charismatic player

Chapter 105 Explore

Chapter 105 Explore
"This is a bit too desolate, isn't it, where are all the mobs?"

The situation in the spirit world was completely different from what Qin Guan had expected. At first he thought that the so-called spirit world was just a copy of the large-scale trial, but it turned out that it was not at all.

All trial dungeons have very clear goals. For example, the goal of advanced dungeons is to assassinate the commander, and the distribution of all mobs (guards) has a certain pattern. Players know what to do next. .

But in the spirit world, the first reaction is to be confused, not knowing what to do.

Qin Guan could only walk forward aimlessly.

Fortunately, the map module can still be used, so Qin Guan decided to walk towards the mountain in the center of the spirit world, maybe there will be some clues.

He silently put on the new "Fire Cloud Evil God Suit" and put on the scarf.After all, this is more comfortable to wear, and the scarf can breathe and restore blood, which can improve combat effectiveness.

As we walked, we found an acquaintance.

It is a real acquaintance, because this is a corpse that has been burned by the spiritual fire, and the whole body is almost roasted.

A rusty meat cleaver was thrown aside, Qin Guan had seen this meat cleaver before.

"Is this a kind and honest villager?"

Qin Guan took a closer look and found that it was indeed not a normal human being.Although the whole body of the corpse was burnt black, there were still some fragments of clothing left, and it could be vaguely discerned that the corpse was indeed the kind of humanoid monster that Qin Guan had encountered before.

Qin Guan touched the corpse and found that it was still warm, but the spirit on the corpse had disappeared.

Not only that, but there was still some fresh blood on the cleaver, which hadn't dried up. It was obvious that there had been a battle here not long ago.

"Someone has been here before me?"

Qin Guan couldn't help being a little suspicious. He had been walking for nearly 10 minutes since entering the spirit world, and the first monster he encountered turned out to be a monster that had already been killed.

This situation seems to have never appeared in the previous trial copy.

"Could it be that this so-called spirit world is actually a copy of multiple people? Many people are in the same place?"

Qin Guan thought about it, and felt that this was a very reasonable inference.Since this place is so big, it may take a long time to explore it all by one person, and you can't exit halfway...

That's probably a multiplayer copy that didn't run away.

Qin Guan was thinking about it when he suddenly noticed that the corpse in front of him seemed to have moved his hand slightly.


Qin Guan thought he was dazzled, but in the next second, the monster stood up unsteadily and picked up the meat cleaver on the ground!

The clothes on this monster were still tattered and torn, but its body was recovering rapidly.

Although it was still skinny, the previously scorched skin was rapidly becoming intact and turned back to its original appearance.

It has a rickety figure, haggard appearance, and bloodshot eyes, but its combat effectiveness has basically recovered.

In the next second, an indistinct cry came from the monster's throat, and it rushed towards Qin Guan holding a meat cleaver high!
Qinguan turned slightly to the side to avoid the meat cleaver, and the dagger directly cut the monster's throat.

Killed with one knife, simply and neatly.

The monster's body fell to the ground again. After struggling twice, it stopped moving. Its ferocious expression showed a bit of confusion as it was instantly killed.

A very thin spirit appeared on the monster's body. Qin Guan stretched out his hand to absorb it, but found that this spirit was not enough to fit between his teeth, and it was even much less than the spirit on those strange people he had encountered before.

"With this little spirit, I feel that all my efforts to absorb it are a waste of my time. This is too stingy."

Qin Guan said that the spirit world really disappointed him, why is he so stingy, a monster gave him such a little spirit?

Shouldn't the spirit world mean a place with many spirits?It’s only so little, do you have the nerve to call yourself the spirit world?ah?

But now is not the time to complain, let's move on.

After walking aimlessly for a while, I encountered several more monsters and killed them all.But after walking for a long time, he didn't meet anyone alive, and the "other player" Qin Guan suspected was not even seen.

After all, this neighborhood is not a "one way", and you can go in any direction, and the two sides may have diverged long ago.

But there is good news, that is, the fog on the map has been lifted in the place I walked.

When I first came in, whether it was the small map in the upper right corner or the expanded map, it was all pitch black and I couldn't see anything, but after walking for a while, the places I saw were displayed on the map.

That's right, it's "the place you saw" rather than "the place you passed by", which is very conscientious.

That is to say, when Qin Guan sees a mountain from a distance, the mountain will be marked on the map, and there is no need to actually walk over to unlock the fog on the map.

Of course, invisible places, such as the specific path from the current location to the mountain, will not be displayed.

Qin Guan thought about it. In this way, it must be more cost-effective to climb to a high place to open the map first.

There is a small dirt slope in front, and Qin Guan intends to climb up to look at the surrounding situation, not to mention searching for other players, at least open the nearby map, so as to save a lot of unnecessary travel.

As a result, as soon as I climbed to Qinguan halfway up the mountain, I felt something was wrong. Why are there so many monsters...

On the top of this small slope, there are more "enthusiastic and simple villagers", but most of them are leaning on stones or sitting on the ground to take a nap, only a few of them are wandering aimlessly.

In other words... on patrol.

Qin Guan counted, and there were only seven or eight of them that he could see.

He's not afraid of these monsters at all, and it's really not difficult to kill them all, but there's no need to waste this time, because the monsters have too few spirits.

There is no profit after killing, so why bother.

Although there are many monsters, the road still needs to be explored.Qin Guan directly entered the stealth state, slightly bypassed these monsters, and walked towards the highest point of this small slope.

On the way, two monsters holding lanterns seemed to have noticed Qin Guan, and they were assassinated by Qin Guan cleanly and directly, without alarming other monsters.

"What kind of lantern do you use in broad daylight, or do these monsters with lanterns have certain anti-hidden abilities?"

Qin Guan didn't bother to think about these things anymore. He came to the small slope and looked around.

Sure enough, a large area of ​​the map opened instantly, and all the places in the field of vision were marked on the map.

Suddenly, Qin Guan seemed to hear someone calling for help.

"Don't go, save me! Save me!"

Qin Guan looked in the direction of the sound and found that in a ruined wall in the distance, a player was injured all over his body and was being besieged by three monsters. He was about to lose his hold.

This person was not calling Qin Guan, but another player.It's just that the player is already running away and has no intention of staying to save others.

The three monsters were all focused on the injured player, and turned a blind eye to the one who was running away.

Qin Guan frowned, and found that the injured player looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.After careful recollection, maybe this is also a student from the same school as me.

(End of this chapter)

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