Qin Guan was confused at that time. What do you mean, you asked me to work for you for free...

Ke Fenghua said with emotion: "You young people now have no spirit of dedication at all. Think about when I was young..."

"Stop, Master Ke, please stop first." Qin Guan interrupted Ke Fenghua's reminiscence of the past, "I just want to ask you, have you dedicated?"

Ke Fenghua said confidently: "Of course I have contributed! I have been in the Spiritual Research Association for all these years, and I have always received a guaranteed salary!"

Qin Guan: "Then where did your car come from?"

Ke Fenghua: "Lingyan will assign you."

Qin Guan: "... Will Lingyan provide me with a car?"

Ke Fenghua was amused: "What are you thinking? Young people must give first and then get something in return... Hey, what are you doing?"

Qin Guan had already stood up and opened the door: "Senior, walk slowly, I won't see you off."

"Look at how young people today are so restless?" Ke Fenghua said with emotion, "Don't worry, I'll think of a solution."

Qin Guan: "..."

Ke Fenghua pondered: "Money, I really can't give you too much. My current salary is only 8000 yuan a about I give you half? How about four thousand!"

Qin Guan was shocked: "Is it reasonable for a big leader like you to only earn 8000 yuan a month?"

Ke Fenghua hurriedly waved his hand: "Hey, what kind of leader am I? I'm a retiree, and I'm the gatekeeper."

Qin Guan thought for a while, and felt a little wrong: "No, isn't that right, are you reimbursed for everything else except the money? The house and the car are all directly distributed, and you will be reimbursed for all kinds of things you usually buy, is that so? ?”

Ke Fenghua: "Hey, how do you know?"

Qin Guan: " don't need money at all, so of course you don't think money is important!"

Ke Fenghua seemed to have made up his mind: "How about this, I will pay you five thousand a month out of my own pocket!"

Qin Guan: "...not going."

Ke Fenghua gritted his teeth: "Six thousand! I'm telling you, it can't go any higher. There is a limit for Lingyan to reimburse me for cigarettes. I have to leave some money to buy good cigarettes."

Qin Guan: "...It's not all about money, okay! My daily life is very nourishing, why should I work for you!"

Ke Fenghua froze for a moment: "What you said makes sense."

But after thinking about it again, I can't just give up so easily, otherwise the heavy responsibility of the research department will be all on my shoulders in the future...

Of course not!Besides, I haven't found the place where I was abused last time...

Qin Guan saw that Ke Fenghua was in a difficult position, and thought that he couldn't let the big boss get off the stage, otherwise what would he do if he had to wear small shoes?

"Well, Uncle Ke, if you fulfill your promise and eat the chopsticks, I will consider becoming a special consultant."

Ke Fenghua's face turned black: "Can't you forget about this?! Speaking of which, it was an accident last time, do you understand the accident? The duel in this conscious world is not fair at all! Backlash, it's not fair!"

Qinguan: "...then you mean to compete again?"

When Ke Fenghua heard this, he was happy: "Hey, I was just about to say that, okay, since you brought it up, that's good, let's compete again! If I win this time, you obediently become my teacher, and then follow I will be a special consultant in the Research Division!"

Qinguan: "...What if I win?"

Ke Fenghua's face was dark: "Then I'll eat the chopsticks from last time together this time! Eat a pair!"

Qin Guan kept shaking his head: "That won't work. What's the difference between eating one and eating a pair? Well, if I win, the chopsticks incident last time will be cancelled, and I can also serve as a special consultant for you, but, thanks I am a teacher."

Ke Fenghua was shocked at the time: "Is it reasonable to worship you as a teacher? How old are you this year? How dare you say such shameless words???"

Qin Guan: "What does this have to do with age? If you can't beat me, of course you want me to be your teacher. Is there something wrong with you?"

Ke Fenghua disagreed: "There's something wrong, it's so wrong! After all, I'm also an old senior in the Spiritual Research Association, the former captain of the law enforcement team. If you accept me as your disciple, aren't you afraid of shortening your life?"

Qin Guan said silently: "What's the lifespan of this, teaching and educating people is my bounden duty..."

Ke Fenghua: "..."

Qin Guan continued: "Confucius said, "When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher. Look at the attitude of Sage Confucius!" Confucius said again, "If you are quick and eager to learn, you are not ashamed to ask questions. Do you know what it means?" Han Yu's "Teacher's Theory" says: Yes Therefore, the disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher, and the teacher does not have to be better than the disciple. Do you understand this sentence?"

Ke Fenghua: "... I don't really understand. Wait a minute, what major do you study?"

Qinguan: "Chinese, especially ancient Chinese."

Ke Fenghua: "..."

Qin Guan patiently explained to the illiterate Uncle Ke: "Confucius means that there must be something worth learning from other people's speech and behavior, so you should be humble and eager to learn, and don't mind asking people younger than you for advice."

"It is written in the Three-Character Classic that 'Xi Zhongni studied under Xiang Lu, an ancient sage, and was diligent in learning', which means that Confucius took Xiang Lu, who was only seven years old, as his teacher. Look at Confucius!"

"Moreover, Han Yu said that a student is not necessarily inferior to a teacher, and a teacher is not necessarily better than a student. There is a priority in learning the truth, and there is a specialization in art. So don't feel ashamed to be a student. There is no shame in learning knowledge. of."

Ke Fenghua was stunned when he heard this: "I don't study much, don't lie to me..."

Qin Guan said: "If you don't believe it, you can ask your own smart phone if what I said is right. Did Confucius say this to Han Yu?"

Ke Fenghua asked: "Big Fudge, is what he said true?"

After a while, Ke Fenghua became more entangled: "Da Huyou said, what you said is true? Confucius really said this? Didn't you just make it up?"

Qin Guan chuckled: "When have I ever lied to someone? Besides, if you can defeat me, then I will worship you as my teacher. You see, I am not as predictive as you are, right? You say you are a great master , old senior, are you ashamed of looking forward and backward and hesitant in doing things?"

Ke Fenghua: "...No, wait for me to stroke, I feel like something is wrong."

Qin Guan sighed: "Hey, what about it, Uncle Ke, what about your confidence as a master? This little bet won't scare you away, right?"

Ke Fenghua was fascinated at the time, what is the situation, why is he so confident!
And when Ke Fenghua thought about it, it was this matter, why should I give in when he challenged me?Is this plausible!I, Ke Fenghua, have never been weak in my life, how could I be intimidated by this young man? !

"Okay, okay, see if you can, accept the duel request!"

Ke Fenghua said that he suffered the loss of being uneducated!You can't argue with this kid in the debate, you can only use your real skills and knowledge in the duel to convince him!

Although he lost quite badly last time, Ke Fenghua knew in his heart that he would not even bounce back last time!Now my rebounding technique has advanced by leaps and bounds, from no name on the list to the first page of the list, this progress can be said to be rapid.

Even though this time he was still slightly inferior to Qin Guan in terms of retaliation, this was a duel, not a retaliation contest.Ke Fenghua is very confident in his fighting skills. He feels that if it is better than the overall quality of close combat, he has no reason to lose to Qin Guan!
(End of this chapter)

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