charismatic player

Chapter 207 You Sell Me Shit?

Chapter 207 You Sell Me Shit?
"You mean to let me control a savage dragon? No, no, that's impossible. The savage dragon is a thug in this forest. It is very proud by nature. The king, the male fire dragon, will also attack proudly, and will never give in."

"I'm not very clear why you have such bizarre ideas. I think we should discuss the purchase of props. You see, I have a lot of useful props here, which can make your hunting more effective..."

Qian Yan tried hard to change the topic, so that the group of people's attention could be shifted to the props he was selling.

Joshua frowned: "How is it impossible? I saw with my own eyes that someone controlled the Mangnathosaurus, and they walked and stopped as soon as they said it. Aren't you an aborigine in this forest? You don't even know this? "

Qian Yan was very worried: "Should I know?"

Joshua nodded: "You should know! What you said made me very suspicious. Are you really an aborigine in this forest? Or are you a player who came to deliberately deceive us?"

Qian Yan: "..."

He found that this matter couldn't be explained clearly. Why did this group of people insist that someone could control the beast?And they even doubted their identity? !

Qian Yan carefully observed the expressions of these players, and found that they did not seem to be lying, which made Qian Yan himself suspicious. Could it be that there is really someone in this forest who is robbing him of business?
A player whispered to Joshua: "This person is indeed suspicious, but I think we can first ask him what he has for sale. If the items are good and the price is fair, it doesn't matter if he is an NPC or a player."

Joshua thought for a while, and it was the same reason, so he said to Qian Yan: "Then, what props do you have, let's take a look."

As soon as Qian Yan saw the business, he jumped down from the tree, touched his bulging clothes, and took out various props from it to show Joshua.

Qian Yan first took out an empty bottle from his pocket.

"Look, this is an empty bottle! Don't look at it as just an empty bottle. In fact, it can be filled with various other materials to make throwing objects, such as flame bottles, explosive bottles, poison bottles, etc. The price is very cheap , you only need 30 talismans, and if you buy 5 at a time, you can get a discount, and you only need 120 talismans, how about it?"

Joshua frowned: "emmmmm... a broken bottle sells 30 charms?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it, there are other things." Seeing that Joshua's expression was a little off, Qian quickly changed the props, this time it was a small handful of colorful rocks.

"This is called an echo stone, and it is a very practical prop for us! When you need to jump from a high place and you don't know how high it is below, just throw an echo stone, and you can use the sound it makes to Judge how high this place is! Set of ten, not only for sale, 100 talismans."

Joshua's face turned green: "100 talismans to buy ten colored stones? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Seeing that Joshua was not interested in this, Qianyan was a little embarrassed, and took out a bottle filled with dark black unknown objects from his arms.

"This is called a 'stinky bottle', as long as you throw it out, it will emit a disgusting stench, which will have the effect of dispersing monsters. By the way, if the objects in this bottle get on your body, it will also slow you down. Poisoned! Sell it at a loss, and you only need 40 talismans to get it!"

This time Joshua was more interested: "This sounds a bit useful, but the bottle is dark, what's in it?"

Qian Yan coughed twice: "Ahem, you don't want to know."

Joshua: "?"

Qian Yan nodded: "Trust me."

Joshua was upset: "That's not okay, I have to know what's in it, otherwise how can I judge its value?"

Qian Yan studied the wording for a while, and said, "Well... the materials here are collected from the most filthy plague villages, where the stench is suffocating, the poison is pervasive, and there are lunatics and plague-infected people everywhere..."

Joshua got a little dizzy when he heard it: "I just want to ask you, what exactly is this thing, you just tell me clearly, otherwise you can take it back, I won't buy it."

Qian Yan coughed twice: "Ahem, excrement of the plague giant."

Joshua's eyes widened immediately: "Shit?! What the hell are you asking me to buy a pile of shit for 40 talismans?"

Qian Yan hurriedly explained: "No, no, it's not an ordinary pile of shit, it has many magical effects..."

Joshua didn't want to listen anymore. He pinched his nose and said: "You should take it as far away as possible right away. There is absolutely no way I will spend 40 charms to buy a piece of shit! Let me tell you, Immediately, immediately, bring out your best products, otherwise you get out of here, got it!!"

Qian Yan silently put away the stench bottle, very angry.

In fact, he can kill all these players, but what's the use of that, he can't get the talismans on these players.

He's here to do business, not to kill.

And Qianyan was really puzzled, the products he took out were all very popular products in another world, so how could it be so difficult to give them to these players?

Take this stench bottle as an example. This thing can directly disperse some powerful monsters. It is a very good life-saving tool in a critical moment. As a result, Joshua was completely unaware of the preciousness of this thing.

Qian Yan asked himself, although he secretly increased the price, but these things are genuine and useful.

It can only be said that these people are really ignorant!
Qian Yan had no choice but to take out a throwing knife from his pocket.

"The poison flying knife is stained with chronic poison. As long as the skin is cut a little, the chronic poison will seep into the blood and cause chronic damage to the enemy continuously!"

"You can use it as a consumable or as a dagger. How about it? Isn't it very versatile? It only needs 150 charms."

Joshua finally became interested. Looking at the green dagger in Qian Yan's hand, he felt that this thing was really useful.

Moreover, the Black Knight Sword sells 300 charms. As a weapon, it seems that the Poison Throwing Knife sells 150 charms, which is not completely unacceptable.

"150 talismans are too expensive. How about I buy 5 talismans for a fixed price of 500 talismans." Joshua said.

Qian's eyes looked distressed: "You have bargained too much. 150 becomes 100. I'm almost losing money..."

Joshua doesn't accept this at all: "If you don't sell it, then you can go."

Qian Yan thought about it for a long time before saying heartbrokenly: "Okay! Then 500 talismans, it's settled!"

The two paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other. Joshua bought 500 poison throwing knives with 5 talismans. He thought the business was doing well. Even if this profiteer could make a little money, he probably wouldn't make too much.

"Then, thank you for your patronage and welcome to visit us next time."

After Qian Yan finished speaking, he quickly jumped onto the branch of the tree and left.

Qian Yan stopped selling to other Skull and Bones players, because he could see that Joshua was the leader of this group of people, and if Joshua didn't buy it, others would definitely not buy it either.

Qian Yan never expected that after selling so many things, the least valuable poisonous flying knife was sold...

A poisonous flying knife originally priced at 10 talismans sold for 100 talismans, and Joshua still felt that he had made a profit.

Qian Yan regretted it because he didn't carry many poisonous flying knives with him, and he had to keep some for self-defense.If you bring more, you can sell them in bulk.

"It's strange. These people seem to be wary of me from the beginning, making it difficult for me to sell my products. Why exactly? And what's going on with the beast-controlling thing they talk about?"

"I always feel that if these things are not cleared up, it may affect my money."

(End of this chapter)

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