charismatic player

Chapter 101 Another Slaughter

Chapter 101 Another Slaughter
The newly appeared [Spirit World] entrance caused a commotion on the forum, because this new module feels more important than the trial, after all, it was opened directly when the trial copy was opened, without any preparation time , but this new module is also previewed 3 days in advance.

What Qin Guan can learn more than others is that [Spirit World] and [Trial] are two separate modules and are of the same level. This also shows that the Spirit World is probably not a simple trial. copy.

But what are the characteristics of this new module, it's hard to say.

However, after discussing blindly for a day, the players on the forum tried all kinds of fantasies, but they didn't come up with any meaningful real hammers, so everyone gradually stopped paying attention.

It's better to hurry up and try the trial dungeon before the spirit world opens, and get more rewards is the real thing.

But on the third day, that is, four or five hours before the opening of the spirit world, the players chatting and spanking on the forum suddenly changed a hot topic.

That is, the newly released advanced trial dungeon has finally been slaughtered!
At the beginning, the id of "useless person" did not appear on the list at all, not even in the top 500 in the world, but after a certain refresh of the ranking list, this useless person has already appeared on the list The first position, and the difficulty is the highest crazy difficulty, 62% completion!
The original No.1 was logically squeezed into No.2, and this one only just cleared the difficult difficulty, and was still left behind by two full difficulty levels.

And the vast majority of ordinary people who are not on the list are still struggling with the medium difficulty, just to unlock the stealth skills and practice the liver day and night.

Jump straight to the crazy difficulty, which aroused the amazement of the players.

However, everyone would not think that Qinguan directly challenged the crazy difficulty, because the ranking list is refreshed every 30 minutes, twice an hour.

The first reaction of most people is that this useless boss is very talented. With a little effort, he can beat the three difficulties of difficulty, despair, and madness in a row within 30 minutes. Naturally, this is the way to kill the list before.

The question that arises from this is, who is the real identity of this boss?
Most people think that this boss must be a senior who has mastered the "spirit" long ago, and there are even organizations in many countries who are vigilant in every possible way, for fear that he is a powerful spirit snatcher.

It gave the feeling that he had no interest in this trial at first, and it took him a few days to remember to brush it up, but he just passed the highest difficulty level with a random swiping.

This is scary...

Of course, all speculations are false and true, and it is difficult to have any impact on reality at present.

A very important reason is that the death of the genius in the Lighthouse Country made everyone on the list feel insecure, and they are trying to hide their information. What do other people think about the "Top 100" players? Strength has no concept at all.

Everyone knows that the boss at the top of the ranking is very strong, but how strong is it?How many No.2 can you play?What is the level of strength of the worst top [-] players on the list in reality?
Because of the existence of the chain of suspicion, these news are always a mystery, because the rankings on the list do not have a certain scale in reality as a comparison, so it is naturally difficult to accurately compare the real people with the IDs on the list correspondingly.

A large organization like the Spiritual Research Association may still be able to find a few players on the list from China, but this information is also absolutely confidential and will not be shared.

Of course, other countries knew nothing about it, but in the Lingyan Society, Ke Fenghua had already noticed that Qin Guan was different, but it was too late for the Spiritual Research Society to block the news, so of course it would not spread it around.

For Qin Guan, being number one on the rankings meant that the whole world was paying attention, and the attention had already exploded, so no matter how hard he pretended to be, he would not have any more psychological burden.

This news was quickly forgotten by everyone, and everyone was still trying their best to test their livers, hoping to take advantage of these last few hours to get some more rewards, which might be useful in the "spirit world".

And Qin Guan is already counting the rewards for the advanced trials.

Entry Difficulty: Spirit Fragment*2
Easy Difficulty: Sacrifice Ring*1
Medium Difficulty: [Sneak] skill

Difficulty: Free attribute point*1
Desperate Difficulty: Free attribute points*2
Insane Difficulty: Raffle Ticket
Developer Difficulty: Diamond Raffle Ticket

On the whole, it is indeed a comprehensive improvement compared to the rewards given by the basic trial, but it is a pity that there are only 5 spirit fragments in total, which is still not enough to synthesize a new spirit.

The sacrificial ring was also drawn out last time, but it has not been used so far.

There are a total of 3 free attribute points, plus 1 attribute point that has been upgraded in the past few days, Qin Guan plans to give 2 points each to Spirit and Vision.

In this way, the attributes became strength 20, spirit 10, and vision 10. For now, the attributes of spirit and vision are absolutely enough, because Qin Guan doesn't have any particularly large-scale destructive spirit skills.

As for the newly acquired skill [Stealth], Qin Guan tried it out, and it wasn't as useful as expected, but it wasn't bad either.

This skill can be used at will in a non-combat state, and the cooldown time is almost negligible.

After use, Qinguan's whole body, including weapons and clothes, will become translucent. You can see it at a close distance, but if you are far away, you can only see a slight distortion and refraction of the light in the air. If you don't pay attention, you can see it. It's easy to miss.

In addition, the movement speed is slightly slowed down, the body becomes lighter, and the sound of footsteps is almost completely eliminated.

And the biggest advantage of this skill is that it can avoid the enemy's vision, just like a stealth fighter avoids radar.If it is an enemy with similar attributes, when Qin Guan uses the stealth skill, their spirit vision will be completely disabled, and they will become blind. They can only search for Qin Guan's location with their naked eyes.

Of course, this skill is not a panacea. It is said that it can block spiritual vision. The key depends on how high the opponent's spiritual vision is.If the other party's spiritual vision is high, they will still be discovered.

But having said that, at this stage, there are basically no extraordinary players who are willing to use attribute points to increase their spiritual vision so high. The only exception may be experts like Ke Fenghua and Hua Jianji who have already used their spirits, and their attributes are natural. As long as it is high, the spirit vision will naturally not be low.

Therefore, when Qin Guan is in the stealth state, as long as he avoids these big guys, he can sneak in silently.

Qin Guan said that without Baigan, the skill he got is very practical!
Not to mention in battle, it can also come in handy in real life...

Of course, the final highlight came to the two lottery tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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