Chapter 244 Impossible First Love!
Su Jingyun!
It was Su Jingyun who came.

This girlfriend who has been running with Lu Ziping for many years,

As soon as Su Jingyun came in, she attracted a lot of attention,

One of them was having a good time with her. Looking at her from a distance, she raised her hand and greeted her quickly.

"Jingyun, here, here..."

Su Jingyun glanced around the field.

It fell on Lu Ziping.

His face was calm.

It seems that there is no surprise at all because of his appearance.

Su Jingyun didn't say anything, she already smiled slightly, and responded to the female classmate just now,

Lin Peixiang seemed to have caught something.


All of a sudden, I felt that I had returned to the power center of the organizer.

"Su Jingyun, you're a little late here. We are all waiting for you!"

"I thought, since you know Lu Ziping is here, you'd be embarrassed to come here... After all, you've been running long distances for many years!"

"Lin Peixiang!"

Yan Zhimin's face looked a little ugly.

This Lin Peixiang...why didn't I mention this?

Didn't he know that Lu Ziping and Su Jingyun hadn't been together for many years?

"Brother Min..."

Lu Ziping shook his head.

Didn't say anything.

But he took the initiative to greet Su Jingyun.


Su Jingyun also nodded: "Well, here we come!"

Very simple dialogue.

As for Lin Peixiang.

Neither Su Jingyun nor Lu Ziping even paid attention to it.

This made him stand up, suddenly a little embarrassed...

Say no.

Do not say it is not.

In the end, I can only do it angrily.

"What the hell!"

He cursed,

But privately, a group of classmates were already discussing in low voices.

"What kind of plane does Lin Peixiang fly... Although he organized a party, what kind of presence does he have when he comes out?"

"If you want to talk, you must also be able to talk. You know that Su Jingyun and Lu Ziping have broken up for many years, but you still bring this up?"

"When you come here, you should advertise that he has a good relationship with Lu Ziping, but you still keep talking about bullying Lu Ziping in the past."

"No, this boy, is he still out of society? Can't he be beaten by society?"

"If you can't speak, you can eat more vegetables. There's nothing wrong with that, right? It's so embarrassing now?"

Language is a great science.

This knowledge must be learned from birth, and cannot be let go until death!

But do you understand this knowledge?

It also means how your life can go,

Think twice……

Take three exams and then speak...

Everyone must understand this truth!
The same sentence, you blurt it out, and you think it out for three seconds, the meaning is absolutely completely different!
Watching words and watching colors has always been a skill for social survival!
Lu Ziping had such a situation.

That was in the wine field in the previous life.

There are not many people drinking at the wine table, three or five...

These three or five are all my relatives. ,
One of them is his cousin.

At that time, just a simple word, Lu Ziping offended him... so much so that the two of them had no contact with each other ever since.

Lu Ziping remembered that time very clearly.

Once a person drinks a lot, it is easier to talk about tuberculosis.

Go down with a glass of wine at that time.

There was a lot of residue under the wine glass, but it wasn't intentional at the time.

But it was seen by that cousin.

He said: Are you raising goldfish?

Of course a normal person would say: raise a hammer...

It's just that Lu Ziping added another sentence: Get out!
So, this sentence became: Get out!Raise a hammer!

This made this cousin turn his face on the spot.


Lu Ziping doesn't drink at all.

No matter it's business or something, the whole sentence is that I'm allergic to alcohol...

Since then, I haven’t had a drink!

Of course!
That was the previous life, and in this life, Lu Ziping had already drunk it!
Just a drink.

I also drank a big problem!
of course!

The past is no longer mentioned.

After all, in terms of language... if you can't speak.Then shut your mouth and eat more food...

In this case, absolutely, absolutely will not offend anyone!

Su Jingyun sat down.

The topic in the field began to shift to the topic of women again.

Yan Zhimin secretly bumped Lu Ziping's arm.

"By the way, what's going on with you?"

Lin Yanqiu: "What's going on?"

"Shut up, it's none of your business!"


Lu Ziping asked: "What's going on?"

"You and Su Jingyun? We meet now, don't we chat?"

Lu Ziping rolled his eyes: "Let's talk, but there is no topic and we can't talk!"

Yan Zhimin: ...

not talking anymore!

But one thing is certain,

Ever since they broke up, Lu Ziping and Su Jingyun might not be able to go back to the past.

But think about it too.

If after what happened, if Brother Ping could still have anything to do with her, then Brother Ping would definitely be crazy!

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not!

People like Lin Peixiang are competitive!

Especially under the current circumstances, it is impossible for someone to take the limelight!

Especially being ignored by Lu Ziping and Su Jingyun.

Where can I stand it?

Turn your eyes...

Suddenly remembered one thing.

"By the way, Lu Ziping, I heard that you have started another company now? It's called Dynasty Entertainment? Your company recently said that it is going to release an album for you?"

As soon as this topic came out, it really caught everyone's attention.

"Okay, Brother Ping, is there an album? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Your uncle, if this comes out, you have to get a set for free, and sign it by the way!"

"You don't need to sign. I have a lot of homework books for you kid. That name... tsk tsk... enough!"

"If you talk about it, I also have a lot of test papers with 60 points and failed exams... There are quite a lot of signatures..."

These words are naturally attributed to Brother Qiu and Brother Min!
As for other students.

Most of them are congratulating...

By the way, he smiled and said he wanted to sign.


The most unhappy person in the field is the monkey.

The pressure of life, there is no time for him to think about these things,

Lu Ziping smiled and naturally said it was okay.

But Lin Peixiang spoke again.

"It's okay, Lu Ziping. Weren't you tone-deaf when you were studying? I never heard you say you had studied music..."

Now I can release my own album.

I heard that you can buy some tunes now...Brother Ping, you probably bought those tunes, right?
After all, you are so rich now... If you can brush up on some skills, that would be really good! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed a little.

This Lin Peixiang is acting like a demon again!

This kid, this is suspecting that Lu Ziping's albums are all fake!
Looking at Lu Ziping.

Everyone was a little worried. This time, Lu Ziping might be really angry...


Who has encountered such a person who can't speak.

Don't be angry, that's really a good temper...

(End of this chapter)

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