The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 257 Something happened to the little girl, the broken Chen Ning!

Chapter 257 Something happened to the little girl, the broken Chen Ning!


on the ground.

The vase shattered to the ground.

Little Yaya was lying on the ground, apparently being hit by a vase.

More than that.

There was still blood all over the ground.

When Chen Ning saw this scene, she was terrified.

quickly ran up.

I saw that the little girl's nose was covered with blood.

The blood on the ground is the little girl's nosebleed... She was not hurt by the vase, but the nosebleed was like a river breaking its embankment, flowing non-stop,


Seeing Chen Ning coming over.

The little girl shouted.

This little girl was unexpectedly brave. She didn't even cry. She was just a little flustered, as if she was worried that she would be beaten if she broke the vase this time.

"Mom, Yaya didn't do it on purpose, mom, don't scold Yaya, okay?"

Chen Ning looked at Yaya like this.

I almost burst into tears,

"Ya Ya, my mother won't scold you, it's too late for my mother to hurt you..."

"Little Yaya, why do you have a nosebleed?"

Chen Ning hurriedly gave the little girl a nosebleed, trying to stop the bleeding, but she couldn't stop it no matter what, she started to panic all of a sudden.

This is not right!
How can a child have a nosebleed like this?
Immediately hugging Yaya...

"Yaya, let's go to the hospital!"


In the hospital!
Chen Ning waited outside holding the little girl.

Waiting for the report from the hospital!

When the doctor came out, his expression was extraordinarily serious, and that kind of seriousness made Chen Ning's heart sink all of a sudden!
"Doctor... my daughter, what's wrong with her?"

Chen Ning asked.

"You are the child's mother, right?"

"Yes, I am the child's mother..."

"Is the child's father?"

"The child...the father of the child..."

Chen Ning opened her mouth and wanted to say that the child had no father, but looking at the child sleeping in her arms, she pursed her lips and replied: "The child's father didn't come. Doctor, is my Yaya's condition very bad?"


The doctor said: "You have to be mentally prepared..."


After Lu Ziping got off the plane. ,

Faber has been waiting at the airport for a long time!
There is another man who looks together!
This man is the president of Liehai Company, "Mr. Fang!"...

"Sir, you are back..."

Uncle Fu walked up and greeted, "It's time for you to come back quickly. If you don't come back, our house will be trampled to pieces!"

Lu Ziping:? ? ?

"What's wrong?"

"People from Murong's family have been running to our house every day recently, saying they want to see you..."

"The Murong family?"

Lu Ziping was stunned for a moment: "What's the Murong family?"

"you forgot?"

Uncle Fu explained: "Villa No. [-], Gusu Shuixie, Murong Xiaosan's parents... They said, sir, you are their uncle!"

When Lu Ziping heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of water,

Murong Xiaosan...

his parents?



what do they mean?
What do you know?

Why are the parents here?

Lu Ziping panicked!


Is this to settle accounts with yourself?

"Are they at home now?"

"Is that true? I said I went to see my friends these past two days... I guess I'll be back in two days, but if I know you're back, I'm afraid I'll come to visit you again soon!"

"No, don't say I'm back yet!"

Lu Zhiping said in a panic. ,


"By the way, this is Mr. Fang, the president of Liehai..."

"I met Mr. Lu..."

Fang Zongming is a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s.

After hearing Uncle Fu's introduction, he quickly came up to salute,

"Well, let me introduce you. This is Zhang Qiyi, and this is Chen Xinyi. Please arrange jobs for you in the company... It should be okay, right?"

Fang Zongming quickly shook his head: "Of course there is no problem!"

Liehai Company is a headhunting company!
There are actually not many places inside... Lu Ziping has passed the Qi, and there is no need to arrange any management positions!
So... now it's just a simple job.

Nature is not a problem!


Even if there is a problem, Mr. Fang doesn’t dare to say it!

This is the person personally appointed by Mr. Lu...

It was also the first time Mr. Lu said he would arrange to intervene after purchasing the company for so long.

Mr. Fang is not a fool.

He knew exactly what this meant...

Maybe Mr. Lu didn't want to start himself, but he definitely wanted to use these two people to take a good look at the current company.

These two people are equivalent to imperial envoys in private patrols in micro-services. Does Mr. Fang dare to say no?
Of course I have to say yes!


I will have to work harder in my future work...

Take good care of these two!

Lu Ziping nodded,

Talk to Zhang Qiyi and the others...

This was already agreed on the plane, so there is no need to worry about anything...

Zhang Qiyi and Chen Yixin pursed their lips, put their words of thanks in their hearts, and left with Fang Zongming!
The two have just arrived.

There is no place to live!

Lu Ziping asked Fang Zongming to arrange a place to live, so of course he should go and get this done first!
When the time comes, something is in contact!

The remaining two men and a dog...

"These two are my younger brothers...this is Chen Pingan!"

"I've seen Uncle Fu!"


"I've seen two little gentlemen..."


Xiaokai and Xiaoyi became a little flustered. This title made them panic!
"Okay, what's your name, sir, just call Xiaokai and Xiaoyi, they will live here in the villa tonight, and arrange for Xiaokai to go to the team tomorrow... When the time comes for Xiaoyi, you can also arrange for him to go to Zhangjiang... Didn’t Zhang Jiang tell you to set up a property? Tell him to train first... When the time comes, make good arrangements!”

Lu Ziping had already made a good choice for the two of them!

Xiao Yi learns management first!
A small property...this is the test!

What he can do in the end depends on him!

As for Xiaokai, reading is still important!

Lu Ziping and Uncle Fu have said that Uncle Fu naturally has no problem!

A few people just drove out of the airport!
But at this time...

Lu Ziping suddenly received a call from Chen Ning.

But when the phone was connected, Chen Ning just cried, but there was no sound at all.

Lu Ziping became nervous all of a sudden.

"No, sister Ning... What's the matter with you? What happened? Don't cry first..."

Lu Ziping was a little panicked!

Who is Chen Ning?

The inner strength is not even as strong as myself...

But now when the phone calls, she keeps crying.

Absolutely, absolutely, something went wrong!

"It's Yaya... something happened to Yaya..."


Lu Ziping hurriedly said: "What happened to Yaya? Tell me, what happened to Yaya?"

"Yaya, Yaya, she... woo woo..."

Lu Ziping was in a hurry.

"No, tell me, where are you now?"

"I'm in Shanghai No. [-] Hospital!"

"Wait, I'll be right there!"

Lu Ziping hung up the phone, and said directly to Uncle Fu: "Speed ​​up, the first courtyard of Shanghai!"

(End of this chapter)

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