charismatic player

Chapter 121 Trap

Chapter 121 Trap
Just now Qin Guan followed the snake man mage from a distance to harvest the heads of the black knights. Although he didn't dare to go to the top of the mountain, he also saw the group of black knights.

Qin Guan is still more careful, after all, stealth is not the same as stealth, if a monster with super high spiritual vision finds himself among the monsters, isn't it the end of the game?

But just by looking at it from a distance, Qin Guan also knew that there were a large number of black knights gathered on the top of the mountain, which was obviously abnormal.

This snake mage who seems to have a high IQ is actually not that bad in IQ, but he is better than those black knights.

Obviously, there are more than one similar snakeman mages. Their task is to gather the black knights who are scattered in the core area of ​​the spirit world, take them to the resurrection point of the players to "bruise heads", and then take the black knights who have become stronger. The knights brought up the mountain.

Moreover, these snake mages are obviously taking orders from a stronger monster, otherwise their IQ alone would not be able to complete such an operation with a strong overall view.

Suddenly, Qin Guan felt a burst of dense spiritual energy waves coming from the valley in front of him.

He walked around halfway up the mountain, wanting to find out.


And in another valley not too far away from Qinguan, several strong men from Asan were surrounded.

The player Ah San who was the leader was covered in scars. Even though he was surrounded, he still had a fierce look on his face, and his eyes kept rolling, thinking about how to break out of the encirclement.

"Rahal, Special Investigations Service, stay safe."

Hua Jianji stood alone in front of the Huaxia players, flicking his hair chicly, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

She was empty-handed, but what she was wearing was not the default clothing of extraordinary players, but a long men's windbreaker, most likely from a clothing store.

I have to say that this outfit is really handsome, and this kind of neutral beauty makes many female players behind her look star-eyed.

What's more, she is tall and flat-chested, and her back really looks like some little fresh meat.

However, everyone knows that talking about her appearance is likely to kill her on the spot, so everyone is very wise not to mention this problem.

The leading player Ah San is at least over 40 years old, with dark skin and ridges and horizontal lines on his face, making him look very old.However, the psychic fluctuations emanating from him are very strong. Although it is not as good as Huajianji, it is obvious that he is the leader of these Ah San players.

And it must be the group of people who have mastered the spirit before becoming extraordinary players.

It's just that this Rahal's current situation is a bit miserable, completely isolated and helpless.

"Do you have to kill all the people in the spiritual seminar?" Haral's face was gloomy. "You act like this, and when you leave the spiritual world, you won't be afraid of the condemnation of the world's public opinion?"

Hua Jianji almost laughed out loud: "I'm sorry, we are not in China, nor in your country. Everything here is false. We didn't hurt any civilians. It's just that everyone came to a very friendly Why is the competitive game condemned by public opinion?"

"What's more, you guys did it first, right? It's just that you didn't expect that I've been hiding in the dark."

Due to the existence of portable intelligence, although the two sides speak different languages, there is no obstacle in communication at all, which saves a lot of trouble.

But now this situation is obviously not a problem that can be solved by communication.

Rahal became more and more angry: "Are you sure you want to fight with us? Let me tell you, there are players from Korea, Neon, and Southeast Asia in this spirit world, and there are definitely many masters among them. And the core of this spirit world The monsters here are far more ferocious than those outside, so you are not afraid that we will fight and be taken advantage of by others?"

The smile on Hua Jianji's face gradually faded: "Gorea? Neon? Southeast Asia? They are all countries with little accumulation. There may be a few supernatural players with good talents in their group, but I'm afraid an old monster like you There are not many, even if they go together, I can solve it with one hand."

"I'm more interested in you. I don't know how many lives of investigators from the Spiritual Research Society you have in your hands, but I'm afraid it won't be less?"

Rahal sneered: "It seems that your Lingyan Society has never killed anyone from our Special Investigation Bureau? If you want to do it, do it quickly, why mother-in-law, I have long heard that there is a crazy man in the Fengshui Division of the Spiritual Research Society , I thought you were a straightforward person, but I didn't expect you to talk so much nonsense."

Hua Jianji's face darkened, but then he sneered: "You think I'm willing to talk nonsense with you? But there's no way, my formation needs time to prepare."

Rahal was startled, he suddenly found that Hua Jianji's hands, which had been behind his back all the time, were already making small movements!
Strong people like them who have long known how to use their spirits generally have relatively high attributes, especially spiritual vision.

But the spiritual vision attribute is not omnipotent. Otherwise, a fight between two masters would be equivalent to swimming naked. You can see through all my moves, and I can see through all your moves, so how can we fight?

Therefore, no matter how high the spiritual vision is, the other party has a corresponding way to hide it.

Rahal originally wanted to talk nonsense with Huajianji to buy some time to see if he could find a way to escape. He thought that Huajianji had been fooled, but the reason why Huajianji was willing to talk to him was because It's just planning and preparing the formation.

Rahal hurriedly dispersed his spiritual vision, only to be horrified to find that the entire valley was filled with powerful fluctuations of spiritual energy. Although these spirits were not too many, they were not static, but constantly flowing.

"be cheated!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Rahal turned around and rushed towards the cliff behind.

Through his spiritual vision, he could already see clearly that the formation around Huajianji had been completed, and a forced charge would inevitably be a dead end, only the cliff behind had a glimmer of life.

Rahal's hands and feet made joints, and he climbed up the cliff as easily as a gibbon, swift as the wind, and wanted to escape directly.

However, in the next second, the cliff suddenly began to disintegrate, and large pieces of falling rocks crashed down!
These boulders are all in the shape of cones, with their tips pointed downwards, like huge nails, hitting Ah San's extraordinary players.

At the same time, a group of people behind Huajianji took out their weapons to defend the encirclement. The other Asan players could not climb the wall to escape like Rahal, and they had to avoid falling rocks, so they could only frantically attack the Huaxia players. Their encirclement launched an attack, but was quickly blocked back.

These Huaxia players held up their shields, and adjacent players could cooperate with each other. Asan players would often face two or three Huaxia players when they rushed up, and it was absolutely impossible to rush out even if they exchanged injuries.

Countless rocks fell towards Lahal. He clenched his outstretched right hand and kept hitting the falling rocks. The huge rocks disintegrated piece by piece, and Lahal continued to climb up.

And the few Asan players below were about to lose their minds. Some of them had been smashed to the ground by falling rocks, and they threw out balls of spiritual fire in despair.

However, Hua Jianji stood behind the array and waved his hand casually, and many counting chips of different lengths shot out, colliding with the thrown spirit fires, and burst in the air one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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