charismatic player

Chapter 218 How to Make a Qualified Spirit World

Chapter 218 How to Make a Qualified Spirit World
Qin Guan didn't expect Kieves to admit it so simply, and he didn't remember it for a while.

Kieves sighed: [Although I don't know the specific reason why you got the developer permission, but since the system didn't fix you as a bug, then I just have nothing to do so I can play with you... ...]

Qin Guan said with a black face: "What do you mean by fixing it as a bug? It sounds like you are going to kill me! But, it seems that you know a lot, tell me quickly, why do you and other portable smart phones have nothing to do?" no the same?"

[Other portable smart phones?Other portable intelligences are very high-end in your eyes, but they are nothing more than guides for beginners. They only guide those talented players to enter the role of extraordinary players as soon as possible, and they will not make decisions for you, but only perform some auxiliary functions. 】

[That is to say, they seem to have high intelligence, but they are not.And I am different from them, because I am responsible for assisting developers to improve all aspects of this world. My authority and knowledge far exceed those novice guide programs. 】

Qin Guan scratched his head: "It's a bit confusing, you are..."

Keeves quickly changed the subject: [Okay, I can't reveal too much.But since you have not been regarded as a bug fix, it proves that the "God's Eye" has ignored your exception, and you can continue to play the role of a developer.It's just that I feel sorry for other players...]

Qin Guan: "...Forget it, you should hurry up and tell me how to use the developer's permissions."

Kieves explained: [Making copies of the spirit world is one of the important responsibilities of developers. As for where to get these energies, of course it is from the players.The spirit on the player's body gathers into the spiral sword through the spirit world, which is the energy of the king weapon. 】

"The spirit on the player?!" Qin Guan was a little confused, "Isn't that the player's experience? The experience and level they have obtained through hard work?"

【That's right, that's why it's precious. The king device needs these energies. 】

[Now that you have the Black Horn King Bow and activated the real ability of the altar hall, you can truly obtain the authority to create the spirit world.And after the spirit world is created, you can invite players to enter like those great spirit worlds...]

Qin Guan came to a somewhat surprising conclusion: "Then, if I want to obtain the power of the King Artifact from players, I must... let them die in the spirit world?! And die repeatedly?!"

Keeves: [That's right.Maybe you will feel unbearable...]

Qin Guan looked up to the sky with a long smile: "Hahahahaha! Can't bear it? It doesn't exist, this is simply too exciting!!"

Keeves: […]

"Wait a minute." Qin Guan suddenly found a blind spot, "What good is this for me? I racked my brains to create the spirit world, and then used the spirits in the hands of the players in the spirit world to constantly recharge the king weapon. Can... and then?"

Kieves made a secret: [When you fully charge the energy of the spiral sword and reach 100 points, you will know. 】


There are many other rules for creating a copy of the spirit world, but with the help of Kieves, Qin Guan quickly learned it.

There are only two restrictions, one is material, and the other is energy.

The so-called materials are props such as land, monsters, dropped items, etc. in the spiritual world.Qinguan cannot create land or monsters out of thin air, he can only "steal" them from two ready-made spiritual worlds.

And the energy of the king tool is currently only 1 point.Energy maintains the normal operation of the spirit world, and the more complicated the rules, the more energy is consumed.

For Qin Guan, the goal now is very clear.

Make a copy of the spirit world, open it to players, get the power of the king weapon from the players, and fill the spiral sword with 100 points of energy.

As for what happens next, Keeves didn't say.

But Qin Guan felt that Kieves should not be too good at cheating himself.

What's more, even if there is no benefit, isn't this exciting?This feeling is equivalent to being the Creator!

At present, the most critical problem that Qin Guan has to solve... is the difficulty of the spirit world.

The copy of the spirit world consumes energy all the time, and players only drop spirits when they die.In other words, if this matter is not done well, it will become a loss-making business.

If the player gets through the spirit world smoothly, kills all the monsters, and survives once, then Qin Guan will suffer a blood loss.

However, it's not too difficult.If players get nothing every time they enter, then they only need to go to the forum to spread the word, and no one will enter the spirit world again.

Therefore, it should be like gambling, most people lose money, a few people make money, and at the same time, publicize those who make money, so as to ensure that the dealer will never lose money.

Qin Guan is so clever that he can learn without a teacher in an instant.

However, the reason is very simple, but the actual operation is quite difficult.

Kieves just told Qin Guan the most basic rules, so don't expect to teach him by hand.

Qin Guan looked at the little spirit world he made before, and after knowing this, he felt that the little spirit world was full of loopholes.

This reminded him of the previous "Berserker Trial", which was also a small level with different difficulties and rewards. In many ways, it could be regarded as a template.

Qin Guan confirmed the range of attributes he could adjust.

The terrain of the spirit world can be easily changed, and the player's birth point, resurrection point, etc. can be specified.

However, the resurrection point needs special props, which are the stone tablets in the trial spirit world.Qin Guan took a stone tablet and placed it in the same position as the birth point.

There can be no resurrection point in the Little Spirit World, that is, it can be directly kicked out after death.But Qin Guan felt that the resurrection point was very necessary. Only with the resurrection point can the player's spirit be harvested repeatedly, effectively saving the resources of the king's energy.

The attributes of monsters can be adjusted.

The black knights and snake mages are all dead, but as long as they are injected with some king weapon energy, they can be brought back to life.In addition, you can also adjust the combat power and attack desire for these monsters, of course within a certain range.

You can also adjust some specific rules of the spirit world, such as whether the monster will be resurrected, what props the monster will drop, how to pass the spirit world, and so on.

However, all these adjustments will consume more energy in the spirit world.

Qin Guan decided to make a relatively simple rule to test the water first.

Although we know that it needs to be "moderately difficult", we have to slowly explore how to be moderate.

Soon, after Qin Guan's improvement, the first small spirit world was officially completed.

Adopt a relatively simple linear process, that is, a path mode, from the entrance to the final boss battle, one route is laid down.

The monsters include villagers + dogs, black knights, small barbarian dragons, snake man mages, and the last gatekeeper boss is three strengthened vicious dogs.

The player will be resurrected after death, but will drop about one-fifth of the current level of the spirit, and the dropped spirit will be absorbed by the monster that killed the player. If the monster can be killed, it can be retrieved. If it is killed by the monster again, Then the spirit disappears forever.

If the spirit of the current level is not enough, the level will be dropped, and the spirit of the previous level will be forcibly deducted.

This one is indeed cruel, because the rules of the Great Spirit World are not so cruel, and it is only after deducting the spirit of the current level that it will no longer be deducted.

But Qin Guan said, I, the four killers, I have no feelings.This mercy?nonexistent.

Of course, there is still a more troublesome problem, that is, guidance and rewards.

 I was a little tired yesterday, I only wrote two chapters, and I will add another chapter later today.In the new week, please ask for a few recommended tickets and monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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