Chapter 381 Lu Ziping's Confession!

Lu Ziping took Chen Ning back home.

Originally, I thought that I would go back later, but looking at it like this today, I can't go back.

Chen Ning said nothing.

Sitting on the couch, hugging your knees.

Curl your head into it.

Although he didn't see her face, Lu Ziping knew that she was crying.

This is a strong woman.

Lu Ziping has known her for five years...

In the past five years, no matter what happened, she never shed tears, but now, because of this, she shed tears.

Little Yaya is very good now.

Not noisy at all.

Lu Ziping put her on the ground and told her to play by herself, and she really played.

At a young age, I also know that my mother is in a bad mood now, and my father is going to comfort her...

Lu Ziping sat next to Chen Ning.

Look at this woman.

He opened his mouth.

Just about to ask.

Chen Ning has already leaned her head...

"I am wronged..."

She said, "Let me cry!"

As he spoke, he leaned on Lu Ziping's shoulder and wept.

Lu Ziping had nothing to say.

He stretched out his hand and gently patted her shoulder... quietly, accompanying her, supporting her with silent actions.

Every family has scriptures recited by Ben Nan.

All I can see now is to see if Sister Ning is willing to tell herself.

Obviously, Chen Ning has more trust in Lu Ziping than anyone else.

After crying for more than ten minutes, Chen Ning told herself: "That man is called Chen Gaoyi, who is my biological mother's husband, but 30 years ago, she abandoned our mother and daughter, and she went outside to find her again. A family got married!

This is the first time I saw him. The last time I saw him was 15 years ago in Quanhai. He was taking his wife and son to dinner!
However, he didn't recognize me, and I didn't recognize him either! "

Chen Ning was telling her story.

A story that Lu Ziping never knew...

35 years ago.

Mother Chen married Chen Gaoyi.

Marriage in that era was different from now, there was no so-called free love.

When Chen Gaoyi went to propose marriage, Chen's mother was in the attic, watching from a distance, that's all!

In the end, Chen's mother accepted 1000 yuan and married into Chen's family!

At that time, there were only two kinds of marital status.

There are only two situations in the future of every woman.

Either way very happy!
Or it's miserable!
Chen's mother's marriage was the last one, and it was in dire straits like hell.

In the second month of marriage, Mother Chen became pregnant!

But Chen Gaoyi also showed his face.


Good bet!

Also domestic violence!
Finally, in another domestic violence, she had a miscarriage!

Chen Gaoyi felt more and more that it was Chen's mother's problem, and started to get worse!
Three years later……

Chen Ning was born!

In front of her, there were at least five miscarriages!
She was lucky and survived!

But this is not her luck, but her nightmare, the bigger she is, the more violence she encounters!

Once again, he was almost hacked to death with a knife!

It was her mother who begged to save her, and there is evidence for this, and now there is still a big knife wound on her mother's wrist!
That was a knife wound!
When Chen Ning was three years old...

Chen Gaoyi is gone!
I haven't been back since!
This is not because he has reformed himself, but because he owes a lot of money,

20 million!
In that era, 20 was enough to crush anyone!

To know!
In those days, a catty of rice cost twenty cents!
Forty cents for a piece of pork here...

He left behind a debt of 20 yuan, abandoned Chen Ning and her mother, and hid outside to enjoy himself!

Leaving their mother and daughter to be forced by creditors!
If it wasn't for Chen's mother and Chen Ning's family kneeling and begging to go over, begging them to give them time to pay back slowly.

Chen Ning and Chen's mother probably no longer exist here!
30 years time.

Don't ask!

After 30 years, he suddenly appeared like that!
Appearing here at her happiest time... broke her beauty!

You even have to give him money yourself...

Chen Ning wanted to ask, why!
Lu Ziping opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

In this world, many certificates are needed.

He has the right to do certain things only when he has some certificates.

But only as a parent does not need a certificate.

You don't even need an internship, you can go straight to work.


This also led to the birth of people like Chen Gaoyi.

"Money is not an issue!"

Chen Ning raised her head, she wiped her tears: "I have money, not a lot, here in Shanghai, I have three houses...

Now a set of houses here is worth at least 300 million... After three sets, 1000 million is not a problem at all!

But it's not about money, it's about how much money you give him, he won't be satisfied! "

Chen Ning knows this person too well!
She is a gambler!
Just a drunkard!
Even if he was really sick, he would not go to the doctor with the money, he would just take the money and turn around and enter the casino.

So, after a few days, he will continue to appear!

Knowing that like a leech, sucking up the last bit of blood on his body, he gave up!

"Then leave him alone!"

Lu Ziping said: "Come home with me, don't stay in this place... stay away from this person, in this life, he will never come to disturb you!"

"It's useless!"

Chen Ning smiled wryly: "He will find me, and he will even do whatever it takes to make me appear!"

"Do you believe me?"


Chen Ning did not hesitate.

She believed in Lu Ziping.


"Just trust me!"

Lu Ziping held Chen Ning's hand: "I'll ask the driver to come and pick you up into Yunshang Villa. No one can enter that place except the owner... You should rest there for a while. I will take care of this matter." I'll take care of it for you!",

Chen Ning wanted to say something.

But he finally nodded.

It was after nine o'clock when Chen Ning left!
The driver at home came to pick up the person...

Chen Gaoyi is not here!

Even if he was there, there was nothing he could do... Lu Ziping wasn't worried at all!

But Lu Ziping did not go back.

Instead, they stayed at Chen Ning's house!
Chen Ning was right!

This matter is actually not a question of avoiding or not, but how to deal with it!

Chen Gaoyi will not give up.

If he found the neighborhood, he would definitely know the room number.

So, here he is waiting!

Waiting for him to come to the door!
At that time, let's explain these things clearly and see how the matter is resolved!
He didn't come to the door tonight!
Lu Ziping swiped a wave of treasure chests!
Five gold!

Five peaks!

Five golds are nothing good, they add up to 300 million cash!
Five peaks are not bad!

Opened a lifespan of ten years...

Lu Ziping thought for a while, it seems that his lifespan is quite long now, right?

Added back and forth?

You get nearly 50 years of life...

If I originally had a lifespan of 80 years, the 50 years would add up to 130 years?


Is this breaking the lifespan limit of modern society?

of course……

There can be no accidents...


PS: I recommend the novel written by my daughter-in-law [Abandoning Wife and Son for 20 Years, Asking Me to Raise After Cancer].

I feel like she's pointing...

Everyone download a starting point to read, bookmark, recommend and share, when the time comes, I will ask her to join the group...

Group number:


(End of this chapter)

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