charismatic player

Chapter 184 How can there be an ambush here (4 more subscriptions)

Chapter 184 How can there be an ambush here (four more subscriptions)

On the other side, at the foot of Yushi Mountain.

A few fugitives are running fast, and their speed is very fast. On this kind of rugged mountain road, extraordinary players are the fastest creatures.

One of the fugitives turned his head to look behind while running: "Brother Long, it seems that there are three or four people chasing us at the front. I don't know if they are investigators or the so-called elite class. I don't know the number of people behind, but they should still be there." There are more."

This is the one with the highest spiritual vision among the prisoners, who is responsible for checking the situation of the chasing soldiers at any time.

The leader, Brother Long, is tall, burly and muscular, and at first glance he is the leader of the fugitives.

Brother Long didn't turn his head, and said while running, "It's okay, let's hurry up and climb up the Jade Mountain. After we get the treasure, we can go directly to another world. Then we can avoid the investigators' pursuit!"

A fugitive still hesitated: "Brother Long, are you sure this item is reliable? And it is said that it can travel to another world. Why do I think this is not credible?"

Brother Long reprimanded: "Then what do you say? Those investigators have set up a net all over the country, can you still escape abroad? Do you have wings? Can you fly?"

"Let me tell you, this sticky note is our only hope. It would be great if you can escape to another world when you get the treasure. Even if you can't go to another world, we can improve our own after we have these good things." Combat strength, fight to the death with those investigators, and the chance of escaping is even greater!"

"As far as our current fighting power is concerned, it's no problem to fight three or four investigators, but once we are surrounded by people? It's still a dead end!"

Brother Long's words convinced the other fugitives, and none of them had any objections. They all followed Brother Long and ran desperately up the Jade Mountain.

Seeing that they were approaching the foot of the mountain, the five fugitives began to discuss the route.

The fugitive with higher spiritual vision said: "Brother Long, you think there won't be an ambush on this mountain?"

Another fugitive almost laughed out loud: "Ambush? Who has nothing to do to ambush us on this bare hill? Even if there are people, they must be tourists."

Brother Long thought for a while: "Be careful. In this way, let's split up, you two, take the gentle slope over there. The three of us, take this steep slope. At that time, everyone will meet at the top of the mountain and start after we get the treasure. One step forward."

The fugitive with relatively high spiritual vision looked at the steep mountain and said, "No wonder you only brought the four of us here, Brother Long. It turns out that we have all unlocked the climbing skills."

Brother Long smiled: "Of course, I have carefully planned the prison escape for a long time, and tried my best not to make any mistakes. It is useless to bring those boys who don't even know how to climb, let them escape separately. Attracting attention is also considered waste utilization.”

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and climb the mountain. If you encounter danger, tourists on the mountain can be taken as hostages!"

The five people were divided into two groups, probably because the goal of climbing the mountain with five people was too obvious, so they split up.

Soon, the people from the Spiritual Research Association chased to the foot of the mountain, but there were only three or four people in this group, and more people were still on the way.

Su Xiaoyu was also among them. She watched the five fugitives divide into two groups to climb the mountain, and hurriedly explained to Qin Guan.

Soon, several investigators also arrived.


Everyone made a quick decision and decided to climb the mountain and continue chasing.Although this kind of mountain is dangerous to climb, there are many tourists on the mountain. If the tourists are hijacked by these fugitives, the situation will be difficult to control.

Su Xiaoyu climbed very fast, but she was also a little worried, because the spiritual art she was good at was difficult to play a role in this situation. It is easy to throw something like spiritual fire from the top down, but it is difficult to throw it from the bottom up .

Soon, more and more people participated in the arrest at the foot of Yushi Mountain. More than a dozen investigators began to climb the mountain, and some were responsible for building a blockade to surround the entire Yushi Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Qin Guan and Uncle Ke split up.

Originally, Uncle Ke was going to intercept the three people headed by Brother Long, but after being despised by Qin Guan for his wall-climbing skills, he said angrily, "If you want to be brave, go!" and then went to intercept the other two people.

However, Uncle Ke is also very clear that what Qin Guan said is indeed reasonable. In this case, it is indeed Qin Guan who has a relatively large advantage in fighting.

What's more, the route Brother Long and the others took to climb the mountain was the route that Qin Guan and Uncle Ke used to go up the mountain. There were many tourists, and Uncle Ke didn't have the confidence to say that it would not affect tourists at all. After all, his climbing skills It is much worse than Qin Guan.

On the glass plank road, many tourists are still looking at the scenery without knowing why.

Although Uncle Ke fought fiercely with An Hexun on the top of the mountain before, but after all, it was an inaccessible mountain top, and the sound could not be heard halfway up the mountain, let alone be heard by tourists.

The tourists are all ordinary people, and they don't have spiritual vision. No matter how fierce the fight between the two is, no matter how obvious the erupting spirit is, the tourists won't be able to see it.

The tourist whose legs were weak on the glass plank road and could only keep lying on his stomach was finally pulled up by his companions, and he mustered up the courage to climb up the mountain.

Speaking of it, Qin Guan gave him a lot of encouragement. After seeing Qin Guan's cool climbing skills, the tourist suddenly felt that walking along the glass plank road was not so scary...

However, he looked down inadvertently as he walked, and found three small black spots appeared at the bottom of the mountain.

He rubbed his eyes, and found that these three small black dots were not an illusion, but kept getting bigger, and even more people climbed up behind the three of them!

"What's the situation? Is today a mountain climbing competition for extraordinary players??"

The tourists are completely unaware of the approaching danger, and are still very curious to observe the situation down the mountain through the glass plank road.

But this is also a good thing. If the tourists know that these are three vicious fugitives, it may cause panic or even a stampede. Now everyone knows nothing about the truth, but it is safe...

Brother Long and the other two fugitives looked down at the mountain while climbing. Several investigators and students were already climbing the mountain. Among them, two or three students were climbing the mountain very fast, and the distance between the two sides was gradually closing.

"Long, brother Long, what should I do? I'm afraid I will be caught up if I can't reach the top of the mountain..." A fugitive was a little flustered.

Brother Long said viciously: "What are you afraid of? Those people really dare to catch up and kick him down with one kick! We are above and they are below, what are you afraid of?"

"Besides, there is a glass plank road in front of us. If we are really in a hurry, we will take tourists as hostages. I don't believe they dare to catch up!"

(End of this chapter)

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