charismatic player

Chapter 118 Let the monster block the spring water?

Chapter 118 Let the monster block the spring water?

Qin Guan looked at the black knight sword, but this sword did not have a long list of item descriptions like the calamity sword, but only two.

[Attribute Correction: Strength D]

[Required attribute value: Strength 10]

However, there are also notes for the two instructions, and there are a lot of notes.

[Attribute correction: The final damage of the weapon is affected by the player's basic attribute and correction effect, that is, the final damage of the weapon = the basic damage of the weapon * the correction effect of the player's attribute]

[Correction effects are divided into SABCDE grades, and S grade is the highest. 】

[Required attribute value: The player's basic attribute value must meet the requirements in order to exert the power of the weapon.If the value of this attribute is the strength attribute, the grip strength of both hands is calculated as 1.5 times.There is no such algorithm for other attribute values. 】

[Extraordinary player's initial weapon is full attribute correction E]

Qin Guan found it strange that there was no [damage ability] attribute in the weapon attributes, because the calamity sword had the attribute [damage ability], and there was a long history explaining it.

Apparently, none of these common weapons get a similar treatment...

Although the damage ability is not written, in fact, the player can roughly feel it, just like in reality, ordinary people get several different kitchen knives, which one is thick, which one is sharp, and which one has the best actual combat effect. Well, roughly from the appearance and feel can be inferred.

The current situation is also the same. The weapons of extraordinary players, whether they are broadswords, rapiers, long knives, large axes or daggers, actually have similar damage capabilities. The key depends on how you use them.

And this black knight sword can feel that it is better than the weapons of extraordinary players, but not much better.

However, the dropped weapon introduces a concept called "correction", which connects the weapon system with the basic attribute system.

There is no "correction" written on the Great Sword of Calamity, because this sword relies on special effects to deal damage and does not need to be corrected; the basic attribute value is not written on it, but in fact, Qin Guan only pulled out the strength attribute after reaching 20. It means that its required attribute value is 20 points of strength before it can be used.

And if you hold it with one hand, the strength attribute is even higher.

The literal meaning of this correction effect is actually very simple, it is the addition of the basic attributes to the sword.

Weapons have a base damage, but the correction represents the increase of the base attribute to the weapon.For example, this black knight sword is strength correction, then you can get extra damage through the player's strength value, the higher the player's strength, the more painful it is for this sword to cut people.

Similarly, there will definitely be spiritual and spiritual correction weapons.For example, the initial weapons of all extraordinary players, the three corrections of strength, spirit, and vision are all E.

As for which weapon to choose, it depends on how the player adds points.If a player's players all nodded their heads, then for him, this black knight sword must be far better than the big ax in his hand.

But for Qin Guan, his mental and spiritual vision attributes are not low now, so this sword is not necessarily better than a dagger...

Another concept is that the attribute value is required, that is to say, you cannot use this weapon if you do not reach this attribute value.

For example, the required attribute value of the Black Knight sword is 10, that is, the player's strength attribute must reach 10 points to hold the sword with one hand.

But if the player holds it with both hands, this requirement can be lowered.The specific rule is that when holding it with both hands, the power is calculated as 1.5 times, that is to say, as long as the player's strength reaches 7 points, he can hold the sword with both hands.

Of course, there are no similar rules for the two attributes of spirit and vision.

There is still a big difference between holding it with one hand and holding it with both hands. After all, you can hold the shield with your left hand free. This does not improve the sense of security at 01:30.

In other words, this black knight sword is a very good equipment for players in the early stage, better than broad swords and long knives.

But for Qin Guan, the fruit knife itself has other advantages, such as flexibility, so this sword is not enough to completely replace the fruit knife.

Qin Guan put the Black Knight Sword back into the conscious world, then tore a dry vine from the wall of the nearby ruins, picked up the five Black Knight Swords on the ground, tied them up, and carried them on his back.

Even though he had the genuine black knight sword, Qin Guan was reluctant to throw away these counterfeit ones.

After all, it took five monsters to drop an authentic Black Knight sword, and it was very likely that the Ouqi burst out to get it. This explosion rate is obviously unreliable.

Although these fakes cannot be put into the conscious world, at least they can be used. It would be a bit too prodigal to throw them away.

Qin Guan wondered as he walked, since these black knights can explode their weapons, will these extraordinary players take the initiative to brush?

Probably will.

This weapon is still somewhat attractive to Qin Guan, let alone other players.And more importantly, being able to put it in the conscious world means being able to sell it in an auction house, and a sword is a windfall.

Although the auction house cannot be opened in the spirit world, it can be opened after leaving the spirit world.

Qin Guan is now hoping that the tracking spirit can lead him to the lair of these black knights. At that time, as long as he sneaks around and watches secretly, Huajianji and domestic players will find them sooner or later, right?
That way you won't have to search for it yourself.

He walked for a long time according to the arrow of the tracking spirit, and met five or six black knights on the way. Qin Guan killed them all, but it was a pity that he didn't drop the black knight sword that could be put into the conscious world.

Apparently dropping authentic weapons was a matter of luck, but Qin Guan didn't dislike the fake ones either, so he picked them up and tied them up with rattan, so that he was carrying a dozen or so Black Knight swords on his back.

Qin Guan now wants to quickly find domestic players and throw the bundle of things on his back directly to them. The main thing is that it is heavy and obstructive, and it can't help him.

Although Qin Guan's strength attribute is high and powerful, carrying so many swords on his back still makes his movement speed significantly slower.

Qin Guan couldn't help thinking, if he knew how to control the sword, he could just use these black knight swords as bullets and shoot them all out, but the problem is that he can't...

These black knight swords are just a burden to him now, if he hadn't considered that Su Xiaoyu and domestic players might need them, he wouldn't have bothered to carry them.

Walking, Qin Guan came to the edge of a cliff, and the tracking spirit in his vision suddenly showed the outline of the other party.

Qin Guan was taken aback, and hurried into a stealth state.

As a result, he showed his head a little on the cliff, and found that the target was in the canyon below the cliff.

In the end, he saw an incredible scene...

About 20 black knights were massacring a group of unarmed Asan players.

It is not too much to say that it was a massacre, because these Ah San players are completely helpless. The attributes of these black knights are obviously higher than those of the stragglers that Qin Guan encountered before, and they formed an encirclement circle. With no fighting spirit, they soon fell down one after another.

But after a while, these Asan players revived again in front of a stone tablet in the canyon, and these black knights rushed up to chop again...

Qin Guan was dumbfounded, what's going on, this script is not right?

Why did the monster block the resurrection point? !

(End of this chapter)

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