The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 346 Shi Lang's chapter, what the hell will the three saints meet?

Chapter 346 Shi Lang's words, what the hell will the Three Saints do?

It's Shi Lang!
As soon as he came in, without saying a word, he grabbed Lu Ziping and touched him up and down.

Lu Ziping was a little scared after being touched.

"No, Old Shi, you... what are you doing?"

"Don't touch me, I'm not that kind of person!"

"You are a highly respected senior, this... is this good?"

"How about, don't look for me, I promise not to tell others about it?"


Shi Lang trembled with anger.

"Old man, I am worried about your body here, what are you talking about? Is it true that I am an old man, and my sword is not good enough?"

Shi Lang gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have a sword in his hand, he would have killed this guy with one sword!

I didn't find it before.

Why have I discovered more and more recently that this guy's mouth is getting more and more cheap?

Still too cheap!
Lu Ziping smiled.

How could he not know that Mr. Shi was caring about him?
It's just that I am enlivening the atmosphere a little bit.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, don't worry, there is no problem at all, I can run and jump, if there are ten more now, I can fight... It's safe and secure!"

"You guy..."

Shi Lang shook his head.

"However, as long as it's okay, you guy... I didn't know it before, but now I know that you have such power under your small body, and you can subdue a few gangsters..."

"It just depends on luck!"

"This is no luck!"

Hearing Lu Ziping's words, Shi Lang's face suddenly became serious: "Facing seven or eight gangsters with guns, you can perfectly solve these gangsters, let alone you who are just ordinary people, even some gunmen It is impossible for special forces to do it so easily!"

"This is the first!"

"Second, you kid saved the plane by yourself, there were more than 300 people... that kind of death probability is already zero... the whole plane disintegrated to such a point, you can still survive, you think, this is really what people can do arrived?

Do you know what people say about you on the Internet and around the world?Say you guy is a machine god! ! !Jesus is still alive! "

"Don't, don't... don't say anything about Jesus, it will be blocked!"

Lu Ziping was startled.

This cannot be said!

However, being praised by this, it seems that I can still be proud for a while!

"Fortunately, it's okay at last. If something happened, there would be one less legend in this world..."

Lu Ziping scratched his head.

I seem to be a little drifting!

Now even the legends are out...

"By the way, where is Anjinis? Didn't you say that he is with you and wants to come over?"

"He doesn't have time to come here now, something happened temporarily!"

"What happened?"

"It seems to be... about the matter at the concert... I don't know the specifics, it seems to be a family matter!"

Speaking of which...

Shi Lang felt that it was necessary to talk to Lu Ziping: "Boy Lu, Anzhinis is a very good person, of course, he is also very proud!
In this world, you may be the only one who can make him look up to, or even be satisfied with, so... You must take good care of this contact, he may even change your life! "

"The background and influence of the Capet family are definitely not just the powerful that the world knows now..."

Shi Lang said.

"Ok, I know……"

Lu Ziping nodded.

"No, you don't know!"

Shi Lang shook his head: "You know, what kind of person is Shangguan Lingyun who came here with you? Why can the Baili family be as famous as the Shangguan family? What do the five major families of Huaguo mean?"

"You don't know this, do you?"

Shi Lang stared at Lu Ziping.

Lu Ziping was slightly taken aback...

this thing...

He really doesn't know

"The Capet family is known as the top ten wealthy families in the UK...but...after this identity, there is another identity that we don't know..."

Shi Lang took a deep breath.

some words.

He actually didn't want to make it too clear with Lu Ziping!
Even, needless to say!
But this guy, the last time he was asked to come over, he never said that he would come with the Shangguan family.

The result can be...

Come together!

If invited, come to Buckingham Palace to play the piano.

This is a meaning!
But come here with the Shangguan family...

This means, it's different!

"Cape also has another identity in the UK, and this identity is one of the three major members of the Trinitarian Society...

And the British royal family...and the Rothschilds! "

"The invitation to Buckingham Palace this time is, on the surface, an invitation from a celebrity, as well as a meeting between Shangguan Lingyun of China and the princess of the British royal's not!"

"It's for a game...a game..."

Not finished yet.

The hotel room suddenly rang...

This rings.

Shi Lang shut his mouth immediately... and didn't dare to continue talking!

It was nobody who came in.

It is Shangguan Lingyun...

"Huh? Isn't this old Shi Lang?"

Shangguan Lingyun smiled: "It's a coincidence to see you here!"

"Master Shangguan..."

Shi Lang greeted Shangguan Lingyun with a smile.

Looking at Lu Ziping.

With some regrets...

"I'm leaving now, the evening invitation..."

Shi Lang thought for a while, and finally said: "You can figure it out, I hope you don't disappoint Anginis' invitation..."

Lu Ziping could hear Shi Lang's words!

Why don’t you live up to Anzhinis’ invitation...

It's about building a good relationship with the Capet family!
But Shangguan Lingyun didn't understand this...

"People from the Capet family are fine. You really want to curry favor, but it's useless. Let me give you a suggestion. If you want to curry favor with him, you might as well curry favor with me. This will be better..."


"Okay, all joking aside, someone will send you a suit later... Get ready tonight... and have a good time at the party.

By the way, let me listen to your piano, it is definitely not easy to be invited by Anginis to play at Buckingham Palace..."

"Just an ensemble..."

"I'm thinking too much, and I'm going to play a ensemble. If I were to play a ensemble, you would have gone to rehearsal by now. It seems that you are going to play a solo..."

Lu Ziping: ...


The guy was right again!
Solo indeed!
It's all been said there...

Lu Ziping also just received Shi Lang's notice.


After Shangguan Lingyun left.

Lu Ziping was thinking about what Master Shi Lang just said!
This matter is not easy!
The five great families of Huaguo were involved!

There's even the British Trinity Society!
It's just... it looks like this, but it may not be all these...

Tonight's banquet, I'm afraid it's not just that simple!
Master Shi Lang wants to curry favor with the Capet family?
Why fawn?

Lu Ziping is not very clear... He thought, maybe at the banquet tonight, he can ask Master Shi Lang carefully!

(End of this chapter)

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