charismatic player

Chapter 221 Taunting Brother Qin Guan

Chapter 221 Taunting Brother Qin Guan

"If you die here, you will not be deprived of your status as an extraordinary player. However, fighting between players is strictly prohibited here. Violators will be blacklisted and will never be allowed to enter again!"

"This is the fire-spreading sacrificial field, a small spirit world. Each of you can only retain the most basic professional attributes and enter the exclusive spirit world. Good props will drop from the spirit world, and monsters will also drop them. Luo Ling, if you pass the level, you will get a good reward! How about it, is anyone willing to accept the challenge?"

Someone in the crowd immediately replied: "Yes!"

The spirit puppet nodded with satisfaction: "If you are willing to go in, you can come to me to buy a ticket. The price is ten charging charms!"

The players froze in an instant. What happened, did they have to pay?

That's not right, the spirit world was not like this before!

Seeming to see everyone's doubts, the spirit puppet coughed twice and emphasized: "The spirit world here is different! If you buy an admission ticket to enter the spirit world, you will be the only one in the whole spirit world, and all rewards You can monopolize them all! As long as you can pass the level, you will definitely make a profit without losing money!"

The players looked at each other in blank dismay. They felt that this matter was a bit weird and hesitated.

The spirit puppet was not in a hurry, because Qin Guan had already explained to him what to do in this situation.

"Only 20 people can enter the spirit world at a time. If you want to enter, hurry up."

After the spirit puppet finished speaking, it stopped talking. It sat on the low wall and rolled its eyes, staring at the 30 players.

A player asked: "What if I don't have ten charging charms?"

The spirit puppet said "Oh": "You can go to the auction house to buy it now. If you don't have any money, then you can go out and make room for other players."

This player silently said that he really only accepts money...

At this time, the players discovered that after entering the spirit world, the auction house and other functions were not blocked like the previous spirit world, and they could still be used.

They can leave this spirit world voluntarily, or they can go to the auction house to buy items.

However, many players present still have charging talismans. Ten charging talismans are equivalent to a quarter-level experience. The core members of the major organizations have collected a lot of charging talismans from cracks or spirit zone rooms.

But having said that, it doesn’t mean a lot, it’s still a bit of a pain to actually hand it in, after all, this is a real experience.

Seeing that no one stepped forward, a white-faced spiritualist player in the front row winked at the warrior player next to him.

"Let me try it." The warrior player came to the spirit puppet and traded face to face.

In this spirit world, the player's transaction with NPC is an additional open function, just like other spirit worlds.

The spirit puppet put away the charging talisman and handed the entry ticket to the warrior player.

It is said to be an admission ticket, but it is actually a special talisman written by Qian Yan. When passing through the white mist gate, this talisman will be automatically consumed, otherwise it will not be possible to enter.

The warrior player nodded at the spiritualist player, which means I'll go in and take a look.

Obviously, the two players belonged to the same guild, and the spiritualist player was the warrior player's superior, so he could be ordered to do these things.

Another two more courageous players bought tickets and went in. The others were not in a hurry, some were waiting for the crab-eaters to come out, and some wanted to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment first.

These players dispersed and observed around in the fire-passing sacrificial field.

A fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged young lady was beating a broken sword on an anvil, and various weapons were placed on the weapon rack behind her.

A sneaky businessman with a sack on his head was squatting aside, his two eyes inside the sack were rolling around, looking at what the players were thinking.

A yellow-and-white dog squats aside, watching the players secretly.

There is also a buddy sitting on the steps, as if lost in thought.

That's right, this role was played by Qin Guan. He put on a desperate assassin suit and covered his face. From the perspective of painting style, he was no different from Qian Yan and Ouya.

The players' attention was quickly attracted by Ouya, and two players said in surprise: "Hey hey hey, isn't this who? This is the one in the spirit world we entered for the first time The leader of the monster, I was killed before!"

As soon as the two players bluffed, other players also surrounded them.

There are a total of 30 players here, with varying strengths, some strong and some weak.Those weaker players may not have seen Ouya at all in the previous spirit world, or even entered the spirit world, so naturally it is impossible to know him.

However, with so many players, there are always a few people who have seen it.

As a result, they still wanted to continue the discussion, but they saw Ouya stop what she was doing, raised her eyelids, and showed a very cold expression.

"Oh, what, the weather is good today, hahaha."

The two players ended the conversation at the time.

Obviously, these two people also know that Ouya's strength is completely crushing them. Now that they are talking too much, if Ouya comes over with a hammer and knocks them one by one, it will not be fun...

In fact, Ouya's current strength has not been fully restored, but when Qin Guan set the rules of the spirit world, he stipulated that players entering this spirit world must be limited to the basic attributes of advanced professions. For example, the attribute of a priest is strength 7 spirit 8 Vision 5.

Otherwise, if big bosses like Mr. Sanada and Ke Fenghua come in, and all the NPCs in the Chuanhuo Sacrificial Field can't beat them together, then the whole village will be massacred.

Moreover, if this kind of boss comes in, and the checkpoints are crossed casually, wouldn't this business become a purely loss-making business.

Players who are killed by other players in this spirit world will not lose their status as extraordinary players in reality, because Qin Guan does not have such a high authority to decide the life and death of other players.

In short, other players have also noticed that the blacksmith and businessman in Chuanhuo Sacrifice seem to have come from the first two spirit worlds. Some players are already brewing conspiracy theories, but they dare not discuss it loudly and can only secretly discuss it. chat.

There are also many players sharing their experiences in this spirit world with their guilds and friends.

At this time, someone noticed Qin Guan sitting on the steps without saying a word.

Qin Guan's attire has only appeared in front of some players, such as Gao Tianyuan, a small number of players from the Skull and Bones Society and the Spiritual Research Society.Obviously, none of the 30 players present had seen Qin Guan.

A hunter player approached Qin Guan curiously, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me...what are you in charge of?"

The players have roughly figured out the responsibilities of these people in Chuanhuo Sacrificial Ground. Except for Gouzi who is suspected of being cute, the other three people are selling things, but Qin Guan is sitting here motionless.

Hearing the hunter's question, Qin Guan still didn't look at him, but said in a mocking voice: "Cowardly idiot, you don't even have the courage to challenge the spirit world, so you don't have the right to talk to me."

The hunter player looked confused, what do you mean, why is this NPC mocking me?

"I, I'm not cowardly, I just look at the situation first..." the hunter player argued.

Qin Guan sneered and continued: "The brave will go straight ahead, only the cowardly will find many excuses."

The hunter player got angry at that time: "Do you have the ability to say it again? Huh?"

Qin Guan raised his head: "I'll say it again, what can you do?"

 there will be later
(End of this chapter)

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