The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 318 The targeted Lu Ziping, the hero Li Xin!

Chapter 318 The targeted Lu Ziping, the hero Li Xin!

Game over!
Just as the morning guide said, Wang Zhaojun, who had the strongest line clearing ability, died.

Lu Bu and Zhang Fei in the front row also lay down.

The only remaining shooters and tigers had no way to resist the attack of the second team.

Accompanied by the shooter was once again killed by Baili in the spring.

The game is officially over!
Win with two teams!
The score came to 0:1 here...

The first team is temporarily behind by one point!
game over.

On the second team's side, Ah Kong's faces turned red with excitement!
All of them stared at Lu Ziping with wide eyes.

Finally, he choked out a sentence: 'The young master is cheating! '


The son cheated!

The gap between the second team and the first team is still very large...

This is why the first team is the first team, but they are only the second team.

It’s not like I haven’t won in my usual competition training...

Lose more and win less.

In terms of overall strength and quality, the first team is relatively strong!
But to end a game or even defeat a team in 13 minutes is simply impossible!

Looking at the ratio of the two parties: 10:4——

The second team killed a team of ten people.

This kind of data is simply outrageous!
Especially Baili...

Everyone looked at it and got the data of 8:0:2 directly!
Baili keeps the contract, the well-deserved MVP...

If the son does not cheat, who will cheat? ? ? ?

"low profile!"

Lu Ziping laughed.

This game is worth the money...

Five Mysterious Treasure Chests!

It’s definitely not a loss!
These team members call themselves awesome like this, and they feel ashamed...

"It's only the first game now, and the second team doesn't count as a real victory. At least, they still need to play the next game... No matter what, we have to wait until the next game!
It's just my guess, the next game, I guess, will be targeted! "

Lu Ziping's worries are not unreasonable!
When it comes to banning heroes, maybe you can't be targeted, but once you choose a hero...then when the time comes, I'm afraid you will still be targeted!
This is true even if it is your last choice... because at the end, there are not many choices left for you!
"Don't worry, it's no big deal, four guarantees and one!"

Four guarantees and one...

this is OK!
But if it's better for a shooter...

The shooter in this round?

I'm afraid the other side won't give me a chance...


A team here!
very quiet!
Everyone is still looking at the settlement interface...

The game ended in 13 minutes, something they had never experienced before.

Do not!
Can't say the same!

they've been through...

It's just a group of people who enjoy the thrill of this 13-minute ending since they are all perpetrators!

Where is it like now, becoming a victim of being fucked?

"Young master, this hundred it on the hook?"

Arnold couldn't help but complain!

He forgets!
13 minutes down...

Young master's Bailier skill fired a total of 21 bullets!
And among these 31 pieces... not one of them was lost...

This means that the hit rate is 100%!

But this is not the most embarrassing thing. The most embarrassing thing is that 19 of them fell on himself.


That's all it said!
"I've had sex with the young master many times before. His strength is absolutely awesome, but what I didn't expect was that he would be so perverted. Let alone cheating, I dare not be so accurate!"

Susu also spoke.

He's not saying that Lu Ziping is cheating...

On the contrary, it is admiration!
Because in front of Kai Hang, he is not afraid at all!
But a guy who is more open than open, this is a bit scary!

"The main reason is that we underestimated the enemy. Thinking about it, the five of us are all professional members, and this king is not a one-man game. No matter how powerful this young man is, there is no need to target him too deliberately... He can't make waves...

But who would have thought that when we wake up and want to target, we will no longer have this opportunity..."

After hearing Xiaoxiao's words, everyone became a little embarrassed.

It seems... that's really the case...

"So now, our tactics need to be changed..."

"This game, directly against the young master?"

"Okay, no matter what, kill him first... If you're a jungler, this wave will mainly target him!"



The second game!
Continue to start...

As soon as the game entered the ban stage, before everyone could react, Baili kept his promise and was given a house directly!

"The group of guys on the opposite side..."

When Lu Ziping saw this scene, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: | "The intention is too celebrity-worthy, isn't it?"

"The other side is afraid of Young Master's Baili, but it's also true that nine hundred miles are panicking... Although we don't need to panic, the other side is panicking!
Especially Young Master's Baili... If it were me, this one, Baili would also have to be banned... It's just... Who will they ban in the next two positions? "

Baili is now the son's strongest hero.

The other two are banned A Kong is good at?Or... Xiao Liu's assistant?

Lu Ziping was also curious!
Curious about the choice on the opposite side...


Opposite selection is complete!
'Gongsun Li... Diao Chan? '

Little Z was a little stunned: "Why are these two heroes, isn't Gongsunli the opposite Arnold's good at? Why are they banned?"

| "It's because you don't need it, so you have to guard against us?"

"They are guarding the young master!"

Xiaohua knew the reason right away: "Diao Chan and Gongsunli are very good heroes, once they show off, they have no upper limit... Even hitting me is not a problem!
The most important thing is that these two heroes are also what Young Master is very good at. Don’t forget, when Young Master was live broadcasting...

Diao Chan and Gongsunli once went to the opposite highland by themselves... They were worried that this would happen again!

And Qie, if you want to compare with others, it seems that there is nothing to ban^"

Lu Ziping: ...


It seems that this is really the case...

However, Diao Chan and Gongsun Li went to other people's high ground, which was the few games they played with Zhang Xiaoxian a few days ago...

The opponent is too strong!
I killed myself once earlier...

So I couldn't help it anymore, if you kill me once, I have to kill me again, right?
Later, kill, kill, kill fire!

Just hide in the spring...

In the end, no one came out from the opposite side, and stood helplessly until the crystal was pushed!
At that time... Lu Ziping didn't dare to watch the barrage at all.

I'm afraid that water friends will say that I am inhuman!
I didn't expect that this group of guys knew about it. Sure enough, this group of people secretly paid attention to me...


on the other side...

Lu Ziping was the first to choose a hero!
Everyone is waiting!
I want to see what kind of hero Lu Ziping will choose in the end!
This season, most of the heroes are actually not bad!

Zhang Fei was relatively strong at first, and after the update, that's it...

It's a new hero...

The young master hasn't played it yet, will you play with this one?

Soon, everyone was stunned!


The son is locked!
Target: Li Xin! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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