charismatic player

Chapter 173 Who is Qianyan (4550)

Chapter 173 Who is Qianyan (4550)
This psychic note is not too expensive, only 80 talismans. Qin Guan didn't think too much about it, so he bought it directly.

From the looks of it, it's just a piece of paper, and it looks like a piece torn from a book or scroll, because the edges are ragged.

On the surface, there is nothing special about it, but if you look at it with your spiritual vision, you can find that it is covered with light blue handwriting.

Although it is an incomprehensible text, the portable smart phone can be translated.

What was written on it was: "Which brave adventurer is willing to take on this rewarding task? This humble piece of paper is actually a treasure map, which will guide you to find the buried treasure. Treasure, after getting the treasure, you can even go to another world full of wealth. After injecting the spirit, the treasure map will guide you."

I didn't write any specific rewards, but it did imply that this is a quest, and it said that there are treasures, and you can even "go to another world full of wealth", which can be said to be very attractive.

Qin Guan tried to inject his spirit into this so-called "treasure map", and got a message in his mind, which was a certain location.

Miraculously, this bearing can be displayed on the map system.

Although the map module that comes with the system is basically used by Qin Guan for navigation, it still plays a key role at this time.

This location can be seen directly on the map module: it is a famously steep mountain peak near the imperial capital, Jade Mountain.

Qin Guan had heard of this place, but had never been there.

It is only a three-hour drive from the imperial capital to Yushi Mountain. This place is a landform of Dali rock peak forest. The mountain is majestic and beautiful, and it is very steep.There are viewing spots, cable cars, and glass plank roads. The temperature in summer is not high, so it is a tourist attraction.

Qin Guan was quite puzzled, saying that this place is dangerous?That is impossible.Because this place is a scenic spot, if there are any monsters haunting and endangering the lives of tourists, it is unlikely that the Lingyan Association will know nothing about it.

A prop bought from a mysterious shop, suspected to be an item from another world, actually guided this person to a mountain in reality?

It feels quite magical.

The item description in the mysterious shopping mall reads: "A special sticky note filled with characters from another world that can detect spiritual energy fluctuations. It seems to contain some key information."

But Qin Guan felt that there might be a problem with this information, so he decided to use his own information panel to check the real information of this item.

In addition to checking the levels, attributes, blood volume and other information of monsters and other people, Qinguan's information panel can also check the description of props, which is completely different from the description of props in the mall.

The item descriptions in the mall are given by the system and can be seen by everyone, but Qin Guan's information panel is suspected to be a built-in function of the developer mode, and only Qin Guan can use it.

Therefore, Qin Guan decided to use the information panel to see what the real information of this item is.

[Qian Yan's psychic note: A note from another world, with extremely deceptive words written on it, but if you know who "Qian Yan" is, you will never believe any punctuation marks on it.Of course, this note is not useless, at least it will lead you to a hidden rift. 】

Qin Guan: "...So this is a trick prop, right?"

I have to say that this information panel is indeed a good thing, it can be regarded as an ability similar to "real name recognition".

In other words, the item descriptions displayed on this information panel may not be exhaustive or detailed, but at least it is certain that the information above is true.

Based on this information, Qin Guan probably knows what this note is.

"Qianyan" is a person's name, and it is very likely that it is someone from another world, that is, a fellow of Ouya.This person made such a note and wrote on it that it was a treasure map.

In fact, this seems to be a scam, and "Qianyan" probably doesn't have a good reputation in the alien world.

But this note can indeed point to a certain place, and the pointed place seems to be a crack, that is, a passage connecting the two worlds.

Qin Guan became even more interested. The poster who posted on the forum before probably also bought such a note, went looking for the treasure without hesitation, and then mysteriously disappeared.

Qin Guan has the incredible ability of the information panel, so of course he can see that this is a scam, but the old brother from before didn't know it was a scam.

The only information that the landlord can see is the item description displayed by the system and the information written on the sticky note by Qian Yan, so he may not suspect that this is a trap at all.

After all... who would have thought that serious item descriptions would be deceiving?

But in fact, after carefully studying the item descriptions in the mysterious store, I found that there is a pit in it, because the item description only said that this sticky note is full of information, can detect psychic fluctuations, and is suspected to have key information, and did not mention this thing Not dangerous!

On the contrary, Qin Guan wanted to take a look, because there were cracks, which meant that there were spirits, monsters, and maybe some special rewards.

But before that, Qin Guan has to go to the altar hall first, and ask Ouya who this Qianyan is.

They are also from another world, maybe Ouya has heard of this guy?After all, judging from the implied information on the information panel, this guy named Qianyan is notorious.


Back in the hall of the altar, the sound of iron strikes was mixed with lines that broke the table twice.

"Where are you so much!!!!"

"What is gay!!!!"

In the middle, there is also the sound of "clinking" irons, which complement each other.

Ouya put the tablet on the altar in front of her, and while watching the anime, she focused on beating the weapon on the anvil.

Qin Guan took a look, and there were already several supreme black knives and black knight swords on the weapon rack.

Although the current market price of the Supreme Black Sword is much higher than that of the Black Knight Sword, Qin Guan is very clear that the price of this thing will soon drop off a cliff, so he did not ask Ouya to use all the materials to cast the Supreme Black Sword. knife.

"Look, how about this weapon I forged!"

Ouya saw Qin Guan coming, and proudly showed him the weapon she was casting.

Although it was only a prototype, Qin Guan could still see the prototype of this weapon.

Beheading sword.

This is a giant sword with a semicircular notch in the lower part of the blade and a circular hole in the upper part, so this weapon is highly recognizable.

"Well, change the appearance a little bit to make a difference. The anime you are watching is quite famous, don't let others see it at a glance..." Qin Guan made a more crucial suggestion.

"Got it." Ouya nodded, "What decoration should I choose this time?"

Qin Guan thought for a while: "Whatever you want, as long as it's different from last time."

"Okay, then I'm free to play. But this knife is quite troublesome to make, and it may take two days to finish. You can take those on the weapon rack first." Ouya continued to be busy.

Qin Guan put away all the supreme black swords and black knight swords, and then asked, "By the way, do you know a man named Qian Yan?"

Ouya was a little surprised, and temporarily stopped what she was doing: "How do you know this name?"

(End of this chapter)

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