charismatic player

Chapter 16 Can you lie down like this?

Chapter 16
"Questionnaire?... What's going on?"

Qin Guan couldn't believe his eyes, the counselor held a grade meeting specially to investigate everyone's trial progress??
Qinguan honestly wrote "medium difficulty, platform number 99", and then started to fill in some other information.

Including total time, average number of failures, etc.

The number of failures is also quite difficult to deal with. Qin Guan thought about it and made it up. Anyway, there is no way to check it...

The school has every student's student status and files, as well as medical examination records, and the counselors basically know all the students, so there is no need to fill in other personal information.

Qin Guan was thinking while writing, why should this form be sent?
Obviously, the school wants to know the trial progress of all the students, but after knowing it? File all the data of all the students who have passed the intermediate trial and obtained special bodies, or report to the higher authorities?
Well, it's very likely.

From time to time, Qin Guan raised his head to look at the heads of people lying on desks in front of him, and suddenly had an idea, how many people in our entire Chinese department must have completed the medium-difficulty test?
Although he can't see the forms that everyone fills out, he has special abilities.

Qin Guan concentrated on scanning the girls in the front row one by one, and the UI popped up on the heads of these people.

lv.1, lv.1, lv.1, lv.2...

Qin Guan found a problem, that is, there are only two situations now, either a simple lv.1, or a lv.2 that has completed a moderately difficult trial, but there is a number behind lv.2, 15.

Qin Guan still remembered that the number on the panel on Su Xiaoyu's head was also 15.

"What does this 15 mean? Why are all the numbers after lv.2 15? Could it be combat power?... Hehe, how is it possible."

"If it's really combat power, then my combat power should be regarded as the five slags of war..."

"It doesn't make sense if it's combat power. Can the athlete's combat power be the same as the student's at the beginning?"

After seeing more than 20 people, Qin Guan felt dizzy for a while, very tired mentally, and it was difficult to concentrate all the time.

"...It seems that this ability is not used casually. But I don't understand it very well. Why is there a limit to looking at the game panel?"

Qin Guan didn't look at it any more, but after looking at these 20 people, there were only three or four lv.2s in it.

Of course, just a sample of more than 20 people is definitely not enough to estimate the number of lv. .2 should be well below 2%.

For ordinary people, this trial is much more difficult than Qin Guan imagined.

The form was quickly filled out and passed back to the front, all handed over to the counselor.

The counselor flipped through the stacks one by one, and gave a few stacks to the girls in the first row, then whispered a few words, probably asking them to sort them out.

Then, the counselor came to the podium and said very seriously: "There must be a lot of people in our grade who have completed the trial. I also know that there are many students who are doing nothing every day and are immersed in the trial. We have this meeting today. Just to tell you something."

"First of all, I would like to emphasize that everyone still has to attend classes. You have to take care of the emotions of those old professors. Students who have completed the trial should not be complacent. After all, the instructions from above have not yet come down."

"However... those students who have not completed the intermediate difficulty trial, it is best to hurry up, I can't explain this too clearly, everyone knows it well..."

The counselor babbled a lot on the podium, and Qin Guan was so witty that he understood it all at once.

It means that there is still no conclusion on how to deal with this circle and the group of people who have obtained special bodies through moderate trials, and there are still disputes.

However, from what the counselors said to encourage everyone to complete the medium-difficulty trials, we can guess that the current general trend is to encourage and support, and even this survey is likely to be a bottom-line survey to facilitate the unified management of this group of people in the future.

In addition, the counselor also repeatedly emphasized that everyone should continue to attend classes as usual and abide by laws and regulations. Apparently, they were worried that some students' mentality would change drastically and cause some uncontrollable consequences.

After all, the physical fitness of these students who have completed the medium-difficulty trials has already surpassed that of professional athletes. If they cannot control their mentality, they can easily embark on a path that harms society...

After emphasizing various matters, the counselor took the forms that had been classified into categories from the girls in the front row.

"These 16 students who have completed the intermediate difficulty trial, come to the office with me."

Everyone's eyes began to search around, looking enviously at the students who stood up and followed the counselor out.

Obviously, these people must be treated specially, but they don't know how special it will be.

Xiao Qiang kept looking at Qin Guan and found that he had no intention of standing up at all.

"Brother-in-law, you really failed the test, I still can't believe it..." Xiao Qiang whispered.

Qin Guan was speechless: "No, I just lied to you that I am a puppy."

"Oh..." Xiao Qiang stood up regretfully, and walked out with the counselor.

Qin Guan: "???"

He concentrated on looking at Xiao Qiang's wretched back, and found that the panel above his head was lv.2.

Qin Guan silently said "Fake", and gave the wretch a middle finger in his heart.

"This rookie has completed the trial, and I'm still stuck at 99..."

Others also walked outside the classroom one after another, returning to their respective homes.

It can be seen that many people are in a low mood and obviously suffered a lot during this period.

After all, three days have passed since the start of the trial. If everyone was full of passion at the beginning, at this time there is probably only frustration left.

The first batch of bosses completed the medium-difficulty trial on the same day, and the second batch of people basically completed it on the second and third days. After that, the gap widened greatly.

Some people haven't even completed the entry level and the simple difficulty until now. One can imagine how broken these people must be.

Moreover, there were only a dozen students in the entire grade who had completed the medium difficulty level, which was much lower than what Qin Guan had imagined.

As for whether other people can pass in the future? It should be possible, but even if there are, there will be very few.

After all, this trial is different from going to school, no one teaches, it is all up to you, if you are stuck now, how can you challenge higher difficulty in the future?
Obviously everyone understands this truth. There are a few very strong girls who feel like they are about to cry, and the girls in the dormitory are still comforting...

"Is it so real..."

Qin Guan walked out while feeling emotional, and heard a girl sitting in the front row comforting another girl: "It's okay, don't be sad, you don't play games very much, isn't it normal to start slowly? Look at Qin Guan Guan, playing games is so good, haven't you completed the trial yet?"

Qin Guan: "???"

How can this be shot?
It's none of my business that you didn't complete the trial!
(End of this chapter)

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