The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 390 Accidentally blow up the live broadcast room!

Chapter 390 Accidentally blow up the live broadcast room!
"Damn it, the fucking anchor is finally broadcasting live!"


"A full 15 days!"

"Fuck, this break lasted 15 days, and it finally came out!"

"It's just a trough!"

"Brothers, let me tell you a piece of news. I just came from Teacher Meng's live broadcast room. Teacher Meng reminded me. Otherwise, the Dogecoin anchor has forgotten that he is still a professional anchor!"

"More than that, when this guy just logged in, he frankly forgot his account number!"

"Damn it, is this bitch forcing the host to hold it like this?"

"It's not just a mouthful, it's all blown up, okay?"

Lu Ziping: ...

As soon as he aired, he was immediately left speechless by the barrage!


This group of dogs treats me like this?

One by one scolding himself as a bitch?
I don't need dignity?


No dignity!

After all, this break lasted more than ten days, and it really seemed that I was a little embarrassed!
"You feel free to scold, feel free to despise, to be honest, as someone who dares to stop broadcasting for fifteen days, if I feel ashamed, I will just admit defeat!"

Lu Ziping responded seriously.

At first everyone thought this guy was going to apologize.

She even lay down and put herself in a position... ready to wait for this young man to apologize, but the result?
"Damn it, you're a bitch, I've lost my waist!"

"I thought he was going to apologize, but it turned out No, is this a provocation?"

"Crazy, crazy, I must not have woken up, why is there such a shameless anchor?"

"I thought my shamelessness had reached a certain level! But now I know... I'm still an idiot when compared to this dog anchor!"

"Anchor, are you still accepting apprentices? Just rely on your shamelessness!"

There was a lot of scolding in the live broadcast room!
But this kind of scolding has made many anchors envious!

Is this scolding?
In the eyes of outsiders, this is scolding! ,

But in the eyes of this group of anchors, this is not scolding, but Chi Guoguo's love!

It's the kind of love and death!
How long have they been working hard?
From the start of the broadcast to the present, let’s not say that there are not many fans who care about it, it’s just that one person comes to scold you, and you don’t even have a dog anchor!
As a result, as soon as this boy started broadcasting, the number of people has increased too scary, right?
Is this scolding?
This shit is like telling everyone... This live broadcast is my family, I can scold you, but you can't!

"Nimma, if I had such a group of fans, I would wake up laughing!"

Doubo anchor group.

A group of big anchors were joking over there.

The result was quickly slapped in the face...

"Brother, wake up, you didn't!"

"No, don't say you don't have it anymore, even if you do, it's just a dream!"

"Don't stop me, I'm peeing yellow, let me wake him up. There is still such a group of fans, have you seen the online number above?"

"It's not much, it's 500 million now... No, it's 600 million..."

"Brother, look, that's 1000 million!"


"It's coming again, why is it coming again!"

"Damn it, 2000 million, 3000 million... Fuck, it's 5000 million! Oh my god, it's still skyrocketing!"

Everyone in the group is going crazy!

no? ?
Are they wrong? ?
Why did the number of people in Young Master's live broadcast room skyrocket like this?
Forget about skyrocketing... what the hell is this?

Is this data normal?

Six... Breaking 6 million in [-] minutes? ?This is still human?

Just when everyone was shocked.

The video in Young Master's live broadcast room suddenly went dark.

It got dark very quickly.

It was so fast that everyone was stunned!
Even Lu Ziping was a little taken aback...

"Why... why is the live broadcast black? Wait, what is this prompt?"

Lu Ziping found out when the screen was black in the live broadcast room.

The main reason is that it is difficult not to find this.

The kind where the whole mobile phone crashes, and the card owner is instant.

"No, what's going on? My live broadcast room crashed?"

There are a few words written on the prompt of the live broadcast room: Your live broadcast room has too many people, which has caused the server limit...

What the hell is mine?funny right?
Lu Ziping was stunned!

Teacher Meng is choosing a hero...

Locked on Diao Chan!
After winning this hero, I stopped by to watch Lu Ziping's live broadcast room!

Tut tut.

"This is so fucking perverted, brothers, look at how many fans you have, we don't even get a fraction of him, okay?"

Teacher Meng actually has many fans.

As soon as it started broadcasting, there were at least more than [-] viewers online.

But this is compared with Lu Ziping, this number... well, Teacher Meng thinks that he should not say it, it is really sad to say it.

Do not!
It's not about being sad, it's about breaking your heart, okay?

But it was also at this time that Teacher Meng found out why the screen on the opposite side was black?No, it's not that the screen is black, it's that the studio is black?
and many more?

Isn't the master the owner of Doubo?
His live broadcast room is dark?
Do something?


Teacher Meng immediately exploded: "Damn it, no, your live broadcast room is 6 and this is..."

Lu Ziping expressed his calmness: "Well, it's nothing, it seems to have just collapsed like this..."

"To be honest, it was quite unexpected. I thought something was going on, but it exploded!"

"I thought I was broadcasting something that couldn't be broadcasted, but they blocked it. I also thought, this group of guys are quite bold, even blocking the boss's live broadcast room..."

Teacher Meng: ...

Countless audiences:  …

Check it out!

Check it out!

Is this still a human language? ?
Does this still speak of what people say?


When I heard it all of a sudden, it seemed to be no problem!
He is indeed the boss of Doubo!
But... but why does it feel like being pretended?
Do not!
It's not a feeling, but it's really pretended by this guy!

This guy, relying on his own strength, forcibly blows up Doubo's live broadcast room... It's unprecedented!

Lineup selected!

It was Lu Ziping's turn to choose, almost at the first instant, Lu Ziping directly chose Xun, and locked at the same time!
Also when he was locked, his phone rang!

This look...


Zhong Rong!

This guy probably got the message.


It's hard not to get the message.

The boss's live broadcast room collapsed, and hundreds of millions of viewers were lost in an instant. This is no small accident.

As the current person in charge of Doubo, Zhong Rong naturally received the following call right away!

And the first time, I contacted Lu Ziping!
"Sir, I'm sorry, this is our mistake, I didn't expect you to live broadcast with great difficulty, and it caused the background to crash! 0
"Don't worry, we're frantically updating now, in 5 minutes, it will be back to normal within 5 minutes!"

"Please forgive me sir!"

Lu Ziping:? ? ? ?

No... how come it seems like I've become a bad guy?

Am I that kind of person?


PS: Doubo follow the author [50 yuan] with benefits! !
(End of this chapter)

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