The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 297 You are uneducated, you are embarrassing!

Chapter 297 You are uneducated, you are embarrassing!
In a certain community in Shencheng.

Om Bolin turned on WPS...

Light a cigarette.


Start typing on the keyboard!

It was an article composed of words full of disdain.

The opening of the article:
"Jiangnan talent is exhausted! The famous anchor and singer, son, what kind of stuff is the new song!"

Very vulgar!
Just vulgar!
In online literature, this kind of vulgarity is what we want!
The more vulgar the title, the more attention it can attract...

This is the same as the shock department before.

Even now, the Shock Department is still rampant on the Internet!

after all……

Shock!The author of the web article 50 yuan actually did something indescribable in front of the toilet, which caused haw...

and a:
I heard that 50 yuan of Internet authors fell into the latrine tonight...

Compared with this, will anyone click on the second title?

Write the title!

Weng Bolin has already written like a god:

[Two famous singers, hosts, and authors who wrote original songs successively: Big Canopy, Angel's Wings, White Fox, etc.

Now he is well-deserved to be a well-known celebrity on the Internet, and his prospects are not to be underestimated!


Possessing these innumerable talents, the man who was called a cheater finally came to the point of falling!

Last night, in Young Master's live broadcast room...

Son released a new song at once!

The name of the new song is [Qingfengke]

Listening to the name, it looks like an old-fashioned song, but the author was disappointed when he heard the new song this time in the live broadcast room!

What kind of lyrics are these?

It's obviously an ancient song, but look at the lyrics?
Do you know what rhyming is?

If you don’t understand, then don’t write songs, okay?

Do you think the rhyme issue is not important?

That can!
But... what do you want to express in the lyrics?
Originally a Qingfeng guest, unintentionally in love with the world?

You are already a windbreaker, what else do you want to do?
Or turn the story into a sad recitation?
What a fart story!
In the whole lyrics, except for the pretentious softness I saw, and the so-called moaning for no reason, I can't see any ghosts coming out!
Lu Ziping, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu... Please, don't write songs... Really!
You are a very good singer!
It's really nice to sing!


People are valuable in knowing themselves!

In the past, everyone felt that there was no need to pursue too much on these issues. After all, it is enough if the song is good!


You are a public figure or a college student, but looking at the lyrics you wrote, do you look like a college student?
Not to mention that the songs you wrote are not as good as before, but anyway, give this society a correct three views, right?
Otherwise, people who don’t know about it will think they are individuals, and they will be able to write and sing songs! "]

Whole article.

Plus various punctuation marks, a total of 574 words!

not much!

Compared with some new media articles, it is extremely pitiful!
But even this article of less than [-] words is full of disdain and sword glow!
This kind of knife...

It's a soft knife!

With a knife, it seems that it is for your own good, but in fact it is the kind that kills the whole family!
The kind that eats people without spitting out their bones!
After reading this article, Om Bolin was very satisfied.

Contribute directly to...

Send it to your own account!
At the same time, I began to @ some of my friends and some new media people, and asked them to help forward it!

This is their so-called big V group!
Once there is a need, everyone will forward it together.

of course!

This must be hot.

With hot spots, there will be attention, and with attention, their fame will be greater, and the bigger this is, the more people will be in front of them!

and so……

When they saw this article written by Om Bolin, the eyes of each of them lit up.

Is this about to start a war with the young master?

This is good!

The son is so famous.

Looking for him to make a move, isn't this attention increasing?

In just one night, Zhihu's retweeting volume has skyrocketed!


From a Zhihu forum.

In the end, it became his headline on major websites.

It can be said that the entire website is now full of news from Lu Ziping...

One is: play black with Yang Xiaoqi!
The second is: La La and Yang Xiaoqi have sex!
The third is: the young master released a new song!
The fourth is: How much grass is there in the Canyon of Kings?
The four trending searches were all related to Lu Ziping, but now there is one more, so I still scold him.

Naturally, it is even hotter!


Lu Ziping didn't know this.


He's wrapping up his fifth game of the pinnacle!

After experiencing 20 consecutive victories.

The point bonus of the summit game has reached a terrifying level...

Lu Ziping successfully got his peak points to the two-handed stage, which is 1807 points here!
Also successfully won five pinnacle treasure chests!

Looking at his five treasure chests, Lu Ziping took a look and felt that he could open them now!
But it was also at this time.

Brother Min suddenly sent himself a message,

"If you don't sleep at night, are you waiting for sudden death?"

It's 23 o'clock in the evening...

It's almost midnight!

Send yourself a message?
You are waiting for sudden death, but you still want to sleep!

Brother Min: ...

A face immediately darkened: "You died suddenly, I won't die suddenly..."


Lu Ziping scolded: "Hurry up, just let it go, I'm really sleepy!"

"Thank you for being able to sleep, I heard that Brother Qiu and Ren Yingying got back together again..."

Lu Ziping was not surprised at all.


Brother Qiu's nemesis in this life is Ren Yingying!
From reading to now, I have separated and combined at least 20 times.

Brother Qiu even hid in the magic capital, but is this useful?

This is not!

They were brought back to Xiamen by Ren Yingying.

For the rest of his life, he would never try to escape from Ren Yingying's grasp.

So compounding is a normal thing.

"You called to talk about this?"


Brother Min gloated and said, "I came to see your jokes... I heard that you were teased, and it was pretty ugly!"

Lu Ziping:? ? ?

"I was beaten again?"

Lu Ziping was stunned...why did he absorb hatred again?

The last time I hated myself, it seemed that Chen Xuan was the one who messed with me, right?

He said that he wanted to fight with himself for the strongest throne, but it turned out to be a weirdo... the kind that I don't even bother to fight with him!
Another one now?
Now this group of people are so full and have nothing to do?
"Well, it's pretty miserable... I read it, and there were not many words in the article, but it almost pointed at your nose and said: You are uneducated, you are ashamed..."

Lu Ziping:? ? ? ?
I have no culture?

Lu Ziping is upset now!

What is culture?
What kind of society is this? Are there still people making jokes with academic qualifications?

Not to mention that I am a college student anyway, even if I didn't study, no one has the right to laugh at it, right?
Click on the link sent by Brother Min.


I'm not laughing at myself for not reading!
Academic qualifications were not ridiculed either.



This guy really laughed at himself for being uneducated, he couldn't write lyrics well!
Looking at the name...

Know about Hama? ?
Ok? ? ?
This guy is a little familiar, it seems that he has pissed off his fans tonight, right? ? ?

This is for myself!
(End of this chapter)

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