs brought by the villagers. They are bigger, faster, and stronger in attack power!
Fumi Uehara was accidentally bitten by a dog, and lost about one-third of her HP!
Everything went smoothly in the front, and Fumi Uehara died seven times in the "Three Dogs Slaughtering the Gods", and lost two and a half levels before finally killing the three dogs...

Uehara Fumi thought she had suffered a blood loss this time, but after seeing the drops of the three dogs, she felt that she didn't lose so much, because she saw that the three dogs dropped a full 30 points of spirit, And a Black Knight Sword!
Although, why the dog dropped the Black Knight sword has become an unsolved mystery, but this is the boss who guards the level after all, it can drop whatever it wants...

Moreover, it is better to drop things than not to drop them, and Fumi Uehara is not picky either.

In fact, the drops of the boss are also random from a lot of drops, Qin Guan is too lazy to arrange some exclusive drops and the like, just make do with the existing rewards...

Uehara Fumi felt that although he had lost a lot of experience, it seemed to be a good deal if he carefully calculated his gains in the level?

In this level, Uehara Fumi collected a total of more than 90 spirit points, which was almost enough to buy a black knight sword from Ouya.

Of course, this value is also intentional by Qin Guan, it’s just a little short, if players want to save 100 spirit points to buy items, they have to buy another entry ticket and swipe it again...

But in any case, this income is much more cost-effective than buying the black knight sword in the auction house after brushing the talisman in the talisman dungeon.

In addition, an additional black knight sword was dropped in the dungeon, and those little fierce jackal dragons also dropped a lot of materials such as light skin and teeth, although it is not yet known what these materials are used for , but since it is a drop from the system, it must be useful sooner or later.

Moreover, there is another very important benefit of challenging in the spirit world, which is the improvement of one's own technology.

When facing these powerful enemies, Uehara Fumi must be vigilant at all times, and may face multiple enemies at the same time, and she even feels that her sword skills have improved!

The current spirit world dungeon has relatively friendly rules, mainly because Qin Guan wants to test the waters first.

Players will be resurrected after death, and monsters will not be refreshed, so the difficulty is not too high.In the future, you can consider adding new rules, and the monsters will be refreshed after the player is resurrected, which will be even more exciting.

Uehara Fumi happily left the spirit world copy and returned to the Fire Transferring Sacrifice.

At this time, many players have already completed the dungeon, and some of them died too many times in the dungeon and lost too much experience, so that they became angry from embarrassment.

These people all gathered in the Fire Passing Sacrificial Site, and you discussed what you saw and heard in the copy of the spirit world sentence by sentence.

"Damn it, I was really fooled! I lost two levels of experience in it, two levels of experience! When will I get it back?"

"Isn't it? I don't think this spiritual world is that difficult. I died two or three times before beating it. Although I lost some experience, in terms of profit, I still made a profit!"

"Haha, I exploded two snake-man staffs in a row! It's a pity that I can't use it even if I'm an assassin. I'm going to sell it at the auction house directly. It's really flattering!"

"Two snake-man staffs exploded in a row? How is it possible, did the boss drop it in the end?"

"No, it's dropped by ordinary snake mages! It seems that these mobs also have a certain chance to drop weapons."

"Why don't I have this kind of personality? And I feel that the monsters here are so strong that I can't beat them!"

"Your own skills are too bad! You'd better practice your skills before you come back!"

"I think this dungeon of the spirit world is very conscientious! Think about it, in other dungeons of the spirit world, you have to face competition with other players, and you may be killed! But in this dungeon of the spirit world, no one will compete with you, you If you can’t win, you can only blame yourself!”

Although it is said that some high-end players can obtain high returns in the spirit world dungeon, but with so many people present, who is willing to admit that they are real?

Those players who were originally angry and wanted to leave, after seeing these high-end players get so many good things in the spirit world, would definitely be greedy, so they stayed unwillingly.

Many players have found that it is a good choice to use the spirits obtained in the spirit world to buy props!
(End of this chapter)

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