The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 314 One shot! 1 shots!Straight into the soul! ! !

Chapter 314 One shot!Two shots!Straight into the soul! ! !

Gongsunli's mentality almost collapsed!
If only I knew...

All heroes in Canyon of Kings have a small detail.

That's when you use your skills...

Even when attacking normally, the hero has a certain pause time!

This is called skill setback and peace A setback.

Well known.

Don't talk about doing things, even if you talk, there is such a certain pause, let alone a game?

Lu Ziping was manipulating Baili, but he didn't aim at it foolishly.

It's not difficult!
The hard part is...

At the beginning of the game, I shot Gongsunli once!


This guy has learned to be honest.

Once he lost his sight, this guy retreated directly... out of his aiming range.

How can this be done?
Well known.

My own hundred miles of promises are very accurate.

But you can't open it... Let's aim at the whole map, shall we?
no way……

In order to clear the line of troops.

Lu Ziping chose Ping A...

To know.

Baili's Promise-keeping Level A not only does a lot of damage to the tower, but also hurts the heroes...especially since he is also a hundred-pierced inscription!

And this time...

Lu Ziping's Baili is attacking river crabs.

Here, Gongsunli couldn't help but come grab it!
and then...

Gold coins drop!

Gongsunli was overjoyed...

"Good job!"

Nuonuo just thought, just try it for yourself...

Whether you can grab it or not is one thing!

If you don’t fight for it, that’s one thing!
But who would have thought that it was really snatched away?
It’s just...

Well done!

But... is it true that Lu Ziping didn't snatch it?

After Lu Ziping saw that Nuonuo snatched the river crab, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "You were fooled..."


Nono was fooled!
In this season... river crabs still have dignity?

Not even a fart!
If you have time to fight this river crab, go to any road to support, give vision and so on... It is much stronger than shooting this river crab!

of course!

If you want to recover some blood with the help of this river crab, this is really a good choice!

A Nuo manipulated Gongsunli to face his own Baili keeping the contract, and showed his wretched spirit to the extreme!
Lu Ziping wanted to get the first blood at the beginning, it was too difficult!

This guy would rather lose some soldiers than expose his vision... It's very difficult to simply blindly snipe... Especially if this guy is no longer within the attack range, he is even more helpless!

no way……

Lu Ziping can only lure him out!


River crab is very useful!
This guy is really ready to move...


It's all about saving face!

Where can this dignity be lost?
But Lu Ziping is different... Is it worth the money to have a treasure chest?
When he took down the river crab, he also entered his range!

squat down!

The second skill is directly activated!
Breath of the Gale is on!

A Nuo reacted... On the spot, Gongsunli's skills were activated, and he moved a distance, trying to avoid Baili's instant spy!

"Escape? Where can I escape to?"

Lu Ziping spoke calmly.

Shot out instantly!

Run away!

One shot blasted out.

Gongsunli, who originally wanted to avoid Lu Ziping's instant sniper with the help of skill displacement, was directly hit by this shot!
The blood volume has been directly reduced by nearly half...

"Fuck, fuck!"

Arnold's whole body exploded...

The quintessence of the country who scolded several times in a row!

Use skills again...want to dodge...

Open violent and Baili to A?

If this was full health, Arnold would really dare to take a gamble. After all, his damage would explode when he was violent, and he would also bring back blood... he might not lose!
But... I haven't been full of blood since the beginning!
Got shot at the beginning!
After eating my own blood bag and the blood bag under the tower, it was full again!
It's nearly half full now... and it's a rage with a hammer, just run away as soon as possible!

Lu Ziping is still calm!
Sit down again...

Baili keeps the promise...

Accurate hits are one thing, but the state of sniping is really handsome!

He is strong and he is strong, and the breeze blows the hills;
He shows by him.A shot into your soul!

"Arnold, you're gone!"

One shot out again!
There was a splash of blood...

All at once!

Gongsunli directly left blood!

At this moment... Gongsun Li has entered the tower!

He is still on the run!
Lu Ziping gave up aiming, and there was no need to aim. The storage of the two bullets has been completed!
A flash!
Raise the gun directly, it is a flat A!

"First blood!"

"Baili kept the promise and killed Gongsunli!"

Lu Ziping successfully obtained first blood...

No surprises!

at the same time!

"Ding, congratulations on getting the golden mysterious treasure chest!"

The treasure chest is also available!

that side……

A Nuo opened his mouth...he was still a little dazed about his own death!
This... is this dead?
Did you still send out your first blood?
For a river crab, send a blood?How can you lose this deal!Especially at this time when the second wave of soldiers is gone... When I am resurrected and come to the line, the pressure is going to explode!
Almost at the same time!

"The money-losing tiger killed Big Joe!"

Big Joe was killed on the road!

It was still killed by the money-losing tiger!

The tiger successfully lost a red BUFF!

Wang Zhaojun returns with residual blood!

Arthur successfully withdrew from the meeting, and Lu Bu went back with him... By the way, he managed to reach the third level with a wave of soldiers!

Then, go back to play blue!

Losing Money Tiger has no choice but to return to the city!

Although Da Qiao's head was won, this wave of team battles was still a big loss!
"It's a headwind at the beginning... If you can get the first blood, you will lose the red papa if you lose it... But going back to the city now is a waste of time..."

Susu's head hurts a little: "The opponent's system is a bit strong, the advantage in the early stage is too great, we have to play the late stage..."

That's right!
On the opposite side, the thief is strong!
"Arnold, how are you?"

"More losses!"

Arnold sighed: "Young master successfully attracted me with a wave of river crabs. I sent out first blood, and also lost a wave of troops. The starting price was 500 gold coins... This economy was directly dragged down!"

"No way... Zhang Fei will help you. Give you a shield, which can also make up for this deficiency... You don't even have to think about following Arthur on the opposite bridge. Although it will be difficult for me, but you still go first now." Grow better!"

There is no support for Baili keeping the promise!
Especially playing sniper style...

One more support is tantamount to wasting a combat power!
On the contrary, Arthur over there, in the early stage, it is also good to cooperate with Da Qiao... After a few waves of people are caught... Da Qiao will go to cooperate with the old master...

Only this wave of system can start to play out!
Although the money-losing tiger has no support!

There is no chance of a fight against Arthur... But Gongsunli can make up for the advantage by going down the road...

There is a Zhang Fei in...

Baili kept the contract and hit all three shots to kill a Gongsunli...

Isn't this Gongsunli's advantage just up?

Arnold nodded...

With one more assistant, your own will be guaranteed!

Of course!
What they didn't know was that Lu Ziping's eyes lit up when he saw Zhang Fei appear...

I've been waiting for you for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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