charismatic player

Chapter 177 Competition Mountain Climbing (4850)

Chapter 177 Competition Mountain Climbing (4850)
Qin Guan confirmed it. The position guided by the note is somewhere on the top of Yushi Mountain, which cannot be reached by tourists' routes.Because the plank road has only been built halfway up the mountain, and the terrain is even more steep if you go up, and the plank road cannot be built.

Therefore, most tourists walk along the glass plank road on the edge of the cliff, look at the scenery halfway up the mountain, and then take a rest on a platform between the two peaks, and then they can go down the mountain.

But the place Qin Guan is going to now is the top of the highest mountain.

Qin Guan crawled and looked down: "Apprentice, hurry up, I'm going to leave you as a teacher."

Ke Fenghua: "???"

Uncle Ke was fascinated at the time, how dare this kid dare to challenge himself? !
I'm crawling slowly now because I didn't put in all my strength, okay?With your small body, you still want to leave me?Why don't you go to heaven?

Uncle Ke was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Originally, it was very unpleasant to be called "disciple and disciple" by Qin Guan every day, but now you have to be despised by this kid for climbing a mountain?It's really unreasonable!
Uncle Ke didn't say a word, he just climbed up in a fit of anger, and he climbed very fast.

Qin Guan nodded happily: "That's right."

Uncle Ke felt something was wrong when he was crawling, why didn't the distance between the two of them shorten at all...

Uncle Ke originally wanted to climb up quickly and leave Qin Guan behind, so that he could despise him fiercely, but after climbing for a long time, he found that the distance between the two hadn't shortened at all...

What's going on? !
Uncle Ke can't figure out this reason. It is said that the two sides have such a big gap in attributes. Even if Qin Guan is a monkey who is good at climbing mountains, it will not be able to make up for such a big gap in attributes...

Uncle Ke took a closer look and found that Qin Guan's mountain climbing skills are really good...

When Uncle Ke climbed the mountain, he relied on his own physical fitness. He picked the cracks in the rocks with his hands and pedaled quickly with his feet. If he wanted to speed up, he could only speed up the frequency of his hands and feet.

But Qin Guan climbed the mountain much more gracefully, giving the impression of jumping and jumping. There is a small bump on the cliff, and he can use this place to jump up two or three meters easily.

It gives people the impression that Ke Fenghua is like a primary school student who is desperately pedaling a bicycle, and Qin Guan is like riding a motorcycle. Don't look at Uncle Ke's hands and feet are very agile, Qin Guan just needs to twist the accelerator to shake him off up...

Uncle Ke was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

The frequency of his hands and feet turning upside down became faster...

The two of them crawled to the middle of the mountain, and in front of them was a glass plank road around the mountain.

This glass plank road is in the shape of a "zigzag", spiraling up to the viewing platform at the highest point. Many tourists enjoy the scenery of Yushi Mountain on the glass plank road.

Of course, there are also some tourists whose legs are weak from the fright of the glass plank road, trembling while holding on to the mountain or the guardrail, and are forcibly pulled forward by their companions.

There are even more excessive ones that just fell down, unable to pull up, and almost rolled on the glass plank road...

At this moment, a lying down tourist suddenly shouted: "Oh, shit, someone climbed the mountain!"

Qin Guan and Ke Fenghua were still under the glass path, so the lying down tourist saw it first.Other tourists thought he was talking nonsense, climbing a mountain?This is Yushi Mountain. The mountain is almost 90 degrees. Climb it with a hammer.

As a result, someone looked in the opposite direction of what the tourist was pointing at. Fuck, there are people climbing the mountain!

Tourists rubbed their eyes one after another, unable to believe what they saw.

"Am I not mistaken?! These two people are dying!"

"Look at the clothes of the two of them, they seem to be extraordinary players."

"Extraordinary players can't play like this! At this height, even if an extraordinary player falls, he will die on the spot, right?!"

These tourists were shocked, and they didn't leave the glass plank road one by one, and didn't look at the scenery, just watched these two people climb the mountain.

After all, the glass plank road can be walked at any time, but it is too uncommon for someone to climb Yushi Mountain...

Some people took out their mobile phones and started to record. Although the faces of the two people could not be seen clearly from such a distance, they could roughly capture a blurry figure.

The tourists looked at it and found that these two people seemed to be competing?

Because they climbed obviously in a hurry, it stands to reason that safety should be the first priority for normal people climbing mountains. Two people climbing together should keep a certain distance from each other so as to take care of each other.

But these two people are obviously climbing the mountain faster than anyone else, especially the player behind, whose hands and feet are almost showing afterimages, obviously chasing the one in front desperately, but the one in front is too flexible. Climbing up and down is like a monkey, maintaining the lead with ease.

"Hurry up, buy it, I'm leaving, I bet the one in front climbs faster, 50."

"I also bet the one in front climbs faster, 200!"

"I also bet on the one in front..."

"Hey, I said, you can't do this, you all bet on the same person, whose money should we win..."

"Hehe, then you bet on the latter one, any fool can see that he can't win."

Uncle Ke was almost pissed off. It's enough to be angry after chasing him for a long time, but he was despised by a group of tourists? !

Although the two of them were far away from these tourists, Uncle Ke's spirit vision attribute was so high that if he wanted to hear what they said in detail, he could still hear them.

Uncle Ke was very angry, and his hands and feet moved even faster.

After accelerating several times in succession, the hard work finally paid off, and the distance between Uncle Ke and Qin Guan has been shortening rapidly.

"Yo, are you catching up? Yes, yes."

Qin Guan watched Uncle Ke continue to speed up, very pleased.

Seeing that the two people were about to reach the glass plank road, the tourists were still in a panic, not knowing how the two people would pass.

The glass plank road is like a wall on the cliff, separating the mountain into upper and lower parts.Qin Guan and Ke Fenghua climbed up from the bottom, they had to cross the glass plank road.

Seeing that Uncle Ke was about to catch up, Qin Guan smiled slightly at Uncle Ke: "Keep going, I'll take a step first."

Uncle Ke: "???"

The hook claw of Qin Guan's left hand shot out and was nailed into the crack of the stone below the glass plank road. The hook claw opened and grasped firmly, and then Qin Guan retracted the hook rope, and an upward pull threw him into the air!

Qin Guan let go of the hook in the air, and used the upward force to directly cross the glass plank in the air, and then the hook was thrown out again to hook the crack in the stone above.

For three consecutive times, Qin Guan not only crossed the glass plank road, but also opened a distance of more than 20 meters from Uncle Ke in an instant.

Ke Fenghua: "????"

Uncle Ke once again suffered from the trial...

He also completed the trial and got the hook rope, but he didn't dare to use it like Qin Guan...

Because Qin Guan's operation requires continuous air suspension, as long as the hook fails to catch the wall once in the middle, the whole person will fall directly to the bottom of the mountain, and he cannot be rescued by double jumping.

Even if Uncle Ke has a hook, he only uses it to lift straight up and down, and he doesn't dare to try such a coquettish method...

He could only obediently climb under the glass path, climb over the glass path with both hands, and then continue to climb up with hands and feet.

If there is no Qin Guan, his operation is completely fine, and it can even trigger a wave of "666" from the onlookers, but before Qin Guan has demonstrated his flying skills with a hook rope very chicly, Uncle Ke's action seems to be very clumsy...

The tourists looked at Uncle Ke's eyes with great regret.

Ke Fenghua: "...Wait a minute, am I here to investigate the disappearance today, or to see this kid pretending?!"

(End of this chapter)

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