charismatic player

Chapter 103 Tears of the African Chieftain

Chapter 103 Tears of the African Chieftain

Qin Guan was silent and picked up the newly drawn "combat boots" and "suit" from the ground.

Well, whether it is flip-flops or a white vest, the material is very good and very strong...

... What a ghost!

Qin Guan almost threw his flip-flops on the ground: "Where are the boots of Huoyun Cthulhu that you promised? Give me a pair of flip-flops, isn't that right!!"

Qin Guan thought for a moment, it's a damn good thing he didn't smoke ten times in a row. If he really spent 1000 talismans to buy such a pile of rubbish, he would feel like he was losing blood just thinking about it!

There's no other way. Since you've got it, let's try it on. A white vest is better than being shirtless.

In the conscious world, there is no need to put on clothes yourself, the system will automatically complete the change.After changing it, Qin Guan took a look, um, although this mix-and-match style is a bit uninhibited, it is unexpectedly pleasing to the eye...

With a white vest, white pants, flip flops, and a scarf covering half of his face, he looks like a cute and charming villain.

"I am not shabby, I am minimalist. Do you understand the minimalist style?"

"With my face, which is comparable to that of Mr. Chen, even if I wear an ordinary white vest, I can still look like a counter and a catwalk."

Qin Guan's original default costumes are still there, and the two sets can be switched at will.

He thought for a while, and although this new set of clothes looked a lot better than before, it was also more recognizable.

Although the default suit of useless people is ugly, it is what all useless people wear, so it won't be so ostentatious.

The white vest and white shorts should not be seen by others. They are distinctive and eye-catching.

But this suit has the advantage that it can cover up your opening.If you wear that torn underpants, others can tell at a glance that you started out as a useless person, but wearing a new suit, others will not be able to tell whether you are a useless person at all, and naturally you will not be able to check your number on the ranking list.

So Qin Guan thought for a while, usually use this body of a useless person, and change into another body when he needs to act alone, so as to avoid revealing his identity.

However, Qinguan was not sure how big this clothing warehouse was.If the library is small, then everyone should draw similar clothes; on the contrary, if it is large, then the clothes drawn will definitely be different.

So he decided to check out the forum.

As a result, there was a lot of wailing on the forum...

"Damn! I was cheated by the system! After drawing 350 talismans, I only got a few pieces of junk clothes! That's all my savings that I've worked so hard to earn for so long!"

"Let me go, the big guys upstairs have actually saved 350, I'm impressed."

"Admiration, ah, admiration, all the compensation is included! Don't admire it, the compensation is almost the same!"

"Boss, why don't you go to the auction house to get your blood back."

"Recover blood? If you can't sell it, you have to pay the storage fees yourself!"

"I strongly suspect that this fashion system is a scam. Didn't it say that there will be special clothing with added attributes? I didn't see it at all!"

"That's right, does this count as false propaganda? The drop rate of rare items is not clearly stated, does anyone care?"

"I originally planned to use all the talismans to draw a lottery. Fortunately, I checked the forum in advance..."

"Dear bosses, I would like to ask you, a newbie, how good is it to get a piece of clothing with special effects by drawing 50 magic talismans at half price? Is this thing easy to use?"

"It's not easy to use! Hurry up and put 50 talismans on the auction house and I'll restore your blood!"

The forum was in chaos, and every time a new feature was opened, these extraordinary players would discuss it for a long time.

Judging from the situation on the forum, this lottery system is indeed quite tricky. For many people, it takes a long time to save two or three hundred talismans. If they are used for lottery draws, they are all in vain within two seconds.

Most of the clothes drawn here are ordinary clothes, with a wide variety, not only tops, pants, shoes, but also hats, scarves, ties, shirts, wristbands, belts, socks, etc., as long as they can be worn on the body Yes, they are available in the mall.

The things that everyone drew out were also varied, but most of the clothes drawn out were just for appearance, and they couldn't be said to be very good-looking.

Of course, it looks a little bit better than the default clothes at the start.

There is no such thing as "equipment binding" for these clothes, you can wear them casually, and if you get tired of wearing them, you can sell them at the auction house.

There are already a lot of clothes on the current auction house, obviously they are all drawn out by everyone, but the transaction situation is not optimistic.

Because these sellers are selling it for blood recovery, the original price of this thing is 100 talismans, and I have lost enough to sell 80 talismans, right?But still no one bought it.

Because most people think this thing is not worth the money, it doesn’t look particularly good, and it doesn’t have special attributes. Do I have to spend 80 to buy a pure appearance?Enough to buy four guide books...

The attitude of many people is that I just need to draw twice a week for welfare. The first time is free, and the second time is 50. After the two draws, I will get what I like. It is impossible for me to spend 100 to draw clothes. of.

Therefore, the transaction volume of ordinary ordinary clothes is very small, unless it is the kind that sells 50 or [-] magic charms, as long as it is above [-], it is difficult to sell.

If it’s not easy to sell, it’s not easy to sell, but the seller doesn’t want to lower the price. If it can’t be sold, let’s just keep it for personal use...

On the contrary, some European emperors have drawn special props that increase attributes, a small number of people use it for themselves, a small number of people are ready to sell it for money, and most of them are still ready to sell it for a price.

But people who want to sell face a problem, how much should they sell for?

It stands to reason that it must be sold at a higher price, but this thing has to pay a storage fee. The higher the price, the more expensive the storage fee will be.

Some people go to the forum to ask, I have XX clothes, how much are you willing to spend on them?

As a result, the replies below were amazing. Some said 500, some said 5, and some said 20. Anyway, everyone on the forum was just talking nonsense and bragging was enough.

The seller originally wanted to estimate the price through the replies on the forum, but now it’s all over. Some people who replied seriously at first can’t tell which ones are real and which ones are liars.

Some sellers thought for a long time and still put their rare clothes in the auction house, but the starting price was set slightly lower, and then the fixed price was set very high.

Of course, the fixed price cannot be unlimitedly high, because if it is set too high, the storage fee cannot be afforded.

However, in this way, some people did start bidding. Although it could not reach the height of the buy-out price, it was still able to be sold at a relatively reasonable price.

Qin Guan wanted to buy some other special clothing at first, but after looking at it, he saw that there were only four or five items on the auction house, and he was not particularly satisfied with them.

"Now that I think about it, the [Captain Drake's Lucky Scarf] I drew should be a very luscious reward, right?"

Other special costumes have very rubbish attributes. They either regenerate blood very slowly, or add a slight 2% movement speed, etc., and the prices are still very high.

Qin Guan looked at them and felt that they were not very satisfactory, and his needs were not particularly urgent, so he didn't buy them.

Although you have money now, you have to spend it wisely. The key is not how expensive it is, but whether it is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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