Chapter 355 Attendant Gu!
Bloody smell?

Why is there a smell of blood in the room?

Lu Ziping had a bad feeling.

He picked up the vase at the door and put his whole body on alert!
He can say for sure.

Before going out today, there was absolutely no smell of blood in this room!

Then there is only one possibility...

Someone has invaded the room!
This guy, who is not good to invade, must invade himself?

Lu Ziping was not afraid.

on the contrary……

And some excitement!

He wants to see who it is!

in a dark room.

Without a trace of light!

Holding the vase, Lu Ziping cautiously walked in...


open the door!
All the wind and grass around him can be observed by him!

Also at this time...

"First... sir..."

There is a voice!
Lu Ziping picked up the vase directly, and smashed it down with a bang!
He didn't hear what this man said!


By the time he reacted, the vase had already fallen.

Can't even stop it!

in the dark!
There is already one more person on the ground!

Lu Ziping:? ? ?

First? ?gentlemen? ? ?
He was stunned!

Why is this voice so familiar?

Still calling yourself Mr.?

Lu Ziping quickly turned on the light, and at this sight, the whole person exploded.

"Fuck? Forbe?"

He was stunned!

What is Faber?
and many more……

Forbe's outfit...

He was dressed in army green, with blood flowing from his shoulder, which was obviously a gunshot wound!
As for the head injury...

Lu Ziping chose to ignore it!
Just by looking at it, he probably knew what was going on!

The person who escaped from Buckingham Palace was Forbe?

Lu Ziping has too many questions to ask.

For example, how did he become a terrorist!

For example, he didn't go to Afghanistan, why did he come to the UK?

Like how did he kill Prince Billy?

Too many, too many questions!

But now, it is obviously not asking these questions...

Lu Ziping squatted down.

He quickly checked Fu Bo's injuries...

Too much bleeding!

I was hit by myself again...

In one breath, I was halfway there!

Fortunately, Fu Bo's physical fitness is good. If it was someone else, he would have died a long time ago, and he would not be able to support him until now!
"Fortunately, you guys met me, otherwise, this time you really have to confess here!"

Lu Ziping sighed.

Moved Faber directly to the bathroom!
Move to bed?

This is impossible!
I still have to sleep!

He was covered in blood, if he was stained with blood at this time, he might jump into the Yellow River, and he would not be able to wash it off!
Still can't explain!
Moved to the bathroom…

Lu Ziping took out the Sheng Xue Powder directly from the system space!
This is the pill that was drawn last time!
Finally, there is a place to use it...

I wanted to dig out the bullet, but after looking at it, I found that Fu Bo had already done it himself!

you can!

This is a cruel man!
Pour the raw blood into Forbe's mouth!


Fu Bo's complexion improved...

No paleness either!
On the contrary, it turned a little bloody!

Yoyo... Uncle Fu woke up.

When he saw Lu Ziping, he smiled: "Sir..."

"You guy..."

Lu Ziping stood up slowly: "Your injury is basically fine, take a shower, I'll get you a set of clothes, and I'll explain it later!"

"it is good!"

Fu Bo nodded!

As for why he was obviously seriously injured, but now he didn't look like he had lost too much blood!

More than that...

The body and mind are still good!

Looking at the wound!
The weird thing is... the wound didn't even bleed... After looking at it, even the wound had scabbed over!
Pick it up a little bit.

The scab fell off, exposing the tender meat inside!


I obviously almost died...

At this time, Uncle Fu also knew that there was no need to think too much about it! ,

after all……

Sir, you are your only master now!
No matter what secrets you have, you are not important to yourself...


Take out the raw blood powder and give it to Fu Bo.

Lu Ziping hesitated for a moment...

Also be vigilant!

After all, Forbe is too mysterious!
How could he know the secrets about him?

However, Lu Ziping just remembered one thing. He seemed to have two peak treasure chests that he had not yet opened!

That was days ago!

Almost forgot!
Therefore, he wondered if he could prescribe one suitable for treating Fu Bo without revealing his secrets!

As a result, I accidentally drove to something good!
"Special item: Attendant Gu X2!"

It was a very transparent small bottle, but inside it was the most insane Gu worm!

Attendant Gu!
Once taken, it will have 100% loyalty to the host, and it will not change for life!

This thing came very well!
Lu Ziping directly used Fu Bo!
After all, he is absolutely loyal to himself, and now even if he tells him to die, he will not hesitate, so what else can he worry about!


Forbe came out of the shower.

Already put on a suit!

His spiritual change.

As if nothing ever happened...

Lu Ziping was sitting on the sofa.

Quietly looking at the phone...

After Fu Bo came out, he raised his head and gave him a faint look.

pointing to the chair in front of you,


"Sir, I'll just stand there!"

Fu Bo was a little afraid to sit down.

Lu Ziping looked at him, and now, Uncle Fu had no choice but to do it.

"When did you arrive in England?"

Lu Ziping asked.

Fu Bo replied: "Ten days ago..."

That is, after leaving Modu and going to Afghanistan, it didn't take long?

Lu Ziping frowned: "How do you know I live here?"

"When Mister came, I did some research and found out that you lived in this room..."

"You guys did today's attack?"


"You are the main messenger?"

"It doesn't count!"

Fu Bo said: "I am the leader, but the main messenger behind it is not me..."

Lu Ziping frowned slightly: "Why did you do this? It's wrong to be a good person, but you want to be this?"

You said you were going to Afghanistan...

I agreed!

But you didn't tell me, you are dealing with a prince!

If only you knew about it.

Lu Ziping will never give Uncle Fu a magic capital!

after all……

There will never be any criminals in the Lu family!

Uncle Fu also knew that Lu Ziping was a little angry.


He sighed slightly: "Sir, this matter is actually not my wish, I was also forced, sir, do you know about Li Ying?

The one who was in Shanghai last time...and Liu Yong...the one who was beaten up by Mr...."

"Huh? It's related to them?"

"Well, Li Ying was arrested, and Liu Yong is a traitor... This trip to Afghanistan was all a trick!

Both Li Ying and I were included in it. I could die, but Li Ying couldn't!
I've already felt sorry for her once, so... this time, I have to save her no matter what! "

Lu Ziping frowned!
The things behind this look not so simple!
"Tell me, let's talk about the cause and effect..."

Hearing Lu Ziping's words, Fu Bo quickly told all the things before and after...

This said.

It was only then that Lu Ziping discovered that there were so many relationships behind this...

(End of this chapter)

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