charismatic player

Chapter 159 Climbing (3150)

Chapter 159 Climbing (3150)
This advanced dungeon 2 is similar to the routine of cutting fruit. It gives you tools first, so that you can use them casually in the trial, but you can only bring them to reality after clearing the trial.

Qin Guan put the hook on his left hand. This thing looks like a large arm guard, covering the entire left forearm. There is a folded launcher on the outside of the forearm. Tighten it up and put it on the launcher.

The process of launching and retracting the hookline can be completed by infusing the spirit into the hookline.The launcher can pop out the hook rope and open it in the air, hook it to a high place by hooking or winding, and then use the winch to retract the rope to pull the player towards the hook.

Of course, the hook line also has other uses, such as using it to hook a lighter object and then pull it towards itself.

In addition, Advanced Dungeon 2 also comes with a special skill, which is [Climbing].

This climb is not an ordinary climb, but a special skill.If we talk about ordinary climbing, Qin Guan can also do it now, such as climbing a mountain by digging at the cracks of rocks, it is not difficult in the state of an extraordinary player.

But this [Climbing] skill gives the player more maneuverable space.

On the one hand, it makes it easier for players to climb and improve the speed and efficiency of the original climbing. On the other hand, it introduces a new attribute called "energy value".

Qin Guan tried it, and found that the so-called "energy value" is displayed as a green circle on the UI, and this energy value will be consumed when performing some special operations.

To give a simple example, Qin Guan could have climbed the mountain by picking at the cracks in the rocks, but if there are no cracks in the rocks on this mountain, and there is no place to lay hands and feet, what should we do?

Originally, it was impossible to climb, but now you can forcefully climb by consuming energy points.

This energy value can even allow the player to make some completely illogical operations, such as performing a double jump in the air, or like the "Gecko Swimming Wall Skill", sticking the back to the wall and climbing the wall with only elbows and heels .

In short, any part of the body can be sucked against the wall for climbing, and even when no part of the body is attached to the wall, some movements can be forced to save.

Of course, the more difficult the operation, the more energy it consumes. Operations like double jump in the air will directly consume about a quarter of the energy.

The energy value will be restored slowly, but when performing strenuous exercise (such as fast running or regular climbing actions), the energy value recovery speed will be slowed down, and normal walking and other actions will not affect the energy recovery speed.

That is to say, some original terrains are difficult for Qin Guan to climb up even with the body of an extraordinary player, such as some very smooth glass curtain walls.But now, as long as the energy value is used reasonably, it is no problem to climb up these terrains.

The goal of the trial has been very clear, which is to reach the spire of the high tower on the top of the mountain through the hook rope and climbing skills.

"It's fun, I'll try it myself first."

Qin Guan didn't look at the historical records right away, but decided to climb up by himself first to see how difficult it was.

First tried the hook line.

Using a hook will consume energy, but it’s not too much, just a little more than a tenth. Compared with double jumping in the air, which directly consumes a quarter of energy, it’s already very conscientious .

However, the hook rope is not used casually. Qin Guan tried it and found that in many places, the claws of the hook rope could not hang at all.

It is best to hang some protrusions, such as abrupt stones, tree trunks, etc., followed by large gaps in some mountains or buildings.If it's a smooth rock wall, the hook claws won't be able to catch it at all, and it's just a waste of energy.

Moreover, when shooting the hook, the angle and force are controlled by yourself. If the shot misses, you can only take it back and shoot again.

However, there are quite a lot of things that the hook rope can do. For example, you can reach places that you can't jump by swinging, or you can hook a tree and bend it to launch yourself out like a slingshot.

There are only so many coquettish operations that Qin Guan tried out by using his own brain. He has no doubt that there should be more coquettish operations displayed by the boss in the historical records.

The entire climbing process is not short, with a height of more than 1000 meters, and the actual climbing distance may be more than 2000 or even 3000 meters, because this process is not straight up and down, but a spiral.

The whole process is divided into two parts. Different climbing skills should be used when climbing the cliff and climbing the tower.

After climbing for a certain distance, Qin Guan suddenly felt that this trial was not as difficult as he imagined. He had already climbed more than 100 meters with his own efforts, and he still did not read the historical records of the boss.

However, he has basically never used the hook line, mainly relying on climbing.

After a series of previous trials, Qin Guan's control over this body has reached a very high level. General climbing movements can't help him at all. Even if there are some seemingly difficult places, you can use " Force Climb" skill to pass.

So Qin Guan became a little flustered.

The only place where the hook rope was used was when there happened to be a tree with a crooked neck on the cliff. Qin Guan used the hook rope to rise to a height of seven or eight meters at once, feeling really excited.

However, Qin Guan didn't dare to use the hook in places where he was not so sure. If he fell down due to improper operation, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?

Qin Guan is also thinking about a question, is there any preservation point in this trial?
There is a save point for jumping. After a failure, you just return to the previous platform to start again, instead of starting from scratch.

What about this copy?

There should be some too, right?
Qin Guan was still climbing up cautiously, when suddenly he felt something was wrong.

He looked up: "Fuck, why is the sky cloudy?"

Qin Guan vaguely felt something was wrong, and after climbing for another 5 minutes, he heard a thunder.

"...It's going to rain, this is it!"

Qin Guan said that it's just a dog, how come there is a weather system in the trial dungeon? !

Qin Guan was still thinking about finding a place to take shelter from the rain, when he heard another thunderclap from the sky, and then the torrential rain fell directly from the sky, hitting his face indiscriminately.

The current situation can only be described as embarrassing.

Qinguan is attached to the cliff, not to mention shelter from the rain, there is not even a place to step down.

It's okay to keep the current state, but... when will the rain stop?
Qinguan did not dare to move forward rashly, so he hung on the rock wall for 5 minutes. However, the rain showed no signs of weakening or even changed at all.

"It seems that the rain won't stop at all..."

Qin Guan made a very reasonable guess.

Obviously, the event of rain is not random, because random occurrence will make the difficulty of each trial different.

In order to prevent players from taking advantage of loopholes or relying on luck to pass the level, the event of rain is obviously triggered 100% when the player climbs to a certain stage.

Want to wait until the rain clears before continuing to climb?

Sorry, none exists.

(End of this chapter)

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