charismatic player

Chapter 139 King Artifact (1150)

Chapter 139 King Artifact (1150)
The monsters in the cracks that I encountered before were obviously not created out of thin air, but came from another world, and Ouya was the aborigine of that world.

The two worlds originally had no intersection, but due to unknown reasons, the two worlds are constantly approaching each other. When the two worlds collide, there will be a gap, and the monsters from that world will come.

Sometimes, another world will be stripped to form a unique small space, which is the so-called spirit world.

But why are there so many spirit worlds, and why can Ouya's consciousness exist in all spirit worlds?
If it is easy to explain it with the idea of ​​the game, isn't this a dungeon? But if it is explained with the concept of the spirit world and the two worlds, it seems that it is not the case.

Qin Guan told Ouya his doubts.

Ouya smiled: "I can answer this question for you. In fact, the appearance of these spirit worlds is not entirely accidental, because all the spirit worlds this time originate from the same spirit world core, and there is a certain spiritual core in the spirit world core. consciousness."

"Whether it's building the spirit world or copying the spirit world, they all operate according to certain rules. That's why the spirit world dissipates as soon as you get the core of the spirit world."

Qin Guan frowned slightly: "You mean, this spiral sword has a certain degree of self-awareness?"

Ouya nodded: "Yes."

Qin Guan was a little puzzled: "Why are you so sure? Can you make it agree..."

Ouya: "...Because there is a legend circulating in my world. There are sixteen royal weapons scattered in this world, each of which has the power to build the world. As long as you gather all sixteen royal weapons, you can End the tragic reincarnation of this world and reshape the whole world. And the spiral sword is a legendary king weapon."

Qin Guan felt that this matter was a bit ridiculous: "Is it true or not? How dare you call yourself Wang Qi just like this? The temperature of the warm foot washing water is too low..."

Ouya said whether you believe it or not: "In short, the spirit world is equivalent to a trial conducted by the core of the spirit world to select the owner. The king needs to select the owner from more people, so the spirit world can accommodate so many people. people."

"Another piece of evidence is that the existence that guards the core of the spirit world is called the 'judge', not to judge your crimes, but to judge whether you can become the master of the king's weapon."

Qin Guan looked at the spiral sword thoughtfully: "You mean, now I am the owner of the spiral sword?"

Ouya said regretfully, "It's a pity, yes."

Qin Guan: "...What's the matter with your regretful expression? Do you think I'm not good enough!"

Ouya sighed faintly: "Anyway, I don't know what Wang Qi thinks, and I can't control who it chooses to be its master..."

Qin Guan thought about it, such a waste as the Spiral Sword, oh no, there are still sixteen such powerful things?
Fortunately, it was not fourteen, otherwise I would have thought too much.

Qin Guan originally thought that there were fourteen altars here, so every altar should be equipped with a king's weapon, right?But I heard from Ouya that there are sixteen royal weapons in total, this number is not right.

"……and many more."

Qin Guan suddenly realized that it was sixteen...

Fourteen altars, plus the Great Sword of Calamity and the Spiral Sword, isn't that exactly sixteen...

However, the calamity sword is not produced in the spirit world, does this count?
Qin Guan tentatively asked: "I want to ask, what are the characteristics of the king's equipment? What are the specific names?"

Ou Ya thought for a moment: "The sixteen royal weapons have been lost for a long time, and even the names are not complete. They can only be inferred from some rumors. However, the characteristics of the royal weapons are that they are unique and irreplaceable."

"Each king weapon has a different purpose, such as the spiral sword. It is said that it can ignite an eternal fire and communicate with different worlds, so it cannot be used for combat."

"However, there are also some king weapons that have unimaginable lethality. This is because each king tool once belonged to a creation god, and each of these gods has different powers. Some are good at fighting, and some are good at other aspects."

Qin Guan: "King weapons that are good at fighting...for example?"

Ouya thought for a while: "For example, it is said that one of the sixteen gods is the law enforcer among the evil spirits, and he is responsible for defeating those spirits who have fallen into madness because of their high spiritual vision."

"In that era, there were many terrifying existences. These spirit bodies were like a collection of countless spirits, bloated, but very powerful. They had no entity, so they could not be eliminated by conventional means, but they had a lot of spirits, and Extremely high vision."

"If ordinary people fight with them, these spirit bodies can crush ordinary people into scum with just one thought. But these spirits are easy to fall into madness because of their high spiritual vision. Come terrible upheaval."

"As for this law enforcer among the evil spirits, his king weapon is called the Sword of Calamity. In front of this sword, no matter how powerful the spirit body is, it is very fragile..."

Qin Guan listened silently, isn't this the Great Sword of Calamity...

The item description of the Great Sword of Disaster is as follows: "The weapon used by the law enforcers of evil spirits, the sword is full of the resentful spirits of evil spirits."

According to this statement, these altars are really placed on these royal artifacts, and it seems that there is a one-to-one correspondence.

Qin Guan suddenly realized that Ouya's attitude seemed to have changed, how could he answer every question now...

Ouya has never seen Qin Guan use the Great Sword of Calamity. Although Qin Guan wanted to use the Great Sword of Calamity to make up for Ouya before, he was tricked by Ouya into the White Mist Gate before he could use it. Obviously Ouya shouldn't know about this weapon.

But Ouya even mentioned the name, origin and characteristics of the Great Sword of Calamity, which shows that she is not talking nonsense.

Qin Guan was also very curious: "You would rather die than surrender just now, why do you ask and say nothing now... just because I gave you a hammer? Isn't it so?"

Ouya looked at him speechlessly: "Of course I won't do this just because of a hammer. Forget it, I have nothing to hide from you now. The reason why I told you so much is because of Wang Qi. On face."

Qin Guan: "???"

Ouya looked at this hall: "It is already a very remarkable thing that you can be recognized as a king tool. What is even more frightening is that you can come and go freely in this mysterious altar hall, and the spiral sword, as a king tool, can actually Make this hall work..."

"These are enough to prove that you should hide a lot of secrets that I dare not even think about. If one day you can really gather all sixteen royal weapons, then let me be your dog. There is nothing else that you would rather die than submit to. "

Qin Guan: "... so straightforward?"

Ouya continued: "What's more, I have studied it many times, and I really can't get out. Since you are the only one who can come to this hall, why should I get angry with you again? It's not for myself. Are you guilty?"

Qin Guan: " are very sensible, but, I really don't know how to let you out now."

Ouya waved her hand: "It's okay, even if I can really go out, I don't want to go back to that world. It's good to be quiet and quiet here, but... can you do me a favor?"

"There should be a lot of black knight swords in the spirit world, just like the one you brought last time. Go and help me bring dozens or hundreds of them, or simply drag the corpses of those black knights over for a few One, I am useful."

"Ah?" Qin Guan was puzzled, "What's the use?"

Ouya pointed to the open space behind her: "Find something to do, and build a seat for myself by the way, I can't just sit on the ground all the time."

(End of this chapter)

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